Arugula and Walnut Salad Recipe

It is a very simple and nutritious cove, which can accompany both Milanese and pasta. Arugula is a type of vegetable that brings great benefits to our health, and is that it is rich in vitamins A and C, essential minerals such as phosphorus and potassium, has antioxidant and digestive properties and favors the regulation of cholesterol levels. In blood, among many others. For this reason, including this food in our diet is practically obligatory, and what better way to do it than through a salad as easy and quick as this one? Read on and discover the recipe we shares to learn how to prepare an arugula and walnut salad.

Ingredients to make arugula and walnut salad:

  • 1 packet of arugula
  • 50 grams of peeled walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons of cheese

How to make Arugula and Walnut Salad:

This salad recipe is very simple, you just have to cut the stems of the arugula, leaving only the leaves wash them well and drain them. Then, they should be chopped and put in the salad bowl.

Then, we grab the already peeled walnuts, cut them into small pieces and place them together with the arugula.

Add the olive oil and finally the cheese. The cheese can be reggianito, parmesan, or the one you like the most. Of course, in strands better.

Mix everything well and serve the arugula, walnut and cheese salad. We can serve the salad accompanied by a French omelet or omelet, or white rice.

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