Artichokes with ham recipe

Canned artichokes with ham, a wonderful dish, simple and fast, ideal for a snack or as a starter. Artichokes are great, especially when they are in season, which is when they are most tender and have the most flavor. The best time for consumption is from November to March, so it is a winter vegetable. However, we can find them preserved throughout the year, already cooked and of very good quality. In this way, artichoke hearts are marketed above all, which are great for preparing any dish.

Artichokes can be prepared in many ways, but this recipe that we share is a classic: some canned artichokes with ham. It is a wonderful dish with a lot of flavor thanks to the ham. It is a rich sauce that is very easy to make and with few ingredients, which we can prepare in 20 minutes and have a very good and healthy appetizer. And if you like it spicy, you can add a little hot paprika at the last moment or add a chilli pepper to the sauce, it will give it a rich, rich touch. Do you want to try the recipe? Keep reading and discover how to make canned artichokes with ham.

Ingredients to make pot artichokes with ham:

  •  1 can of artichokes
  •  1 onion
  •  1 clove garlic
  •  100 milliliters of white wine
  •  1 pinch of pepper
  •  1 splash of oil

How to make pot artichokes with ham:

Take the artichokes out of the pot, but save the water in it because it has all the flavor of the artichokes and you will need it later. Cut them in half very carefully, as they break easily.

Trick: Do we have to wash the canned artichokes? Not necessarily, since we want it to preserve the taste of the water.

Put a frying pan or a griddle with a little oil over medium heat and, when hot, cook the artichokes carefully for 1-2 minutes, turn them over and leave them for another 2 minutes. Take them out, leave them on a plate and reserve them to continue with the recipe for pot artichokes with ham.

Finely chop the onion and garlic. Add a little more oil to the pan or griddle where you have cooked the artichokes and sauté the onion for a couple of minutes. Then add the garlic.

Cut the ham to your liking, preferably in small pieces, and add it to the pan to cook it with the onion and garlic.

Pour in the white wine right away and let it reduce the alcohol for a couple of minutes. The wine will give the jar artichokes with ham a touch of flavour, but you can substitute it for water if you prefer.

Add the pieces of artichokes and let them cook for a minute without moving much so they don’t break.

Add the water from the canned artichokes, keeping in mind that the amount will depend entirely on whether you want more or less sauce. We have used half. Season with a little pepper, salt is not necessary because the ham already has it. Let cook for 3-4 minutes and add more water if you see that the artichokes are too dry.

Once cooked with the ham, turn off the heat and serve immediately if you like it hot, although this dish can also be eaten cold. Clever! You have already seen that the recipe for canned artichokes with ham and onion is quick and easy, ideal for enjoying this food out of season. In addition, to this same recipe you can add other ingredients such as prawns, potatoes or eggs. The prawns should be added with the artichokes, while we recommend making the potatoes and the egg separately and mixing them on the plate at the end.

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