Artichokes with garlic and parsley recipe

The artichoke season usually begins in October-November and ends in March-April, and can last until June. If we buy this product during this period of time, we make sure to get it at the best price and with much better quality, so it is common for us to take advantage of these months to prepare recipes with artichokes like this one.

The artichoke is rich in fiber, minerals and other compounds that promote intestinal transit, fat burning and provides antioxidant properties. Therefore, consuming artichokes and artichoke water is more than beneficial for the body. However, not all recipes allow us to take advantage of its nutritional value, so the most recommended thing is to take this food boiled, grilled or baked without anything. On this occasion, from we suggest you add garlic and parsley, which enhance its benefits and increase its flavor. Read on to learn how to make Parsley Garlic Boiled Artichokes.

Ingredients to make Artichokes with Garlic and Parsley:

  •  15 medium artichokes
  •  4 cloves of garlic
  •  2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  •  1 splash of oil

How to make Artichokes with Garlic and Parsley:

The first thing we must do is clean the artichokes well and remove the outer leaves until we are left with the hearts. If you prefer, you can also make whole boiled artichokes with garlic and parsley.

Then, we boil the artichokes in a pot with plenty of water. If we want to reserve the artichoke water obtained to drink it and take advantage of all its properties, we recommend adding a couple of lemon slices or the juice of half a lemon. If we are not going to drink the water, we can add a pinch of salt and olive oil.

The cooking time of the boiled artichokes will depend on the type of pot that we use. If we cook them in a pressure cooker, 15 minutes will be enough, while if we use a conventional pot we will have to wait about 25-30 minutes. We pass them through cold water to prevent them from continuing to cook and strain the artichoke water if we are going to drink it.

Tip: Lightly cover the pot, leaving a small hole for air to escape, and the artichokes will cook faster.

Cut the boiled artichokes into slices of the desired thickness or in half. Separately, peel and chop the garlic, and sauté them in a frying pan or griddle with a splash of hot oil.

Remove the garlic and cook the boiled artichokes on the grill. In this way, the oil has taken on the aroma of garlic and the artichokes have even more flavour.

While they are cooking, mix the sautéed garlic with the chopped parsley and olive oil. This is what we will use to season the artichokes once they are ready.

Place the artichokes on the plates and season with the previous garlic and parsley mixture.

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