Artichokes stuffed with prawns recipe

We are going to prepare some artichokes stuffed with prawns, a delicious dish and ideal to start a meal. Taking advantage of the fact that we are in the best moment for artichokes, we continue preparing recipes with them so that you learn to get the most out of this beneficial food. This recipe for artichokes stuffed with prawns is very tasty and is a different way to taste them, don’t you think?

The artichokes admit various fillings, but with the prawns there is an exquisite dish that we can prepare for a special meal. For this dish you can use fresh prawns or frozen prawns. This filling has fish broth, but since the prawns already give a little flavor, if you don’t want to use it, you can just put the milk. Keep reading and discover how to make artichokes stuffed with prawns.

Ingredients to make artichokes stuffed with prawns:

  •  8 bags of artichokes
  •  250 grams of peeled prawns
  •  1 clove of garlic
  •  1 handful of parsley
  •  1 lemon
  •  1 splash of olive oil
  •  30 grams of butter
  •  40 grams of flour
  •  300 milliliters of milk (1¼ cups)
  •  100 milliliters of fish broth
  •  1 pinch of salt
  •  100 grams of grated cheese

How to make Shrimp Stuffed Artichokes:

Clean the artichokes, cut about 2-3 fingers from the tip and base to leave them flat; remove the toughest leaves. Sprinkle the artichokes with lemon juice and place them in a bowl with cold water and a few sprigs of parsley so they don’t turn black.

Once you have cleaned the artichokes, put a saucepan with water, salt and a few sprigs of parsley on the fire, add the artichokes and let them cook until they are tender. Take them out and let them drain well. Booking.

Peel the prawns if they are fresh and cook the shells with water to make some fish stock. If you have any thorns, add those too. Heat a frying pan with a splash of oil and, when hot, add the prawns and sauté them. Peel a couple of garlic cloves and chop them finely to add them to the pan when the prawns are almost done. Stir and remove before the garlic browns. Booking.

Leave the oil from the prawns and add the butter in the same pan. When it has melted, add the flour and cook it. Add the hot fish broth or a little of the milk and stir little by little so that it thickens.

Chop the prawns, reserving some whole, and add them to the pan. Stir so that everything is mixed and start pouring the milk little by little and without stopping moving. Add a little salt.

When you see that you have a dough similar to croquettes, but a little lighter, it will be ready. Sometimes you may need more or less liquid, so you should always have a little more on hand than what the recipe says.

Put the artichokes in a bowl, open the center a little and fill with the dough. Put some whole prawns or in pieces on top to improve the presentation. Cover the artichokes stuffed with prawns with the grated cheese and bake them with the grill on; leave them until they are golden.

When they are golden, take them out and serve them very hot. Enjoy these incredible artichokes stuffed with prawns and tell us what you think of them.

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