Artichokes in tempura recipe

In winter it is season for artichokes, and it is at this time that they are very good and tender. In addition, artichokes can be prepared in many ways: fried, battered, canned, in stews, etc. But, on this occasion, we provide you with a recipe for artichokes in tempura, that is, artichokes battered with a special product that is used in Japan to make batters. We point out that there is a very crispy, rich and light batter. You can prepare them as a starter, for an appetizer or to accompany any dish. And, in addition, they can be served with mayonnaise or other sauces.

In this article we teach you how to make artichokes in tempura easy and fast. Don’t miss out on this recipe!

Ingredients to make artichokes in tempura:

  •  8 artichokes
  •  100 grams of flour
  •  150 grams of very cold water
  •  5 grams of yeast
  •  1 pinch of salt
  •  1 glass of olive oil

How to make artichokes in tempura:

To get started with the artichoke tempura recipe, first clean the artichokes. To do this, remove the toughest leaves until you get the center, which is the most tender. Next, cut off the hard ends and also clean the center of the artichokes in case they have a little fluff. Next, cut the artichokes into quarters.

Put the artichokes in a bowl with water and a few pieces of lemon, also add juice so they don’t turn dark while you clean the rest. Next, place a saucepan to heat with water and add the artichokes, when it starts to boil leave them for about 10-15 minutes cooking until they are cooked. When they are cooked, remove and drain well.

Now prepare the dough. To do this, in a bowl incorporate the cold water and add flour, yeast and a pinch of salt, stir until you get a dough that looks like a cream. We point out that the amount of flour can vary, it is better to add it little by little until the dough is good. Followed, reserve in the fridge and let it rest for a few minutes. Drain the artichokes well and dry them a bit. Next, salt them.

Place a frying pan with a glass of oil to heat, and, when it is hot, pass the artichokes through the dough. You should know that they must be well covered.

Place them in the pan in batches until you have them all done. Then, leave them until they are golden brown on all sides and thus they will be crispy. What do you think about the artichokes in tempura?

Put a plate with a sheet of kitchen paper, and, when the artichokes are fried, place them on the plate to release the excess oil. At this point, you just have to serve them with a little lemon, a tomato sauce, homemade mayonnaise or accompany them with a salad. What do you think of this recipe for battered artichokes in tempura? Leave us your opinion in the comments.

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