Artichokes in sauce recipe easy and very tasty

Together with we are going to prepare some artichokes in sauce with ham, a simple dish that is very good and with a rich little sauce. The artichokes are light and healthy, cooked is how light they are, but whenever we only cook the cooked artichokes they are a bit bland, so if we accompany them with a little ham and a light sauce they are much better.

If you do not know how to make easy and very tasty artichokes in sauce, do not miss this step by step with photos that I detail below. It is a recipe for artichokes in grandma’s sauce that has a sautéed onion, tomato, Serrano ham and white wine that is to die for, so get to work! Surely if you try them, you will like them.

Ingredients to make artichokes in sauce easy and very tasty:

  •  5 artichokes
  •  100 grams of ham
  •  1 onion
  •  100 milliliters of white wine
  •  1 tablespoon of fried tomato
  •  1 dessert spoon of flour
  •  1 pinch of salt
  •  1 pinch of pepper
  •  1 splash of oil

How to make easy and very tasty artichokes in sauce:

Clean the artichokes, remove the greenest leaves and cut off the tips. We leave the tenderest of the artichoke.

Put a saucepan with water and salt. We will add the artichokes as we clean them. We will let them cook 10-15 minutes, until they are tender. When they are done, we take them out and set aside, and save a little of the water from cooking the artichokes.

While the artichokes are cooking, chop the onion and fry it in a frying pan with a splash of oil. When the onion is slightly browned, add the pieces of ham. We fry it for a minute.

Tip: If you prefer, you can omit these ingredients in the artichokes in sauce, but the ham adds a really good flavor to the dish. You can also use bacon.

On one side we put the teaspoon of flour and stir everything. This will thicken the sauce from Grandma’s artichokes.

Add the tablespoon of tomato. We remove all the fried artichokes in sauce with ham. Add the glass of white wine and let it reduce for a couple of minutes.

Cut the artichokes into pieces and put them in the pan with the sauce, add a little water from cooking the vegetables or a little water, and add a little salt and pepper. Let the artichokes cook 9

And the easy and very tasty artichokes in sauce will be ready to eat! As you can see, this recipe does not have any complications and you can prepare it quickly whenever you feel like it. In Grandma’s sauce for about 5 minutes and adjust the flavor if necessary.

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