Artichokes in green sauce recipe

Artichokes in green sauce, a simple and healthy recipe to eat artichokes. There are many ways to cook them, baked, fried, battered, boiled and in sauce, like the one I propose in this article, using a sauce that is simple and quick to prepare.

Artichokes are very good due to their low caloric intake, so they are consumed a lot in weight loss diets. Whether you want to lose weight or not, this recipe is ideal because it contains few calories. It is a perfect dish for a healthy and light dinner or starter. Keep reading and discover with me how to make artichokes in green sauce.

Ingredients to make Artichokes in green sauce:

  •  6 artichokes
  •  4 cloves of garlic
  •  1 handful of chopped parsley
  •  1 dessert spoon of flour
  •  3 tablespoons of olive oil
  •  1 pinch of salt

How to make Artichokes in green sauce:

We prepare the ingredients to make the artichokes in sauce. We have used common wheat flour, but you can also use cornstarch if you want to make the recipe gluten-free.

Clean the artichokes well, removing the hard leaves and the tips. Once clean, cut the artichokes into 4 parts.

We put a saucepan with water to heat and, when it is hot, we add the cut artichokes. Let them cook until tender, about 15 minutes. When they are, we take them out and reserve. It is very important that we save the cooking water to prepare the artichokes in green sauce.

In a mortar place the 2 minced garlic, parsley and flour, add a little water from cooking the artichokes and dilute it well.

We put a pan with a couple of tablespoons of oil, chop 2 cloves of garlic and add them to the oil that we will have over low heat, so that they give flavor and do not burn. We’ll leave it for a couple of minutes.

Add the artichokes and the mashed we have in the mortar to the pan. To make the artichoke sauce better, add a little more water, which can be from cooking the artichokes, and a little salt. Let it cook for 5 minutes.

When the recipe for artichokes in sauce is ready, turn off the heat and serve immediately. If we have prepared the dish to consume it at noon, we recommend accompanying it with white rice or legumes, while if we are going to taste it during dinner, we can serve it without anything else, or add baked potatoes.

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