Argentinian Stew Recipe

The Argentine stew is a traditional dish that dates back to the pre-independence era. Like many of the dishes made in a pot, it allows you to cook several ingredients in a single container at the same time. Therefore, the preparation is simple, since the ingredients are placed by cooking stage in a pot with water.

Once cooked, the solid ingredients are separated from the broth. The solid ingredients are served on the plate and seasoned to suit each diner with olive oil and spices to taste: salt, pepper, parsley and, less commonly, mustard. It is usually enjoyed during the winter and due to its large number of ingredients it is very nutritious and satiating. Discover how to make Argentine stew  and enjoy this traditional preparation!

Ingredients to make Argentinian Puncher:

  • 1 kilogram of ossobuco (skirt or roast beef)
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 pumpkin
  • 400 grams of pumpkin
  • 2 corn
  • 1 onion
  • 1 green onion
  • 1 leek
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • olive oil

How to make Argentinian Puncher:

  1. To start the ossobuco stew, fill a large pot 3/4 full with water. Put it on the fire and, when it starts to boil, place the meat cut into large pieces. Cook for about 10 minutes.
  2. Trick: In this recipe we use ossobuco, but you can replace it with roast beef, brisket or tail.
  3. Without removing the pot from the heat, add the parsley, leek and green onion. You can tie these vegetables with a string suitable for cooking so that they can be removed more easily later. Then, add the peeled carrot and the corn cut into large pieces. Finally, place the onion cut in half. Cover the pot and let it boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Add the potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and squash peeled and cut into large pieces. Season the preparation with salt and pepper and cover the pot again. Cook the stew until the potatoes and sweet potatoes are tender.
  5. To serve the stew, remove the bundle of parsley, leek and green onion. Place the meat and vegetables without the broth on the plates.
  6. Finally, already on the plate, sprinkle with olive oil and a little more salt and pepper. Eat it piping hot, ideally on cold winter nights.
  7. As a side dish you can serve some baked cobs with butter and if you like this type of soup with meat, we recommend you try the Colombian beef sancocho.
  8. Trick: You can use the broth that remains from the preparation to make noodle soup.


Argentinian stew – Suggestions and other recipes

Although it is traditional to separate the ingredients, the Argentine stew can also be enjoyed together with the broth; it is a matter of taste and preferences. In any case, the broth is never wasted, as it is usually saved to prepare broths with noodles or a simple consommé. Also, you can keep it in the freezer and have it frozen for 3 months.

The preparation time for this recipe can be long, since the vegetables and meat are cut into large pieces, but the preparation, as you can see, is very simple and will guarantee you a dish full of calories and nutrients that will make you heat on winter days.

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