Argentine Loco Recipe

On each national date, the Argentine people share a recipe that is as particular as it is special: the Argentine loco, one of its national dishes. The history of the loco dates back to the Quechua peoples and pre-Hispanic and pre-Inca cultures. Its ingredients demonstrate this because, as is traditional in the cuisine of these Andean peoples, this dish is based on ingredients such as corn and beans.

The Creole loco is a food with many calories and nutrients, very suitable to consume during winters or in cold areas. It has many benefits, since it is very nutritious, cheap, can be prepared the day before, it is well preserved and, if it is left over for the next day, it improves its flavor!

This Argentine loco recipe can be prepared with many variations, but its vegetable base and its slow-cooking process cannot be missing. For all its benefits, we teach you how to make Argentine loco so that you can enjoy this traditional

Ingredients to make Argentine Loco:

  • 250 grams of white beans
  • 250 grams of broken white corn
  • 1 red sausage
  • 400 grams of breast and skin of pork
  • 300 grams of brisket
  • 200 grams of pancetta
  • 3 onions
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 leek
  • 1 pumpkin or squash
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • peppers
  • Oregano

You may also be interested in: Loco de quest

How to make Argentine Loco:

  1. To make the preparation of loco creole easier, you must prepare all the ingredients before you start cooking. You must leave the beans and corn to soak the night before or for about 12 hours.

    Cut the meat into small cubes and then cut the vegetables into slices or cubes. Also cut the chorizo ​​into slices and then cut each slice in half.

  2. Boil the red chorizo ​​and the prk skin in a pot with water for 10 or 15 minutes to degrease it. Then remove from the water and reserve.
  3. Put the bacon in a pot on the heat and cook to release fat. Add a little olive oil without removing the pancetta. There, sauté the onion, leek and green onion until soft.
  4. Tip: You can use a pressure cooker or a regular pot, only the cooking time will vary.
  5. Once the onions are soft, add the chorizo ​​and the defatted pork skin. Stir. Then, add the corn and beans and stir again.
  6. Add water until it covers the ingredients. It is important that the water is not the same as that used to soak the corn and beans. Cover and cook for 1 hour and a half in a common pot over medium heat (stirring from time to time and seeing if it needs more water) or half an hour in a pressure cooker.
  7. After this time, add the pumpkin cut into cubes. Then, add the cut meat that you already had prepared. Add water until ingredients are covered again.
  8. Now add the seasonings: salt, pepper, oregano, a lot of paprika and a little ground chili.
  9. Cover and cook over medium heat for half an hour more in a pressure cooker or 1 hour and a half more in a common pot. Go stirring continuously.
  10. To serve this true Argentine loco, prepare a simple hot sauce based on oil, ground chili, paprika and green onion (called quiquirimichi).

To make it, cut the green onion into slices and fry them. Then, add the paprika and ground chili. Once you serve the portion on the plate, place a tablespoon of this sauce on top. Enjoy!

Argentine loco and other typical dishes

The preparation of the Argentine loco can vary according to your needs or according to the tradition of the province where it is prepared; you can remove some meat ingredients or make a completely vegetarian loco based on pumpkin or potatoes.

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