Arequipeño Stuffed Rocoto Recipe

The stuffed rocoto is a very typical dish from the Peruvian city of Arequipa, hence it is popularly known as Arequipeño. It is one of the most characteristic preparations of the region, in addition to the already popular potato cake. Arequipa’s stuffed rocoto is made from rocoto, a spicy, rounded fruit that is produced mainly in the area. In addition, they are filled with marinated beef with the typical dressings of Peru, where you cannot miss the panca chili. Popular legends are even attributed to the origin of the dish, this being a delicacy offered to Satan himself in exchange for the liberation of some souls. Hence it’s characteristic red color and the spiciness of this dish.

Whether it’s true or not, in this article we don’t want you to miss out on this delicious preparation. To transport you for a few minutes to Peru itself, we tell you how to prepare a stuffed rocoto from Arequipa in a simple and traditional way. We leave you the step by step and everything you need to know to get an infallible dish. Let’s do it!

Ingredients to make Rocoto stuffed Arequipeño:

  •  6 medium red peppers
  •  250 grams of beef
  •  100 grams of fresh cheese (pariah)
  •  50 grams of raisins
  •  2 boiled eggs
  •  ¼ cup of milk (60 milliliters)
  •  1 red onion
  •  1 tablespoon minced garlic
  •  1 tablespoon yellow pepper paste
  •  1 dessert spoon of ají panca paste
  •  3 tablespoons of tomato paste
  •  1 splash of vegetable oil
  •  1 pinch of salt
  •  1 pinch of pepper
  •  1 pinch of cumin
  •  1 pinch of oregano
  •  ¼ cup white vinegar
  •  1 egg

How to make Arequipeño Stuffed Rocoto: 

First of all, clean the hot peppers very carefully, as they can cause itching or burning in the hands. Cut them at the top and reserve. Also, clean the inside by removing the seeds.

Next, boil them in plenty of water with a splash of vinegar and a pinch of salt until they reach a soft texture but without falling apart.

Tip: to minimize the spiciness of the hot peppers, change the cooking water after 10 minutes. Boil again until you get the desired texture.

Prepare the ingredients for the stuffed rocoto: the ground beef, the chopped onion for the dressing, the ground garlic, the yellow chili and panca chili paste, and also the tomato paste.

Heat a frying pan with a splash of oil and begin to seal the beef. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Once the meat is cooked, remove it from the heat and reserve. In the same pan, sauté the red onion together with the minced garlic.

When it is slightly transparent, add the yellow pepper and the panca and cook for a few minutes. Next, add the cooked meat and the tomato paste. Season with salt and pepper to taste and add the cumin and oregano.

Tip: you can also prepare the dressing with ground roasted peanuts, which will give the filling a different touch.

To finish with the filling, add the raisins and boiled eggs in small pieces. Taste, rectify salt and reserve.

Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Next, place the rocoto peppers on a container for the oven and fill them with a couple of tablespoons of the sofrito.

In a bowl, add the egg and milk. Beat vigorously until the mixture thickens slightly. Pour it over each stuffed hot pepper for better cooking in the oven.

Finally, cover each rocoto with slices of fresh cheese and place its lid on top. Bake at 200ºC for approximately 20 minutes.

Trick: you can also prepare stuffed rocoto in a pot. The preparation is the same, you just have to change the cooking mode.

The temperature and cooking time will depend on each oven. When they begin to brown, your Arequipeño stuffed hot peppers will be ready. Remove them and let them rest for a few minutes. Serve while still hot and enjoy!

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