Arepa paisa recipe

Paisa arepas, also known as cloth or flat arepas, are very easy to prepare. Characteristics of the region that bears their name, these arepas are somewhat thinner than the classic ones, so you can consume them as a snack or as an accompaniment to your favorite dishes.

Ingredients to make Arepa paisa:

• 200 grams of precooked fine cornmeal

• 100 cubic centimeters of water

How to make Arepa paisa:

Start preparing your paisa arepas by mixing the water with the flour. It should be a moist but consistent mixture. If necessary, correct with more water or flour to achieve it.

Trick: rest it for 10 minutes so that the flour hydrates properly.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable spray or 1 drop of oil spread with a paper or kitchen brush. Then, wet your hands and take 1 tablespoon of the dough. Make a ball the size of a golf ball with it.

Trick: by getting your hands wet, the arepa will not stick to them and it will be easier for you to maneuver them into shape.

Flatten the ball until you get an arepa 1.5 mm wide. Take it to the hot pan and cook it for approximately 3 minutes or until it detaches itself and you see that it is slightly golden. Repeat this procedure with all the dough.

Tip: the edges must be smooth. If you notice that they break, moisten your fingers and smooth them.

Flip them over and cook for another 3 minutes. Serve your paisa arepas with your favorite dish, fill them with ham and cheese for a delicious breakfast or store them once cold in an airtight container to consume them as a snack.

With what to accompany the arepa paisa

Just like the classic arepas, arepas paisas are very versatile. For a rich and nutritious breakfast, cut your hot paisa arepa in the middle and fill it with ham and cheese. Heat it in the oven while you prepare your coffee with milk and cut some fruit, start your day with energy!

You can also prepare the classic paisa tray, a typical and popular Colombian dish that combines:

• Antioquia beans, cooked with green plantain, carrot, cumin and coriander.

• White rice.

• Ground beef seasoned with cumin, onion and garlic.

• Sausage or black pudding.

• Fried bananas.

• Fried eggs.

• Pork rind,

• Hogan sauce, onion, garlic and tomato.

• Avocado.

• And, of course, the paisa arepas that you have learned to make in this recipe.

Share this delicious tray and surprise your family and friends with a typical Colombian paisa tray. If you try the arepas or this dish, we would love for you to share the photo of the result with us in the comments.

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