Aragonite Salad Recipe

Aragonite potato salad is a very exquisite recipe prepared with a variety of ingredients that are nutritionally rich. Thus, in this salad we find vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, protein and omega 3 fatty acids. This is so because it contains vegetables, eggs, fish and legumes, a set of ingredients that make up a complete and refreshing dish., ideal for the hot months.

This Aragon salad is perfect to serve as a starter or as a single dish. Although it has many ingredients, you will see that it is very easy to prepare and will allow you to enjoy an excellent side dish. If you want to try it, keep reading and discover how to make traditional Aragonite salad.

Ingredients to make Aragonite Salad:

  1. 1 potato
  2. 1 spring onion
  3. 1 piece of spring onion
  4. 2 cloves of garlic
  5. 1 bag of mixed or gourmet salad
  6. 2 pear tomatoes
  7. 50 grams of desalted cod crumbs
  8. 1 can of pickled tuna
  9. 2 eggs
  10. 12 green and black olives (if they are from Aragón, better)
  11. 1 handful of white beans, cooked
  12. 2 dashes of vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt

How to make Aragonite Salad:

  • Put a fund of mixed lettuce in a salad bowl, which must be large enough to mix all the ingredients of the Aragonite salad. You can choose the type of lettuce that you like the most, canons, etc.
  • Cook a couple of eggs for 12 minutes and pass them through cold water to break the cooking chain, although if you like them more or less cooked, you can leave them to your liking. Also cook the peeled potato until tender.
  • Besides, cut all the vegetables in julienne, the potato in not too small quarters and the tomatoes also in quarters. Reserve these ingredients.
  • Add all the ingredients on the lettuce, but placing them around the dish to improve the presentation of the Aragonite salad. You can leave the cod crumbs, the tuna and the olives for the end. In the center, we recommend placing the cooked white beans.
  • It is time to prepare the dressing. To do this, mince the garlic cloves with a pinch of salt in a mortar. When they are very well crushed, add to this garlic cream a forceful stream of vinegar and olive oil, stirring before completely depositing the liquids so that a homogeneous mixture is formed. If you need it to bind that dressing a little, add more oil than vinegar.
  • Wait until the salad is completely cool to serve it. Add the dressing to all the ingredients and enjoy a complete, fresh and delicious dish. This Aragonite salad recipe is perfect for when you have guests, to take to the beach or even for dinner.
  • With what to accompany the Aragonite salad
  • Formerly, they had the custom in the towns of Huascar of eating the Aragonite salad at the end of meals. A curious fact is that, when they finished the salad, they distributed their leftover juice in glasses and drank it. From there comes a saying from the old sayings of Aragon: “Who after salad does not drink, does not know what he is missing.” So, if you want to continue the tradition, you can make an appetizer and serve the salad afterwards.

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