Apricot jam recipe

Apricot jam is a very nutritious and delicious alternative to accompany our breakfasts, snacks or an appetizer before dinner. The apricot or apricot is a fruit from Asia that is usually eaten during the summer season. Although it is similar to the peach, it differs from it for all the health benefits it offers due to its vast amount of minerals and vitamin A.

This jam is very easy to make and takes very little time. The apricot is an ideal fruit to make jam and you only need 3 ingredients and a container. Here, in this article, we will teach you the simple steps you have to follow to make a delicious jam, so you can share it with your family and friends! Find out how to make apricot jam and tell us what you think.

Ingredients to make apricot jam:

  • 250 grams of apricots
  • 125 grams of sugar
  • 1 unit of lemon

How to make Apricot Jam:

  1. Wash the apricots well, remove the shell, the bone and cut them into 4 parts.
  2. Put the apricots in a jar with a lid, preferably glass.
  3. Proceed to pour the sugar into the jar with the cut apricots.
  4. Pour in the lemon juice.
  5. It is not necessary for the sugar to cover all the apricots, but it is important that you shake the jar well once all the ingredients are in, so you will get a much tastier and more concentrated apricot jam.
  6. Stir everything and leave macerating for 1 day in the refrigerator. You will see that the apricot juice mixes with the sugar.
  7. Put all the contents of the pot in a pot and cook the apricot jam over medium heat for 40 minutes or until the desired consistency is achieved.
  8. You must keep stirring throughout the process to prevent the jam from sticking to the pot.
  9. Tip: if you prefer to make apricot jam without sugar, use stevia and cook the apricots with 100 ml of water.
  10. If you notice that it is difficult for it to thicken, you can dilute a tablespoon of agar-agar in water and add it.
  11. Proceed to put the already ready jam in a jar.
  12.  Remember that you must sterilize the jar by placing it in boiling water and introduce the jam immediately after removing it from the heat and while the container is still hot to avoid breaking it. Close the bottle tightly and voila
  13. Let cool in a cool place and where direct sunlight does not reach for a longer duration. Once opened, you should store it in the fridge.
  14. Now you can use your apricot jam for your breakfasts or snacks!


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