Apple Pancake Recipe

Pancake is a dessert of English origin, which has an infinite number of variants and styles depending on the gastronomic traditions of each region. In general, it is made from wheat flour, water or milk, butter and egg, plus an extra ingredient to provide the main flavor. Said ingredient can be fruit, chocolate, honey, nut, cinnamon, etc.

In this article we present you with a practical and simple way to make a delicious apple pancake, perfect to serve as a dessert for any occasion. We invite you to join us in its preparation.

Ingredients to make Apple Pancake:

  • For the cake
  • 60 grams of wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 grams of sugar
  • For the apple candy
  • 2 apples
  • 60 grams of sugar
  • 15 grams of Butter
  • 1 tablespoon Cinnamon powder
  • 2 lemons
  • At your service
  • 2 tablespoons of condensed milk
  • 1 pinch of Cinnamon powder

How to make Apple Pancake:

  1. Next, we present the ingredients that we will usefor this recipe.
  2. We are going to start the preparation of the sweet by chopping the apple in the shape of half-moons, as shown in the photograph.
  3. When we have the sliced ​​apple, we are going to put it in a pan hot enough to melt the butter.
  4. Once the butter is liquid, we add the sliced ​​apples to make the apple jam that will flavor the pancake.
  5. We move a little with a wooden spoon and, later, we add the sugar and the cinnamon.
  6. Add a little more until the ingredients for the apple candy are well combined.
  7. Then, we add the lemon juiceand keep moving until the mixture is ready.
  8. On the other hand, with the help of an electric hand mixer, we beat the egg whites.
  9. When they are beaten, add half of the sugar that we reserved for the cake and beat again until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  10. In another container we add the egg yolksand the remaining half of sugar that we reserve for the cake and, with the help of some manual rods, mix perfectly.
  11. Trick: We can also use electric rods.
  12. Now, we add the whites beatenwith sugar to the container that contains the yolks and, with the help of the rods again, mix. Having beaten the whites separately, we will get a fluffier cake.
  13. Trick: Make enveloping movements to prevent the whites from losing volume.
  14. When we have perfectly mixed the previous ingredients, to continue with the preparation of the homemade pancake, we add the wheat flour little by little.
  15. We mix everything again until this last ingredient is well incorporated.
  16. Tip: Sift the flour first so that the dough is smoother.
  17. Once we have our homogeneous mixture, we add it to the apple candy.
  18. Cook the apple pancakein a pan over low heat until the cake is well cooked
  19. When the cake is perfectly cooked, we turn the pan onto a plate and serve our delicious apple and cinnamon pancake.
  20. Ready! Now you can taste this exquisite easy dessert, decorating each slice of apple piewith condensed milk and ground cinnamon. Enjoy your meal!

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