Apple mazamorra recipe

The apple porridge is a dessert that has been around for many years, it can be consumed by people of any age, from children to adults. We emphasize that this delicious and creamy dessert has apple as its main ingredient. The variety of apples that is chosen is important, since they must have a balance, they must be between acid and sweet. Otherwise, if the apple is totally sour, you should add a little more sugar. In addition, you will need a thickener, and in this case you can use chuño, which is the result of dehydrating the potato, obtaining potato starch or starch. This dessert also contains cinnamon sticks and cloves that provide a unique smell to this delicious apple porridge. This dessert can be eaten hot or cold, as you like.

Wondering how to make applesauce? Well, in this article we want to teach you how to prepare this dessert from your home. Follow these steps and enjoy a delicious apple mazamorra!

Ingredients to make Apple Mazamorra:

  • 6 small green apples (Israel)
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 3 cloves
  • 25 grams of corn starch or chuño
  • 85 grams of brown sugar

How to make Apple porridge:

  1. To start with the apple dungeon recipe, you must first wash the apples with plenty of water and remove the center of it where the seeds are.
  2. With the help of a knife, cut into medium pieces.
  3. In a medium saucepan over low heat, add 1 liter of water, the cinnamon sticks and cloves.
  4. It also includes the chopped apple and lid.
  5. After 15 or 20 minutes when you notice that the apple softens, remove the pot from the heat.
  6. If you want to learn how to prepare an apple and banana compote, do not miss this recipe.
  7. Remove the cinnamon sticks and cloves from the pot.
  8. With the help of a medium strainer and a spoon, crush the apple and extract all the pulp from the fruit, we point out that only the peels should remain. Reserve the pulp.
  9. Return the pulp to the pot and add with the sugar. Move with the help of a spoon.
  10. Dissolve the corn or chuño starch with a little water and reserve.
  11. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add the corn starch in the form of a thread.
  12.  You must move to avoid the formation of lumps. Cook approximately 6 or 7 minutes.
  13. Serve in glass containers and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Ready and enjoy!
  14. And if you also want to learn how to cook an apple quince recipe, don’t miss this recipe.


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