Andean Corn Arepas Recipe

The Andean corn arepas, known in the region as cachapas, are sweet corn pancakes original to Venezuelan cuisine, where they are normally eaten for breakfast or dinner. Cachapas are famous in Venezuela not only for being part of its culinary tradition but also for being a nutritious and varied food since it can be served with thousands of different fillings.

Ingredients to make Andean Corn Arepas:

  1. 500 grams of shelled corn
  2. 3 units of Egg
  3. 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  4. 100 grams of corn starch
  5. 50 grams of melted butter
  6. 50 milliliters of milk
  7. 25 grams of sugar
  8. 250 grams of fresh cheese
  9. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Andean Corn Arepas:

  • Before making this recipe, the first step is to get all the ingredients ready. Keep in mind that cornstarch or cornstarch is also known as cornstarch and you can get it at any supermarket.
  • In a blender, add the shelled corn, the eggs, the melted butter, and the sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, the baking powder and blend until smooth, adding the milk little by little.
  • Once the mixture is ready, add the cornstarch and beat very well.
  • In a skillet over low heat add butter and a little of the mixture. Cook until the cachapa is firm and can be turned over. The cooking procedure for Andean corn arepas is the same as for crepes or pancakes.
  • Flip carefully and cook a few more minutes, add sliced ​​fresh cheese and close the cachapa in the shape of an omelet.
  • Serve the corn arepa and enjoy, ideal for breakfast time. In addition to fresh cheese, you can fill your cachapas with shredded meat or sweet ham and cheese.

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