Andalusian style anchovies in vinegar recipe

Whether you live or have ever spent the summer in Andalusia, you have had to try the homemade anchovies in vinegar. It is not summer if there is not a good portion of this fish involved.

Preparing them at home is not complicated, although more than one keeps the homemade recipe for anchovies in vinegar, white as gold in a cloth, boasting of preparing the best in the area. I don’t know if this one that I share is the best recipe but I assure you that it turns out very good and it is not complicated at all and it is not necessary to use “strange” ingredients to make them white.

The success of your Andalusian-style anchovies in vinegar will depend on the quality of the fish, so the better the anchovies, the richer they will be. Will you? At home they will make you the wave at aperitif or dinner time and… Don’t forget to comment on how they turned out!

Ingredients to make Anchovies in Andalusian style vinegar:

  • 1 kilogram of anchovies
  • 250 milliliters of Vinegar
  • 5 garlic cloves
  • 1 branch of fresh parsley
  • 100 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil

How to make Anchovies in vinegar Andalusian style:

  1. We begin to make these Andalusian-style anchovies in vinegar by cleaning the fish. We remove the head, the entrails and also the spine. We wash them very well, put them in a freezer bag and proceed to freeze them for a week. This will prevent the spread of anisakis in the anchovies in vinegar that we make, since low temperatures kill these worms.
  2. After the week, we take the clean anchovies out of the freezer and leave them in the refrigerator until they are completely defrosted. It is essential that the thawing process is cold to avoid contamination of the fish and subsequent food poisoning.
  3. Once thawed, place them in a large drainer and wash them for several minutes under cold running water. Let it drain and meanwhile, peel and chop the garlic into very fine squares and also chop the parsley.
  4. Trick: We can do it by hand or with the help of a food processor.
  5. Place half of the anchovies approximately in a flat bowl with a lid. We try to put them well placed. Cover with half the vinegar and add a little salt (always salt to our liking but please avoid excesses) and half the chopped garlic and parsley. Cover this layer with the rest of the anchovies and add the rest of the vinegar, oil and garlic and the remaining parsley. We can put a little more salt, although we can always rectify before serving.
  6. If the homemade anchovies in vinegar are not completely covered, we add a little more vinegar or we can add water if we do not want them to be too strong.
  7. Cover the anchovies in vinegar with garlic and parsley well and let them rest in the fridge for at least 24 hours. After this time, we will have some delicious Andalusian anchovies in vinegar to enjoy as an appetizer or for dinner.
  8. In many areas it is common to accompany them with chips (from the bag) but I prefer to take them accompanied by a good green salad.

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