Andalusian Gazpacho Recipe with Red Pepper

The Andalusian gazpacho without bread shown below is perfect for all those who are intolerant to gluten, since the ingredient that contains said protein has been eliminated. Likewise, both green and red peppers are used to enhance the flavor and color of this refreshing drink.

If you love to enjoy gazpacho in summer but you still don’t know how to make the traditional Andalusian recipe, keep reading!

Ingredients to make Andalusian Gazpacho with red pepper:

  • 1 kilogram of pear tomatoes
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 Cucumber
  • Oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Vinegar

How to make Andalusian Gazpacho with red pepper:

  1. First, we get all the ingredients ready. The amounts are to taste. In my case, I have used 1 kg of plum tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 pepper of each color, 1 medium onion and 1 clove of garlic. Salt, oil and vinegar are very subjective ingredients, I recommend adding little by little until we find the desired point (I do it by eye, I do not take quantities).
  2. We chop all the ingredients and put them in a large pot to start preparing the Andalusian gazpacho without bread. Add the oil, vinegar and salt. Remember not to go overboard with the vinegar, which then winks at us due to the sour taste.
  3. We crush until we have a homogeneous mixture. We taste it to see if it is missing a touch of salt, oil or vinegar. If we have gone too far with the salt or vinegar, we can always add water to reduce it or add some more tomatoes.
  4. Next, we pour the mixture into a masher (also called Chinese) resting on a pot smaller than the one we have previously used. This means that all the skins of the vegetables are filtered and the Andalusian gazpacho with red pepper has a more pleasant touch when it comes to drinking it.
  5. Finally, add some ice cubes and put the homemade gazpacho in the fridge to cool down.
  6. Clever! Enjoy this delicious Andalusian gazpacho without bread, with red and green peppers, cucumber and garlic as a starter or as a drink to accompany your summer meals.

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