Andalusian Gazpacho recipe with bread

Gazpacho is a very popular cold soup throughout Spain, it is one of the most requested recipes of the summer since this tomato and cucumber soup is very refreshing.

Among the many recipes that exist, the Andalusian gazpacho is our favorite, it can be made with or without bread, and this time, we teach you step by step how to make an Andalusian gazpacho with bread.

If you are tired of the heat and you are desperate for a fresh and refreshing dish, this homemade gazpacho is the solution. Prepare it in less than 10 minutes and serve it as a starter at the next meal. Bon Appetite!

Ingredients to make Andalusian Gazpacho with bread:

  • 1 unit of ripe tomato
  • ¼ garlic clove
  • ¼ unit of Onion egg
  • 40 grams of Cucumber
  • ¼ unit of bell pepper
  • 25 grams of Celery
  • 25 grams of breadcrumbs
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 jet of oil

How to make Andalusian Gazpacho with bread:

1.List all the ingredients.

2.We put a pot with water to boil and prepare the tomato by removing the stem.

3.We remove the skin from the cucumber and remove the seeds. Reserve a small piece of cucumber with peel for the final decoration

4.Cut the pepper and onion roughly because they will go to the food processor. Reserve a small piece of pepper for the final decoration.

5.We make a cross in the lower part of the tomato so that when passing it through boiling water it is easier for us to remove the skin. We leave for approximately 1 minute.

6.Cut the celery into sticks and reserve a few for decoration.

7.After a few seconds of having the tomato in water, we will remove it and remove the skin to later remove the seeds.

Then we grind everything, passing all the ingredients including the breadcrumbs through a food processor.

8.Finally, let cool to taste and serve the Andalusian gazpacho with bread in a glass, decorating with cubes of the vegetables reserved for this purpose.


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