Andalusian alfajores recipe

Ingredients to make Andalusian Alfajores:

  1. 210 grams of honey
  2. 50 grams of Hazelnuts
  3. 75 grams of Almonds
  4. 100 grams of Breadcrumbs
  5. 1 dessert spoon of flour
  6. 1 dessert spoon of ground cinnamon
  7. 2 grams of ground cloves
  8. 10 grams of sesame seeds
  9. 50 grams of icing sugar
  10. For the syrup:
  11. 60 grams of sugar
  12. 60 grams of water

How to make Andalusian Alfajores:

  • We gather all the ingredients to prepare the Andalusian alfajores.
  • Prepare syrup with water and sugar. Bring to a boil for 10 minutes and let cool.
  • In a blender, grind the almonds and hazelnuts until obtaining fine flour.
  • Trick: If you use almonds with skin, it is necessary to peel them before. To do this you only have to scald them in boiling water and pinch the skin.
  • To continue with this recipe for Spanish sweets, we heat the honey in a pot until it boils.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients to the honey: the spices, the flour, the ground nuts, the breadcrumbs, the sesame and half the syrup. Mix everything well until a sticky paste is formed.
  • Tip: If you don’t have ground cloves, you can crush a clove in the mortar.
  • Place the dough on baking paper and shape the almond and hazelnut alfajores with our hands. Unlike Argentine alfajores, these Andalusian sweets are cylindrical in shape.
  • Coat the homemade almond alfajores with the remaining syrup and icing sugar.
  • If we want an original presentation for these Andalusian alfajores, we can wrap them with colored cellophane paper.

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