Andalusia Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make Andalusia Stew:

  • Water
  • a piece of spine
  • rib
  • white bone

How to make Andalusia stew:

  1. Put a piece of backbone, another of rib, another of white bone and another of bacon, all salted, in a basin with water.
  2. In an express pot we put half a hen, or a quarter if it is fat (some people prefer chicken or turkey) with enough water.
  3. Then we pass the previous ingredients through the tap and add it to the pot.
  4. While all this is on high heat, we cut a branch of celery into small pieces and add it, we peel two large potatoes and two or three carrots, we also add them but these whole.
  5. Add water if necessary, up to a finger below the pot screws.
  6. When it starts to boil we will remove the foam that forms on top, we will add a handful of chickpeas (to taste) and we will close the pot.
  7. We will have it between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on the type of pot and fire
  8. After this time, we open the pot, remove the bird and the bones to a plate, cut or squeeze the potatoes and carrots in the broth, and remove the desired amount to a saucepan that we will put on the fire
  9. When it starts to boil, add rice and when it is cooked, serve as a soup.
  10. With the bird you can make croquettes or add it to the soup in very small pieces.

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