American style prawns recipe

Ingredients to make American style prawns:

  • For 5 people:
  • 15 large prawns
  • 250 gr. of tomatoes
  • A small glass of brandy
  • 2 shallots or small onions
  • 1/2 glass of olive oil
  • 50 gr. of butter
  • 20 gr. Of flour
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) of concentrated tomato
  • a bit of tarragon
  • For the fish broth:
  • 500 gr. of fish bones
  • 1 onion
  • A sprig of parsley
  • 50 gr. of mushrooms
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • Salt

How to make American style prawns:

  1. Prepare the fish broth: Put in a saucepan the bones, the heads of the prawns, the onion cut into large pieces, the parsley, the mushrooms, a little salt and pepper, the glass of wine, the lemon juice and finally a liter of water.
  2. Bring to a boil and skim off any foam that occurs.
  3. Lower the heat and let cook for an hour.
  4. The prawns: Peel the bodies of the prawns.
  5. Peel, seed and cut the tomatoes into small pieces.
  6. Also chop the shallots.
  7. Heat the oil in a wide frying pan until it smokes a little, add the prawns and fry them until a nice color is obtained.
  8. Then add the brandy and flame it; then introduce the tomatoes, shallots and fish stock.
  9. Let cook for 15 minutes.
  10. Then remove the prawns and keep them warm.
  11. Then add the tomato concentrate to the pan and mix well.
  12. Let it cook over high heat so that the whole is reduced a bit.
  13. Mix 20 g of butter with 20 g of flour and add this mixture to the previous preparation in order to obtain a perfect bond.
  14. Check for seasoning.
  15. Introduce the remaining 30 g of butter into the container and incorporate them with the help of a hand mixer.
  16. Pass the whole through a Chinese or potato mill and then add the finely chopped parsley and tarragon.
  17. Place the prawns in the serving dish and cover them with the sauce we have obtained.

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