American Lobster Recipe

Ingredients to make American Lobster:

  • 1 kilogram of lobster, which can be replaced by a lobster, the animal has to be alive
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 100 milliliters of 1º olive oil
  • 100 grams of chopped scallions, failing that onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic well mashed
  • 3 Generous glasses of cognac, if it is one of the good ones, the better, a good brandy is also good
  • ½ glass of dry sherry wine
  • 5 units of medium peeled and seedless tomatoes, cut into pieces
  • ½ teaspoon tarragon, fresh
  • 1 pinch of Cayenne pepper to taste, but add at least a little bit to spice up the sauce a bit
  • 1 pinch of chopped parsley

How to make American Lobster:

  1. The lobster/lobster must be cut live first longitudinally.
  2. For those who believe that the procedure is a bit violent and unpleasant (if done decisively, death is instantaneous), you can use the procedure of having a short broth of boiling fish and inserting the animal upside down, cooking it for a maximum of 2 minutes.
  3. The rest of the cuts etc. just like if we do it live.
  4. If you use the method of cooking it, have a suitable board to place it between the legs and tail and tie the bug, otherwise boiling water can jump out and burn you.
  5. Well, we already have the lobster cut longitudinally and now we will cut them into pieces, we will try to catch all the liquid that it secretes and we will remove the internal corals (the eggs that are sometimes retained in the tail are not used) and we will reserve them, for later use the liquid and corals.
  6. Season the lobster pieces with salt and pepper.
  7. In a wide frying pan, preferably a frying pan, put the oil and when it is hot, fry the lobster pieces, stir them a lot and in 3 or 4 minutes they will be red, take them out and keep them warm.
  8. In the oil that remains in the sauté pan, sauté the scallops and garlic, add the cognac and heat until the flames are extinguished, (Safety: do not do it under the extractor hood, you would run the risk of starting a fire), a once the flames are extinguished, put the frying pan back on the heat, add the wine, tomato and cayenne pepper, when it starts to boil cover it and leave it for about 12 minutes, add the lobster pieces and keep them until they are done, the time depends on the size of the pieces, but it will not take more than 6 or 8 minutes, take the pieces out to the serving dish.
  9. During this cooking, mash the corals well and the reserved liquid with the tarragon and butter.
  10. When you have removed the lobster pieces, let the sauce reduce and when it thickens, add the majado.
  11. Heat well but do not boil and pour the sauce over the lobster.
  12. Sprinkle it with parsley and serve the table without letting it cool.

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