Alicante Paella Recipe

Ingredients to make Alicante Paella:

  • 4 cups of rice
  • 150 gr of conger eel
  • 150 gr of monkfish
  • 12 mussels
  • 4 artichokes
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 100 grams of peas
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 4 ñoras
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika
  • 2 saffron balls
  • Oil
  • Salt

How to make Alicante Paella:

  1. In a pan, put the oil and fry the ñoras.
  2. Remove them and, in the same oil, fry the chopped garlic.
  3. When they start to color, add the chopped tomatoes and then the chopped artichokes and the peas.
  4. Also add the chopped fish and mussels.
  5. Finally, add the rice and let it fry for a few moments.
  6. Sprinkle with paprika and saffron.
  7. Crush the ñoras in a mortar, add a cup of hot water and strain them through a Chinese strainer on top of the rice, along with the other 7 cups of boiling water.
  8. Let cook for about five minutes over high heat and another 10 over low heat.
  9. You can also replace the low heat by placing the paella in the oven until the rice is cooked.
  10. For 4 people.

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