Alfajores from Mar del Plata recipe

Since childhood, Mar del Plata was the city chosen by the family for vacations, long weekends, and holidays or simply as a getaway to get away from routine. This beautiful city is located on the Atlantic Coast of the Province of Buenos Aires, 400 km from the Federal Capital. Alfajores from Mar del Plata are made in the city and for a long time they could only be found there. For this reason, they were the obligatory souvenir for anyone who visited that city. However, over the years the company grew and, in addition to marketing its products throughout the country and abroad, it currently offers an infinite variety of candies, candies, cookies, etc.

Likewise, we want to share this recipe that for us is synonymous with childhood and family vacations. Learn how to make easy Mar del Plata alfajores with this original preparation. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Alfajores from Mar del Plata:

  • For the mass
  • 20 grams of bitter cocoa
  • 50 grams of corn starch
  • 5 grams of baking powder
  • 2 grams of baking soda
  • 250 grams of flour 0000
  • 1 egg
  • 50 grams of sugar (¼ cup)
  • 50 grams of honey
  • 150 grams of ointment butter
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • grated lemon peel
  • orange peel zest
  • For the filling
  • 500 grams of dulce de leche pastry
  • For the bathroom
  • 300 grams of semi-sweet coverture chocolate or pastry bath

How to make Alfajores from Mar del Plata:

  1. To start with the recipe for alfajores from Mar del Plata, first add the softened butter along with the sugar in the mixer bowl. Start beating until it forms a kind of cream
  2. Add the egg, the essence of vanilla and the star ingredients of this recipe, since they are the ones that give it its unmistakable flavor: honey, lemon zest and orange zest. Keep beating for a few more minutes
  3. Sift together the flour, cornstarch, bitter cocoa, baking powder, and bicarbonate of soda. Incorporate it into the previous preparation.
  4. Integrate with a spatula and, then, finish unifying with your hands but without kneading, since we do not want to form gluten
  5. Place the dough between plastic wrap and stretch it with a rolling pin so that it is approximately 4 mm thick. Support it on a plate and let it cool in the fridge for 2 hours.
  6. When the dough is very cold, cut the caps with a circular cutter 6 cm in diameter. Next, unite the excess dough without kneading, place it again between plastic wrap, stretch and continue cutting more caps. If the dough is no longer cold enough, take it back to the fridge for a few minutes.
  7. With these ingredients, you will be able to prepare 15 butter and chocolate alfajores(approximately 30 tapas will come out). If you do not want to make all the alfajores together, you can fry the raw tapas for up to 2 or 3 weeks.
  8. Place the alfajores caps on a greased plate(you can also use silicone or parchment paper). Also, since they get a little taller, leave some space between them.
  9. Next, cook in a preheated oven at 170 °C for 8 to 10 minutes. When you touch the surface and your finger does not mark, they will be ready.
  10. When the Argentine alfajores caps are cooked, let them cool on a wire rack.
  11. you can keep the tapas cooked by storing them in a well-tight container (like any cookie) so they don’t get wet.
  12. When the tapas are cold, spread a generous layer of dulce de leche on one of the tapas, place another on top and press gently.
  13. Then, she evens out the edges with a little more candy and the help of a spatula, so that there are no grooves and the chocolate coating for alfajores is neat.
  14. Melt the pastry bath in a deep container where you can submerge the alfajores from Mar del Plata.
  15. Introduce each alfajor in the chocolate, help yourself with 2 forks to turn it. When it is completely covered, lift it up with one of the forks, let it drain a bit and rest it on parchment paper or silicone. Let dry at room temperature until completely dry
  16. Surely you can’t wait any longer to try these delicious alfajores from Mar del Plata, so ready to eat.


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