Alegrías recipe of amaranth with chocolate

One of the traditional and favorite desserts at Christmas parties within Mexican culture are alegrías, which are sweets made from amaranth in combination with either piloncillo honey or natural honey from bees.

These Mexican joys have a great variety of flavors and styles, depending on the region in which they are prepared, and during the holiday season they emerge as exquisite Mexican Christmas sweets, therefore, since the Christmas holidays are approaching, in this article we believe that the perfect, simple, practical and delicious dessert that we could prepare are these rich chocolate joys.

Ingredients to make Alegrías amaranth with chocolate:

  • 250 grams of Amaranth
  • 50 grams of cocoa powder
  • ½ cup of honey
  • ½ cup chopped dried cranberries
  • 1 sheet of plastic film

How to make amaranth joys with chocolate:

  1. In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare our delicious chocolate amaranth alegrí as.
  2. We are going to start making the amaranth alegría by placing the honey in a deep bowl, since in this we will mix the ingredients.
  3. On the honey we add the cocoa and we begin to integrate them perfectly, until we obtain a kind of liquid chocolate.
  4. Once the mixture of honey and cocoa is ready, we add to the amaranth and with the help of a spatula we begin to integrate these three ingredients perfectly, until all the amaranth is completely covered with the mixture of honey and cocoa.
  5. Finally we added to the mixture the small pieces of blueberry. This step is optional or you could change the cranberry for some other dried fruit that is your favorite, but this gives a delicious flavor to the alegrí as de amaranth. We integrate perfectly and reserve our mixture for a moment.
  6. On the other hand, we take a piece of plastic film and place it on the utensil that we are going to use as a mold to form our joy. We should have something similar to the following image.
  7. Now we place a little of our mixture of amaranth and chocolate inside the mold on the plastic film, and press very hard, this is so that the amaranth compacts very well and remains solid after drying.
  8. Finally, we let our amaranth and blueberry alegríasrest for 8 to 12 hours, so that they solidify a bit. After this time we unmolded our Mexican alegrías and they will finally be READY!
  9. Enjoy them, they are delicious!

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