albemar shrimp recipe

Ingredients to make albemar shrimp:

  • Shrimp (peeled and washed)
  • finely chopped onion
  • finely chopped celery
  • Butter
  • Yellow cheese
  • Milk
  • Cream
  • Chipotle pepper
  • seasoning
  • Salt
  • Pepper

How to make albemar shrimp:

  1. The already cleaned shrimp is opened by the back, leaving the tail (for better presentation).
  2. Add the milk, the cream, 5 slices of yellow cheese, chipotle chili to taste, 2 teaspoons of powdered consume, the salt and pepper blend and the sauce is ready, melt the butter and season the onion, garlic and the celery together are the shrimp to season them for 5 minutes, then add the sauce and let them boil and that’s it.
  3. They are accompanied with a bed of white rice, vegetables or mashed potatoes according to taste.

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