Ajoblanco Recipe without Bread

The recipe for white garlic without bread consists of a cold soup typical of Andalusian cuisine. A very simple cream that is made with simple ingredients, a fresh starter full of vitamins. However, like all traditional cold creams or soups, this one usually has its variants depending on the area, for example, the Manchego ajoblanco or the Extremadura ajoblanco are some of the most popular recipes. You should also know that ajoblanco is a dish that is eaten very cold, so it is ideal to prepare it in summer.

Ingredients to make Ajoblanco without bread:

  • 200 grams of raw almonds
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 700 milliliters of cold water
  • 40 milliliters of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Ajoblanco without bread:

  1. To start with the white garlic recipe without bread, first add the soaked almonds, you can have them for a few hours or overnight. This step is done so that they are tenderer, they are crushed better and thus the cream is much finer. In our case we have left the almonds soaking for 3 hours. You should also know that, if you wish, you can prepare the ajoblanco without almonds, but on this occasion, it is the main ingredient, since it does not contain bread.
  2. Tip: you can also boil the almonds for a few minutes or grind them as they are, but it costs a lot, so if you have a good robot it will grind them very well.
  3. When you go to prepare the gluten-free white garlic, place the almonds in a blender glass or in a food processor and add the garlic.
  4. Pour a glass of water and start grinding, it will be a forceful mass. Then, continue grinding and adding water as the cream needs so that it can crumble better and be finer. When you have the cream almost crushed, add the oil little by little so that it emulsifies.
  5. Add the vinegar and a little salt, mix again and taste until you leave it to your liking. If you like it with more garlic flavor, you can add a piece more. When you have it ready, leave it in the fridge so that when it is time to serve it is very cold.
  6. Tip: the texture of white garlic is usually a bit thick, so you can make it more liquid by adding water. You can also strain the cream, although it is usually taken as is.
  7. When resting in the fridge, vegan white garlic tends to thicken, but if it needs it, you can add more water and another ingredient. Then, when you are going to serve it, pour the cream into an individual bowl and add a splash of olive oil and chopped almonds on top. It is also very common to make ajoblanco with apple.

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