10 recipes to make with children

FoodsDiary By FoodsDiary

If the kids get bored at home, invite them to cook with you! Involving them in culinary activities will not only keep them busy, it will open up a world of new experiences for them.

Specifically, cooking as a family brings many benefits to children: they discover new textures and flavors, improve their motor skills, develop communication and creativity, as well as improve their self-confidence. In addition, the kitchen can provide them with a lot of fun and discipline while still arousing their curiosity while they discover the value of teamwork.

Rest assured that if they do not become great chefs or food lovers, they will learn many things that will remain forever as beautiful childhood memories. For all of the above, we will share with you 10 very easy and super fun recipes to make with children.

Mini pizzas with sliced ​​bread

What a practical and tasty idea, pizza with sliced ​​bread! This easy recipe for children is ideal for introducing little ones to the culinary world. The best of all? They can add whatever extra toppings they fancy, transforming this pizza into a product of their creativity.


  • 2 slices of sliced ​​bread
  • 1 small glass of fried tomato (sauce)
  • 50 grams of mozzarella cheese
  • 3 anchovy fillet units (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon diced ham
  • 1 tablespoon diced bacon
  • 1 pinch of spices to taste (basil, oregano or others)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  2. Cover a tray with baking paper.
  3. Let the children arrange the slices of bread on the tray. Instruct them to leave space between them, about 5 centimeters. All set for assembly!
  4. Spread each slice with the sauce, using a spatula or kitchen brush. If you prefer, you can change the fried tomato sauce for homemade tomato sauce.
  5. Add a thin layer of mozzarella cheese.
  6. You already have the bases of the mini pizzas, now add the complementary ingredients: ham, bacon and anchovies. If you prefer other flavors, you can change these ingredients for those that you like better.
  7. Add more cheese on the mini pizzas.
  8. Finish the assembly by sprinkling the spices on them. These appetizers have pepper and Herbs de Provence, but you can substitute oregano and basil.
  9. Put the mini pizzas in the preheated oven. This is your turn: heat them for 10 minutes until the cheese melts.
  10. Cut the pizza slices. You can give it the traditional pizza shape or an original shape with cookie cutters.

Colorful spaghetti

Who said you can’t play with food? It is played, eaten and… painted! If you want to check it out, prepare this recipe for children to make colored spaghetti. Of course, clarify them before hand that not all paints can be eaten.


  • 150g of spaghetti
  • 12 small sausages
  • 1 splash of oil
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 25 drops of blue food coloring (for baking)
  • 15 drops of red food coloring (for baking)
  • Grated cheese or cheese to melt


  1. Cook the pasta as usual. Optionally, you can add basil leaves or oregano to the water.
  2. Once al dente, add a splash of oil to the pan and stir (so they won’t stick).
  3. Strain the spaghetti and give them a quick bath under the tap and with plenty of water.
  4. Divide the pasta into two parts and reserve them in plastic bags. In this case we will paint in two colors, but you can divide the paste into all the colors you want to add.
  5. From here, you can already work with the children. For the blue paste, add to one of the bags: a couple of tablespoons of water and 20 drops of blue food coloring. While for the purple paste, pour into the other bag: a couple of tablespoons of water, 15 drops of red food coloring and 5 of blue food coloring.
  6. Close the bags very well and shake. Although at first there are uneven or white parts, little by little you will see how the spaghetti is completely dyed.
  7. Add butter, grated cheese, or cheese to melt.
  8. Cut the sausages in the shape of octopus tentacles. If you consider that the children are of an age to use a knife (not very sharp), you can let them help you. Cut each mini sausage from the middle down and vertically, into eight parts or tentacles.
  9. Heat a splash of oil in a frying pan. She deposits the sausage octopuses there and, if that’s okay with you, let the kids remove them while you watch. You will see how the octopuses cook while they open their tentacles.
  10. Serve the pasta. Let the little ones arrange their plates as they wish.

Biscuit Maria and chocolate truffles

If you are looking for recipes to make with children without an oven, this recipe for biscuit Maria and chocolate truffles is ideal to introduce the little ones to the world of pastries. Preparing them seems like a culinary game, thanks to its simplicity and fun steps. If you want to maximize this experience, buy a lot of confetti of different shapes and colors to decorate, the more colors the better!


  1. 2 packages of Maria cookies (400 g)
  2. 1 jar of condensed milk (approx. 400 g)
  3. 1 tablet of chocolate for dessert (to melt)
  4. Chocolate chips or cocoa powder


  1. Crush the Maria cookies. Show the children how to crush the cookies inside a plastic bag, using a rolling pin. If you can’t find Maria cookies, serve any similar one.
  2. For your part, chop the chocolate as finely as you can and reserve.
  3. Pour the condensed milk and the chopped chocolate into a bowl. Let the children stir the mixture until the ingredients are integrated.
  4. Add the crushed cookies. Mix until you get a smooth, workable paste.
  5. Shape the truffles round using a spoon. Show them how it’s done and let them make the balls the size they want. You can also make them with your hands, as if it were plasticize or clay.
  6. Decorate with chips. Prepare a bowl full of chocolate chips and another with chocolate powder (or better yet cocoa powder). The little ones will be able to choose where to dip their truffles.
  7. Place the truffles on a tray and refrigerate before consuming them, so they acquire more consistency.
  8. Serve them in little containers or molds. This presentation captivates the eye and is more hygienic. Choose the baskets with the little ones, they will love this mission.

Mini burgers for kids

Mini burgers for kids! Yes, although the standard burgers are liked by adults and children alike, children will love a mini version made just for them. In addition, they will like both preparing them and eating them. Prepare this delicious dinner for children following these steps:


  • 250g ground beef
  • 1 dessert tbsp. mustard
  • 1 lemon (the juice)
  • 1 dessert tbsp. soy sauce
  • 3 slices of red tomato
  • 2 tablespoons of white onion
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 3 lettuce leaves
  • 3 units of small bread
  • 30 milliliters of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 3 slices of cheese (optional)


  1. Mix the following ingredients from the list in a bowl: ground beef, soy sauce, lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper. Knead the mixture a little until all the ingredients are integrated.
  2. Make small burgers. Show the children how meat is molded with your hands. Reserve the finished pieces on a large flat plate.
  3. Heat a splash of oil in a frying pan. This step and the next, do them yourself. Cook the burgers for 5 minutes on each side and reserve them on a large flat plate.
  4. Cut the onions into feathers and fry them. Add sugar, salt and pepper while cooking over low heat until caramelized.
  5. Wash the lettuce and tomato very well and then cut them. Cut the tomato into slices.  Meanwhile, the children can cut several pieces of lettuce with their hands. Reserve separately.
  6. Assemble the burgers. First of all, arrange all the reserved ingredients on the work table, including the sauces. Assemble the first hamburger as a sample and let the children assemble the rest.

Watermelon pizza

If you can’t find a way to create a taste for fruits in the little ones, prepare this tasty, original and nutritious watermelon pizza. You’ll see, they will really enjoy putting together this fruit puzzle, as well as tasting it. Also, this is an excellent recipe to make with children in class, since it does not need to be cooked or refrigerated for a long time.


  • 1 mango
  • ½ watermelon
  • 1 nectarine
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 tablespoon of blackberries


  1. Wash the fruits, drain them very well and reserve.
  2. Peel the fruits and cut them. The sliced ​​kiwi, the mango in wedges imitating the cheese and the nectarine in irregular pieces. The blackberries stay whole. Book everything separately.
  3. Cut a flat slice of watermelon. The thickness should be 1 or 2 centimeters. If it has seeds, remove them. Then, chop the slice, equally as if you were dividing a pizza. Leave it on a large flat plate or on a round wooden board.
  4. Arrange all the reserved fruit pieces on the table. As you assemble, instruct the children to put the mango in first, then the kiwi, followed by the nectarine, and lastly the blackberries. For the final touch, you can add fresh cheese or cereals on the pizza. Once ready, everyone to taste!

Sweet skewers for children

What child does not like candy? Since you already know the answer, invite them to make these colorful and tasty skewers as a family, an excellent recipe to make with children without an oven. You will see that they will be entertained for a long time. Of course, buy them sweets of many colors and shapes so that they can unleash their creativity.


  1. Wooden sticks for skewers
  2. 1 packet of colored candies
  3. 1 package of jelly beans


  1. Buy jellies of all kinds. The more variety the better, so children can make many types of combinations. Base your choice on a variety of colors, shapes, types and flavors. Another option is to prepare your own homemade jellies at home.
  2. Separate the jellies by shapes, types and colors. Ask the children to help you classify them and arrange them on the work table, also place the wooden sticks. Remember, the candies should be at room temperature, so they are easier to assemble.
  3. Assemble skewers with similar shapes, but different colors and sizes. For example, if you have heart jelly beans, make skewers with hearts in all colors and sizes, they will look great!
  4. Use jelly beans to shape the skewers in various shapes. Put them in a zigzag alone or interspersed with other treats. Exchange ideas with the kids, so they will get great lollipops.

Sushi for kids

An American sandwich that looks like a Japanese dish? What fun! Young and old will love the classic flavor of peanut butter and strawberry jam, in the form of a fun and easy sushi roll for children. And what will be the best? Prepare it and taste it as a team.


  • 3 slices of sliced ​​bread
  • 1 jar of peanut butter or peanut butter
  • 1 jar of strawberry jam
  • Strawberry syrup (optional)


  1. Work the slices of bread. Together with the children, flatten them and spread them out, using a rolling pin. They should be flat and compact.
  2. Spread the bread slices with peanut butter. Let the little ones be generous with the butter, but spread it evenly. If you dare, you can also prepare homemade peanut butter, you’ll love it!
  3. Add a layer of strawberry jam. You can also combine the peanut butter with chocolate, novella, peach jam, blackberries or others. Do you want to prepare your own jam? Here is the recipe for homemade strawberry jam .
  4. Roll up the spread slices (form bread rolls). Tell the little ones to do it little by little, otherwise they can break. Pack them tightly and refrigerate for 10 minutes before serving.
  5. Take the bread rolls out of the fridge and cut them. Before serving this sweet appetizer, cut the sushi pieces to a more or less thick size. Give some instructions to the children to avoid cutting themselves or do it yourself.
  6. Serve the sushi dipped in strawberry syrup. And to close with a flourish, enjoy with chopsticks, it will be hilarious!

Tip: Use smooth, chunk less peanut butter or peanut butter.

Spaghetti with sausages for children

Furry sausages! This easy and fun spaghetti will be even more memorable if they are prepared as a family. An infallible dish because it combines two ingredients that are widely used in children’s cooking: sausages and pasta.


  • 4 frankfurters
  • 150g pasta
  • 1 splash of oil
  • 20 drops of food coloring (optional)


  1. Cut the sausages into more or less thick slices and reserve.
  2. Prepare the work table for the kids. Place the chopped sausages and a bunch of raw spaghetti.
  3. Place two chopped sausages on the table, one on top of the other, and thread three spaghetti sticks through them. Drag the sausages up, do it carefully without breaking the paste. Place two more sausages on the table and repeat the operation. Once the four pieces of sausage are assembled, arrange them along the rod, leaving a separation of approximately 10 centimeters between them.
  4. While the little ones assemble the other pieces, heat the water and add a splash of oil.
  5. Once all the pieces are ready, cook them for 7-10 minutes. They must be al dente.
  6. Drain the pasta. Make sure the spaghetti is cooked evenly, especially those parts that were left inside the sausages. Handle the paste carefully so it doesn’t break.
  7. If you want to impress the children more, you can paint the paste. Put it back in the pot and add a tablespoon of hot water and 20 drops of food coloring in the color of the children’s choice.
  8. Finally, serve the pasta. Add the kids’ favorite sauce and lots of cheese.

Novella and banana pizza

We have already prepared an express pizza, a fruit pizza and now we will prepare a delicious novella and banana pizza . Pizza is one of the favorite foods of young and old children, so it is perfect to encourage them to practice their skills with easy cooking preparations for children .


  • 4 flour tortillas
  • 1 jar of novella
  • 100g fresh strawberries
  • 20 g of chopped almonds
  • 20g grated coconut


  1. Put all the ingredients on the table: the sliced ​​banana, the novella, the sliced ​​fresh strawberries, the chopped almonds, the grated coconut, the tortillas and a spatula or plastic knife (dull). Remember to wash the strawberries very well.
  2. Spread the novella on each tortilla. Share it evenly.
  3. Put the slices of banana and strawberry to taste.
  4. Finally, sprinkle with grated coconut and almonds. This will be the final touch for the sweet pizza. You could also complete or replace with chocolate or colored chips.

Tip: If you feel like it, try other fruit combinations.

Fruit skewers with jelly

With this preparation we finish our list of recipes to make with children at home. When you make these tasty, healthy, and fun Jellied Fruit Skewers, kids will start to love fruit. This combination of jelly and fruit will be irresistible for the little ones.


  • Wooden sticks for skewers
  • 2 cups of strawberry
  • ½ pineapple
  • 3 mangoes
  • 3 cups of water (720 ml)
  • ½ envelope of grape jelly (powdered)
  • ½ sachet of lemon jelly (powdered)
  • ½ envelope of grape jelly (powdered)


  1. Prepare the jellies of the three flavors and reserve in the fridge. If it seems appropriate, you can involve the children in this part of the recipe, show them how it is done.  Remember, preferably use a square, wide and medium deep container so that later you can more easily cut the gelatin.
  2. Wash the fruits, peel them and cut them into cubes (approximately 2x1cm or 2x2cm) or slice them (you can leave the strawberries whole). You can also cut the fruits using shaped cookie cutters. Whatever your choice, in the end, reserve each fruit separately.
  3. Unmold the gelatin and cut it into cubes or shapes. Reserve the pieces by color.
  4. Prepare the work table together with the children. Place all the necessary ingredients and utensils on the workspace.
  5. Assemble the skewers as you like. Try combining shapes, colors and sizes.
  6. If you want, you can cover the skewers with melted chocolate and chocolate shavings (shredded coconut also works).

Tip: If you feel like it, use other fruits and other gelatin flavors.

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