Cream of Beans Recipe

FoodsDiary By FoodsDiary

On this occasion we wanted to prepare a recipe to learn how to take advantage of the products that are left over from other preparations and not waste anything. It is a cream of beans accompanied by pieces of plantain and pork rinds, a delight for the palate that you cannot miss.

Ingredients to make cream of beans:

  • 400 grams of cooked red beans
  • 1 unit of ripe banana in squares
  • 3 units of red tomatoes
  • 120 grams of long or green onion
  • 3 cups of Broth where the beans were cooked
  • 250 grams of Bacon
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 unit of Avocado
  • 2 tablespoons fresh coriander
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 pinch of garlic paste

How to make cream of beans:

  1. The first step to make the cream of beans is to pre-list the ingredients.
  2. We are going to make a mincemeat that will accompany the bean cream and enhance its flavor. To do it, we take a bowl, add the green or long onion and finely chopped tomato, and the diced avocado. Add salt, black pepper and a little garlic paste to taste.
  3. Mix all the ingredients of the peccadillo very well, if you wish you can add the juice of a lemon or vinegar so that the avocado does not oxidize, mainly. Booking.
  4. Cut the bacon into very small squares, bring a pan to medium heat without adding any type of fat and fry until golden brown. We do not add oil because the bacon cooks in its own fat.
  5. Take the cooked beans to a processor with the broth from their cooking. Process until you get a thick cream.
  6. Ideally, the bean cream has the texture that is seen in the photograph.
  7. Take a pan with enough oil to fry, once hot add the banana (ripe or green, whichever you want) in small squares. Sauté until golden. For more details, do not miss our fried ripe plantain recipe.
  8. Add the sour cream to the cream of beans to give a touch of creaminess to our recipe.
  9. Remove the banana pieces to a plate with absorbent paper to remove excess fat.
  10. Add if you want a little salt and black pepper to the bean cream if you think more is needed.
  11. When the bacon is golden, place it on a plate with absorbent paper to remove excess fat.
  12. Before serving, add the finely chopped coriander to our peccadillo and reserve a little for the plating of our bean cream.
  13. Serve the bean cream adding the plantain squares, the pieces of bacon and the chopped avocado on top. To finish the dish, add finely chopped coriander. As you can see, with ingredients that are very common in the kitchens of most homes, we have turned a traditional and simple dish on its head to turn it into a gourmet dinner. And for dessert, prepare a mosaic jelly! Bon Appetite.
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