5 juices to raise the defenses

Our body is always exposed to pathogens that can cause diseases, whether they are bacteria, viruses, fungi, among others. Our recovery will depend on how resistant our immune system is to these agents.

Due to the aforementioned, it is very important to keep our defenses in shape, which is achieved with good lifestyle habits and a balanced diet. For this reason, we bring you 5 juices to raise your defenses that, accompanied by a balanced diet, will keep your immune system alert and strong.

Orange juice with ginger

The orange contains abundant reserves of vitamin C, riboflavin or vitamin B2 (in addition to other B vitamins), vitamin A, selenium, zinc and antioxidants (such as beta carotene). All these components are vital to recover the defenses and strengthen them.

For that reason, we have prepared this rich juice to which we have also added ginger, celery and strawberries, rich sources of vitamin C and vitamin B.

To raise the defenses, you can consume it in aid, 30 minutes before breakfast. If you have a cold or respiratory discomfort, you can take it during the day and between meals.  Do not take it at night, since citrus fruits are not as effective at this time of day.


  • 6 oranges
  • 4 strawberries
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger
  • 2 sticks of celery


  1. Under running water, brush the oranges and ginger until all traces of dirt or dust are removed. Soak the strawberries in vinegar water for 10 minutes (1 liter of water per ¼ cup of vinegar). Wash the celery, remove damaged or yellow leaves and set aside.
  2. Chop the celery and cut a piece of ginger. Chop the celery finely and reserve. Cut a piece of ginger, remove the skin and reserve.
  3. Squeeze the orange. If there are seeds left, strain the juice? Booking.
  4. Pour 2 cups of the orange juice into the blender, along with the chopped celery. Blend until completely crushed, add the rest of the juice and mix until the preparation is unified.
  5. Slice the strawberries and, together with the ginger, place them in the bottom of a jar.  Add the juice obtained and stir a little. Refrigerate the drink for an hour. Before serving, you can decorate each glass with a celery stick.

Strawberry, grapefruit and orange juice

You already know everything that oranges provide to the immune system, so we will add strawberry and grapefruit to enhance their effects. These two ingredients are rich in vitamin C and contain important macronutrients to maintain defenses, such as flavonoids, B vitamins, iron and vitamin A.

You can consume this juice on an empty stomach, preferably 30 minutes before breakfast or between meals.


  • 10 strawberries
  • 2 grapefruits
  • 4 orange


  1. Soak the strawberries in vinegar water for 10 minutes (1 liter of water per ¼ cup of vinegar). Wash the grapefruits and oranges under running water while scrubbing them with a small brush.
  2. Remove the stem from the strawberries.
  3. Squeeze the grapefruit and orange. Once you have obtained the juices of both fruits separately, put them together and reserve. If the juice got seeds, strain it to remove them.
  4. Blend reserved juice and strawberries together. Process all the ingredients until you see a homogeneous mixture. At this point, avoid straining the juice obtained, as it would lose the fiber provided by the strawberries.

Enter 20 fruit juices for diabetics to discover more healthy juice recipes.

Orange, carrot and ginger juice

Orange and carrots make a good combination to strengthen the immune system. Together they provide abundant amounts of antioxidants, vitamins A, C and B2 (in addition to others from group B), as well as minerals such as selenium and zinc. Additionally, carrots contain a lot of vitamin E and carotenoids (an antioxidant).

This juice is used to relieve the common cold, fight the cold and keep your body alert to any infectious agent. Take it 30 minutes before breakfast and between meals.


  • 4 oranges
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 pinch of fresh ginger
  • 1 jet of water


  1. Wash the ginger, carrot, and oranges using a small brush while running tap water over the food.
  2. Remove the skin from the carrot, and then cut it into small pieces and reserve.
  3. Chop a piece of ginger, remove the skin and reserve.
  4. Combine all the ingredients and blend. Beat until you get a smooth, lump-free consistency. If the texture is too thick, you can add water or ice.

Guava and pineapple juice

Guavas have 6 times more vitamin C than an orange and 5 times more vitamin A, incredible right? And if we talk about pineapple, it provides vitamin C, A and powerful antioxidants (beta-carotene and carotene).

This guava and pineapple juice not only improves the immune system, but also has anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to the bromeliad contained in pineapple and honey. In addition, honey is considered a food with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic qualities, as well as another immune system enhancer. Drink this drink before breakfast or between meals.


  • 3 guavas
  • 2 pineapple slices (thick)
  • 1 tbsp. honey (optional)
  • 1 cup of water or orange juice (natural juice)


  • Wash the fruits meticulously, peel them and chop them. Before chopping the pineapple, you must remove the center.
  • Squeeze the orange if you prefer to use its juice instead of water.
  • Crush the guava together with the water or juice. Whichever of the two liquids you choose will serve to lighten the texture of the juice, so you decide the final amount.  Strain the juice to remove the seeds and reserve.
  • Blend all the ingredients. Pour the reserved guava juice, the chopped pineapple and the honey. Process everything until you obtain a homogeneous juice.
  • Serve and drink immediately. The best way to take advantage of the properties of any natural juice is to consume it freshly prepared.

Tip: Do not strain the final mixture to take advantage of the pineapple fiber.

Beet, orange and carrot juice

Beet, orange and carrot juice have a foolproof reputation in many quarters, thanks to their incredible invigorating properties. Beyond the properties that we already know about oranges and carrots, what does beetroot contribute to this juice?

Well, it contributes a lot, since it contains a lot of vitamin C and some A, as well as valuable antioxidants such as beanie. Thanks to these micronutrients, beets have anti-inflammatory, healing and protective properties of the immune system. This juice is ideal before breakfast or between meals.


  • 1 beet
  • 5 oranges
  • 1 carrot


  1. Wash fruits and vegetables. After cleaning them, remove the skin and chop them.
  2. Cut the carrot and beet into cubes. Reserve them together.
  3. Squeeze the orange directly in the blender. Place a strainer on top of the blender jar to prevent seeds from falling out.
  4. Add the chopped beets and carrots. Blend everything until you achieve a homogeneous consistency.
  5. You can pass the mixture through a strainer if you prefer.
  6. Serve with ice. If it feels too thick, you can soften the consistency by adding ice just before serving.

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