+30 easy and elegant appetizers

Is a big event or celebration coming up and you don’t know what original appetizers to offer your guests? Do you want elegant appetizers, but that are very easy to make? Don’t worry, we brings you a list of irresistible recipes with great simplicity in preparation so that you make the most of your time and become a culinary star. Select your favorites and always have them at hand!

In this article, we explain everything you need to make your party or celebration unforgettable. In addition, we give you tips and advice so that preparing and organizing them does not become an overwhelming task. Ready to learn more than 30 easy and elegant appetizers? Go for it!

How to make easy and original appetizers?

Without a doubt, in any large or small celebration, appetizers play a very important role, since they are part of the reception before the banquet, among other things. For this reason, we are all interested in knowing how to achieve a masterful snack with very little time and little difficulty.

On the other hand, many of us would also like to give an original twist or give an elegant style to our appetizers. With all of this in mind, we’ve put together a short number of essential tips for achieving exceptional appetizers for any celebration with very little effort.

• Plan the preparation of the appetizers in advance, so you will have the necessary utensils and ingredients for their preparation.

• Prepare easy, yet colorful and elegant appetizers. Don’t spend too much time on hors d’oeuvres when you should be concentrating on the main course.

• Acquire prepared dough’s (such as puff pastry, filo, for pizza, for pancakes, for tequeños, among others), as they save you a lot of time and get you out of trouble.

• Always have bread, toast, tortillas, tartlets, cones (wafers), breadsticks (also known as breadsticks, breadsticks or ladies), and other alternatives ready to be filled, spread and tasted in your cupboard. Also, if you have leftovers, they will serve you for other occasions, such as unexpected visits or a boring Sunday.

• It offers variety and surprises diners with different flavors.

• Select good quality ingredients to prepare the appetizers. Remember: you don’t need expensive products, but you do need fresh and good ones.

• Consider the dietary restrictions of your guests (celiac, diabetic, vegetarian, vegan or intolerant to certain foods). For this, send a survey in advance and adapt your menu according to their answers.

• If your menu includes homemade sauces, prefer those that require a simple base (for example, mayonnaise) and dress them with aromatic herbs.

• Freely combine meat with fish, eggs, vegetables and even some sweet or acid ingredient.

The presentation of the appetizers

Presentation is essential to the success of spectacular and easy appetizers. In this way, your appetizers will give something to talk about among the guests. In addition, a good presentation will give them a very appetizing appearance. For this, we recommend you take into account the following tips:

• Take care in the plating and take care of the details.

• Acquire some necessary utensils for plating, such as attractive trays, white plates with various shapes, teaspoons, cans, slate plates, slate trays, chopsticks, cups, cups, among others.

• Add products from nature such as flowers, bouquets and aromatic herbs. Your snacks will look like elegant, artistic and high quality products.

• Experiment with intense colors to highlight your appetizers, as the mind associates these colors with intense flavors.

• Let your imagination flow when you compose a plate. Look at it as if you were drawing a painting, play with the color, the position, the quantity. From there decide what you want: contrast, harmony or any other form of composition.

• Remember, the composition applied to food is both visual and gustatory, so make compositions with the flavors as well. For example, it plays with sweet-salty and citrus-sweet, among other taste combinations.

Fried snacks

There are many things to keep in mind when frying any food correctly. If you are going to make a fried recipe, it is interesting that you review the following tips so that you can prepare some incredible appetizers to surprise:

• Controls the temperature of the oil. The ideal temperature is 175–180 °C. Thus, you get a golden color and eliminate cracks during the cooking process.

• Use plenty of oil, enough to submerge the product completely.

• Fry few units per batch. In this way, you avoid abruptly modifying the temperature of the oil and the appetizers sticking together.

• Once the appetizers are fried, avoid covering them, as they soften.

• If you need to reheat the appetizers, preheat the oven to 350°F and place them on a parchment-lined tray. Then, applying the same temperature, give it a few heat strokes for 2-4 minutes, thus heating the product and reinforcing its crunchy texture. Remember, if any appetizer contains prawns, do not heat them for more than 1 or 2 minutes, because if you do, they will dry out.

Montego cheese bonbons and cookies

Salty chocolates? Of course! One of the most succulent easy and elegant appetizers there is. You can taste it in its simple version or give it a masterful twist, combining the salty with the sweet. This prodigious recipe has many tempting variants, but the version we bring you is very simple and tasty. It will be perfect for you to show off on special occasions! It is definitely an irresistible Italian recipe.


• 50g Montego cheese

• 100 ml of milk

• 25 ml of liquid cream

• 1 ½ sheet of neutral gelatin

• 1 pinch of salt

• Crackers to accompany


To prepare the chocolates, follow these steps:

1. Grate or shred the cheese in a food processor and set aside.

2. Soak the gelatin by submerging it in cold water. Let it rest for 5 minutes.

3. Cook the milk and, when it boils, add the reserved Montego cheese. Wait until the cheese dissolves, remove it from heat and add the gelatin.

4. Once diluted, add the cream and a pinch of salt, mix very well, until both ingredients are completely integrated. Taste if necessary to check the taste.

5. Impregnate a mold of chocolates with oil, using a napkin so that very little is used, only what is necessary to facilitate unmolding.

6. Pour the mixture into the mold and place it in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight.

Now, to assemble the easy appetizer, you just have to do the following:

1. Unmold the cheesecakes.

2. Place the chocolate on a base (cracker or toast).

3. Pour pepper, chili or tomato jam on top of the bonbon.

4. You can also top the marshmallows with chopped nuts or spices.

Tip: the cheese bonbons can have the jam on top or inside, as a filling.

Zucchini and cheese quenelles

The quenelle is a culinary specialty of French origin, specifically from the Lyon and Bourg-en-Blesse regions. This exquisite original appetizer has an oval or cylindrical shape, which is generally achieved using two spoons to mold it. The original dough contains ingredients such as wheat flour, butter, eggs, milk, water and meat (fish, beef, poultry or marrow). However, today we bring you a healthy and innovative proposal where vegetables predominate: zucchini and cheese quenelles. A healthy and very elegant appetizer!


This is what you need for the mass of the quenelles:

• 2 medium zucchini

• 1 small onion grated

• 1 minced garlic

• 100 g grated cheese (low fat if you prefer a light recipe)

• 50g breadcrumbs

• 1 egg

• Salt to taste

• Pepper to taste (preferably freshly ground)

For their part, these are the ingredients of the sauce for the quenelles:

• 1 Greek yogurt

• 1 bunch of fresh fennel

• 1 squeeze of lemon juice

• 1 garlic

• Salt to taste


These are the steps you must follow to prepare, first, the dough for the quenelles:

1. Wash vegetables thoroughly. On one side, peel the onion and garlic; reserve both. On the other, cut the ends of the zucchini and remove the inner part where the seeds are; remove them and reserve the rest. Finally, grate all the vegetables (for the zucchini, use the coarse holes of the grater).

2. Strain the grated zucchini. In this way, you eliminate the excess water that they release when grating and avoid altering the final texture of the preparation. To avoid excess moisture, it is also advisable to choose fresh, medium-sized corvettes that are characterized by their firmness and dark color.

3. Mix all the ingredients until you achieve a consistent texture. Use a deep and wide bowl, so you can integrate all the elements more easily and comfortably.

Once the dough is ready, all that remains is to bake them. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Once the mixture is ready, prepare to shape the quenelles. With this intention, use two tablespoons. Use the first one to grab a portion of the dough and place it on the second spoon, then return it back to the first one, all this with the intention of giving the appetizer an oval shape.

2. Arrange the zucchini and cheese quenelles on a tray. For this, previously, line it with baking paper or simply cover it with a baking mat. You can also use a non-stick Teflon sheet.

3. Bake at 180ºC for 17 minutes. The time is shortened or extended depending on the peculiarities of each oven and depending on the size of the quenelles. When you notice that they look golden on the outside, it will be because they have already reached their ideal point.

If you want to make even more spectacular quenelles, prepare a delicious yogurt and fennel sauce with these steps:

1. Peel and finely chop the garlic, reserve. Likewise, wash and finely chop the fennel, set aside.

2. Have a medium bowl and place all the ingredients: the reserved ones, the Greek yogurt, the salt and a splash of lemon.

3. Taste the mixture and check the seasonings, correct if necessary.

Tip: the yogurt and fennel sauce can also be used to dress green salads or as an accompaniment to steamed fish.

Crispy goat cheese with caramelized onions

If you thought of a cheese board for your party, we invite you to go a little further and add this delicious culinary proposal: crispy goat cheese with caramelized onions. Imagine, for a moment, the texture of breaded cheese with a crispy coating and a melted interior. Then, imagine the intense flavor of goat cheese, topped with caramelized onions, which give the recipe that original salty-sweet touch. It is, without a doubt, a cheese delicacy with a gourmet seal!


• 1 roll of goat cheese

• Egg

• Breadcrumbs (enough to coat)

• ½ onion

• Brown (or white) sugar

• Balsamic vinegar


The steps to make the caramelized onion are as follows:

1. Chop the onion into very thin slices and reserve.

2. Then, prepare a frying pan with hot oil and poach the reserved onions.

3. When you see them transparent, add the sugar. Stir constantly and wait until they caramelize. Booking.

Next, we detail the steps to make the crispy cheese:

1. Cut the goat cheese roll into 1-centimeter portions.

2. Prepare the breadcrumbs, mixing it with garlic and parsley. You can buy the breadcrumbs or grate them at home, using old, stale bread.

3. Inside a bowl, place the breadcrumbs and the egg. It stirs very well.

4. Coat each disc of cheese with the egg and breadcrumbs.

5. Reserve the cheeses in the fridge before frying them, specifically in the freezer, for 10 minutes. That way, they won’t fall apart when you fry them.

6. Prepare a pan with plenty of oil and wait until it is very hot. Fry the cheese pieces for 1 minute on each side until golden brown.

7. Drain the cheese discs on absorbent paper until excess oil is removed.

Finally, only the assembly of the appetizer remains. This is what you should do:

1. You can serve this appetizer on toasted bread, a tomato and cheese cracker, or simply without a base.

2. Place the onion as a final cover, you can also replace it with tomato jam, red fruits or figs.

3. Enjoy this appetizer at a warm temperature, so you can taste the melted cheese that comes from inside.

Mini stuffed artichokes

If you are looking for sophistication at your table, I invite you to try the great style of artichokes. Yes, this ingredient definitely has many qualities: delicious taste, great nutrients, excellent health benefits and provides… great culinary versatility! For this reason, this proposal could not be missing from the list of easy, elegant and original appetizers: mini stuffed artichokes, a glamorous appetizer!


• Mini artichokes, fresh, frozen, or canned (whole hearts needed, chopped artichokes will not work)

• Cream cheese (similar to Philadelphia)

• Taquitos of cooked ham (they also serve small diced turkey or smoked salmon, salmon or ham mousse, shredded tuna with tomato, among others)

• 1 chopped chives


To prepare the artichokes, you just have to take into account the following:

1. The crucial ingredient in this recipe is the artichokes, which you can make or purchase (bottled, canned, or frozen). If you buy them already ready, try to rinse them very well, thus eliminating the canned flavor. If you choose the frozen ones, you can cook them with very little water and a pinch of salt, for 5 minutes. You can also steam or microwave them; using the same time.

2. Drain the artichokes with the help of a colander, do not leave any liquid inside them.

3. Use a teaspoon to open the inside hole of each artichoke a little and remove the fluff, if any. Cut the base of each artichoke a little, so the base will settle well when you place them on the plate or tray.

If, on the other hand, you prefer to prepare the artichokes at home, we invite you to review some very useful tricks in our article “How to cook artichokes “, you will love it!

Now, it is time to prepare the cream with which you will give that unique touch to the artichokes. Just follow the next steps:

1. Mix the cream cheese and the ham (bacon, turkey or smoked salmon) very well chopped. Booking.

2. If you prepare it in advance, store it in the fridge.

To make the assembly of these easy and cheap, but very elegant appetizers, do the following:

1. Fill each artichoke with the cream and, at the end, carefully round the surface.

2. Finally, place the vegetables on a tray, on a bed of chopped lettuce. Also, you can prick each artichoke with a skewer.

Mango cannelloni with prawns and avocado

Do you want to look like a kitchen professional? Do you want everyone to remember your snack table? Well, you can recreate the flavors of the tropics for your guests through this infallible combination of fruits and seafood. The degree of difficulty of these mango cannelloni with prawns and avocado is very low, so you will feel very comfortable preparing these quick and easy appetizers, whose distinctive sour, sweet and salty flavors are unamicable.


These are the necessary ingredients for the prawns:

• 1 mango (preferably penton, as it must have a firm texture to facilitate cutting)

• 12-16 king prawns

• ¼ avocado

• 1 lemon or lime

• EVOO caviar (extra virgin olive oil) or in its usual presentation

• Some aromatic herbs of your choice such as micromezclum, very small basil leaves, mint, arugula or other sprouts

• Sea salt

As for the citrus mayonnaise, you will need:

• 1 egg

• 150ml sunflower oil

• juice of ½ lime

• 1 pinch of salt


1. To prepare the citrus mayonnaise, place 100 ml of oil, the egg and a little salt in the blender. Mix for 1 minute, on high speed.

2. When you get a creamy consistency, add the lemon little by little, alternating it with the remaining oil. Add both in the form of thread and without stopping mixing until you achieve the desired texture. Reserve in the fridge.

3. Cook the prawns in plenty of water for two minutes. Make each batch with 6 units.

4. Simultaneously, prepare a bowl with cold water. For this, add plenty of ice and two handfuls of sea salt. Stir.

5. Cool the prawns in the cold water for 15 minutes, thus shortening the cooking.

6. Cut a large mango into three parts, the ends and the center with the bone. Keep the ends, peel them with a potato slices and finally slice them with a mandolin. The mango yields 15 or 12 slices, reserve them. You can eat the rest of the mango or use it in another recipe.

7. Cut the avocado in half, peel it and cut it into strips. Separate two strips and cut them into cubes. These will serve to decorate the dish at the end. The rest of the as strips cut them a little thinner. Sprinkle everything with a little lime or lemon and reserve separately.

8. Peel the prawns and remove the intestine (the black vein).

9. Using a piping bag (you can make one out of a bag), pipe a line of mayonnaise down the middle of one of the reserved mango slices.

10. Put a shrimp and an avocado strip on the mayonnaise cord. roll up

11. To serve, place the rolls on a large tray or plate (even better if it can be a couple of white rectangular plates).

12. Decorate the plate and the surface of the rolls with the micromezclum. Also add a few dots of mayonnaise on the plate (make them with the pastry bag) and place the diced avocado on top. To finish, place an EVOO caviar or a few drops of olive oil on each roll of mango and prawns.

Avocado and prawn cream shots

Shrimp and avocado cream shots? You are right! These easy, rich and very colorful appetizers are perfect to surprise your guests. And the taste? It is simply magnificent! They are composed of a very silky and tasty avocado cream, made of fruit, vegetables and shrimp. All of this is topped off at the end with one or two whole prawns. They are definitely part of those recipes for original appetizers and starters with a very intoxicating tropical flavor.


• 2 avocados

• 8 prawns

• 1 leek

• 1 potato

• 1 tbsp. sesame seeds

• 1 sprig of parsley

• ½ lemon

• Salt

• Olive oil


Making the prawns is very easy, just follow these steps:

1. First, seal the prawns in a pan, half a minute on each side.

2. Reserve 4 for the final assembly of the appetizer and leave the rest aside, as they will later be used to prepare the avocado cream.

3. Place everything reserved in the fridge until the time you need to use them.

Now, to prepare the avocado cream broth, you will need to do the following:

1. Wash the leek and parsley. Booking.

2. Peel the prawns and remove the intestines. Reserve the body on one side and the heads and shells on the other.

3. Sauté the reserved heads and shells in a frying pan with a splash of oil.

4. Sauté for 4 minutes and add 3 glasses of water. Add the greenish part of the leek and the parsley to the water.

5. Cook all ingredients for 15 minutes. Once the time has elapsed, strain the broth and reserve.

To have the vegetables of the recipe ready, continue with these steps:

1. Wash the potato and the leek.

2. On one side, peel the potato and on the other, keep only the greenish part of the leek.

3. Chop these vegetables into cubes and put them in a saucepan, covered with the broth you reserved.

4. Cover and let cook for approximately 20 minutes. Let cool and reserve.

Finally, to prepare the cream, do what we detail below:

1. Peel the avocados and remove the stone.

2. Add all the ingredients to the blender: the vegetables in broth, the prawns, the avocado, the cream, the lemon juice and the salt. Process the mixture until you achieve the desired consistency. If you prefer a finer mixture, pass the cream through a strainer.

If you want to assemble the colorful and luxurious dish, we advise you to serve it in the following way:

1. Pour portions of the avocado cream into shot glasses.

2. Add a pinch of ground pink pepper and sprinkle sesame on the surface of the cream.

3. To finish with a flourish, place a skewer with one or two prawns.

Goat cheese and dried tomato tartlets

Some delicious tartlets are always a wonderful alternative when preparing appetizers for a big event or celebration. Perhaps it is because the tartlets are very versatile and cheap, since they combine with everything, both with savory and sweet products, with both cheap and expensive ingredients. For this reason, they could not be missing from this list, so if you want an elegant and easy appetizer, try the tartlet of goat cheese and dried tomatoes, an elegant and accessible culinary classic!


• 24 tartlets (purchased or prepared at home)

• 200 grams of fresh goat cheese

• 8 tablespoons of milk

• 8 dried tomatoes

• Oil

• Salt

• Pepper

• Dried basil

• ½ peeled walnut


1. Prepare a bowl with warm water, submerge the tomatoes and let them rest for a couple of hours (rehydration of the tomatoes).

2. Then, drain them and place them inside another container with oil until they are covered.

3. Leave the tomatoes macerating for at least 12 hours.

4. On the other hand, melt the cheese with the milk.

5. Chop the hydrated tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste and mix.

6. Fill the tartlets with the preparation. Decorate with the walnut, sprinkle with the chopped basil and it’s ready to serve!

Red pepper shot with hake skewer

Another round of shots! Yes, our second round of shots without alcohol, but with a lot of flavor. In this version, this appetizer recipe combines a red pepper cream with hake. Without a doubt, an alternative that will decorate your table, delight guests and give a lot to talk about at your celebration or meeting. Can you imagine this appetizer at Christmas, New Year or some other significant celebration such as a birthday?


• 18 canned piquillo peppers

• 200 ml of cream

• 300 g of hake fillets or some white fish (without skin or bones)

• 1 egg

• 2 cloves of garlic

• 30g sesame seeds

• olive oil for frying

• Salt and pepper


First of all, you will have to make the pepper shot. You can do it by following these steps:

1. Place a tablespoon of oil in a pan and wait until it is hot. There, she browns the garlic cloves with her skin.

2. Once ready, remove the garlic, add the peppers and fry for 10 minutes. Apply low heat during that time.

3. Place the peppers in the blender and also pour in the cream.

4. Season everything (use freshly ground pepper).

5. Reserve the preparation until the moment of assembling the appetizer.

Now, it is time to prepare the hake:

1. Cut the hake fillets into sticks. Salt and pepper them and thread them on the skewers. Reserve in the fridge.

2. Beat an egg and salt and pepper it. Booking.

3. Spread sesame seeds on a large plate and reserve.

4. Heat plenty of oil in a frying pan.

5. Dip the hake sticks in the beaten egg, then dip them in the sesame seeds.

6. Finally, fry them in the oil.

7. Drain the sticks on absorbent paper as they come out of the pan.

8. Assemble the appetizers in small glasses. In each one, first pour the pepper cream and give it the masterful touch with a skewer of hake.

Watermelon, melon and ham skewers

If you are looking for appetizers to make the day before, brochettes are a perfect classic for gatherings or parties. If, in addition, you provide a masterful twist to the recipe, the result can surprise everyone. For this reason, we propose you some watermelon, melon and ham skewers, a tasty, refreshing and colorful proposal! Traditionally, the melon is a perfect companion to the ham. However, combining it with watermelon, mozzarella and basil will give you a unique combination of Mediterranean flavors with flavors from the tropics.


• ½ cantaloupe melon (orange)

• ½ gala melon (green)

• Watermelon

• Fresh mozzarella in balls

• Fresh basil leaves

• 100 g of Serrano ham in cubes or cubes

• Salt

• White pepper

• Dried basil

• Pesto sauce (optional)


1. Cut the watermelon and melon in half, remove all the seeds.

2. Using a baller, scoop out the watermelon and melons (cantaloupe and gala). Reserve all fruit balls.

3. Place all the ingredients in several containers (including the reserved ones), this will make it easier for you to assemble the skewers.

4. Introduce skewers, fruit balls and the rest of the ingredients. Intercalate the fruits with each other with the mozzarella, the basil leaves and the Iberian ham (bend it slightly, so that it harmonizes with the rest of the ingredients). Prepare each skewer differently, varying the predominant ingredient (for example, more cheese, more ham or more basil or more fruit).

5. Serve the skewers freshly assembled preferably or leave them reserved in the fridge, covered with plastic wrap. At the moment of tasting them, sprinkle them with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle them with dried basil. Also, place pesto sauce or a wine sauce on the appetizer table so that each guest can serve themselves as they like.

Savory profiteroles or petit choux stuffed with smoked salmon with cream cheese and thyme

Salty profiteroles? Yes, tough you do not believe it. The classic choux pastry is very versatile due to its neutral flavor, which allows for a wide variety of fillings (both savory and sweet) and very original flavor combinations. In addition, profiteroles are one of those very elegant tapas and cold appetizers that never leave you feeling bad.

For this reason, we share with you these smoked salmon profiteroles with cream cheese and thyme, they will leave you breathless! When tasting this appetizer, you will notice that the mixture of smoked salmon and cream cheese give it a fresh and, at the same time, very lively nuance, which awakens the palate to give way to the main course. Long live France!


For the profiterole dough, you will need:

• 150 g of wheat flour

• 100 ml of water

• 1 pinch of sugar

• 125 ml of milk

• 5 eggs

• 90g unsalted butter

• Salt

On the other hand, for the filling of the profiteroles, you will require:

• 1 blister of smoked salmon

• 1 ½ cream cheese terrine

• 1 sprig of thyme


We will start with the dough for the profiteroles, let’s get to work!

1. Heat the water with the sugar, salt and butter (cut it into cubes in advance). In some recipes, they also add milk.

2. Just at the moment when the butter melts, and the mixture begins to boil, add the flour all at once (use a wooden spoon or tongue spatula to mix), stir very quickly and lower the heat, never stop mixing.

3. Remove the mixture from the kitchen, just when it begins to integrate, without stopping stirring. When you see that the preparation is well unified, return it to the fire, always stirring. This point is vital to eliminate excess moisture, which is essential to facilitate the absorption of the egg, preventing the dough from losing texture and becoming very liquid.

4. When you observe the texture of the compact and very homogeneous paste, remove it from the heat. You will know that the dough is ready when you see that it detaches itself from the walls and sticks to the spoon that is, around it, forming a ball. Remember, for the dough to achieve this consistency, do not stop stirring from when you add the flour, until you reach this point. Reserve the preparation and let cool for 3 or 5 minutes.

5. When the dough reaches a lukewarm temperature, add the eggs, one at a time. Mix each egg very well until it is completely incorporated. Repeat the same process with the rest of the eggs.

6. Don’t worry if the mixture seems to separate, because as you stir it will come together again. The final result will be a compact but manageable dough.

To bake the profiteroles, you will need to follow the steps below:

1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC with heat up and down.

2. Fill a pastry bag with the dough and prepare a tray with baking paper.

3. Apply the dough on the tray, using the sleeve and giving it the shape of a profiterole.

4. Beat an egg and paint each profiterole.

5. Before baking the profiteroles, lower the temperature to 180ºC and bake for 15 minutes.

6. After that time, lower the temperature to 150 ºC and bake for 10 more minutes.

7. Once the profiteroles are baked, stick them with a skewer, preferably at the base. Then, place them on a rack and let them cool. Remember, when you puncture them, it must be fast, in order to expel the steam contained inside without letting them go down.

8. When the profiteroles are cool, cut them right in the middle but not to the end.

Finally, you will go on to fill the profiteroles. In this part, follow the instructions below:

1. Place the cream cheese in a bowl and stir with a wooden spoon or spatula. Beat until you get a creamy consistency. Once the desired texture is achieved, introduce the mixture into a pastry bag with a star tip.

2. Fill the inside of each profiterole with the cream, a portion of smoked salmon and a few leaves of fresh thyme.

More easy and elegant appetizer recipes

Because perhaps 10 appetizers are not enough, especially in the case of large celebrations with numerous guests, we bring you more recipes for appetizers and starters. Also, you may have been waiting for sweet alternatives to fill a dessert table, so here is a list with a wide variety of recipes, both sweet and savory. Don’t miss these easy and elegant hot and cold appetizers:

Other savory party snacks

• Savory profiteroles stuffed with cheese

• Basket of stuffed bananas

• Basket of bananas stuffed with meat

• Assorted montaditos

• Salmon bonbons

• Melon with ham

• Melon makis with ham

• Baked chard croquettes

• Vegetarian sushi with dried tomatoes

• Artichoke tartlet

• Vegan ceviche

• Vegetarian stuffed artichokes

• Puff pastry stuffed with goat cheese

• Goat cheese canapés with fig jam

Sweet snacks

• Cream and chocolate profiteroles

• Gluten free profiteroles

• Mini Pavlov as

• Sweet skewers for children

• Skewers of grapes with white chocolate

• Pistachio truffles

• Oreo truffles

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