25 easy, quick and cheap summer recipes

These 25 easy, quick and cheap summer recipes are perfect to combat the high temperatures and cool off on the hottest days of this time of year, since they are usually cold dishes that are made with very few ingredients and that allow multiple combinations depending on the season. Consumer taste.

Because of the heat, our body tends to lose its appetite a little and eat less in summer, but this does not have to be a problem if we eat nutritious and healthy meals like these that we show you below. If you want to learn how to prepare mostly quick and cheap summer recipes, don’t miss the following article and try the one you like the most!

Cold soups: gazpachos and salmorejos

Cold soups such as gazpachos or salmorejos are an ideal option when making easy summer recipes, because very few ingredients are needed to make them and they are also very refreshing and healthy dishes.

From the typical Andalusia gazpacho or salmorejo from Córdoba, to other more original cold soups such as cucumber gazpacho or beetroot salmorejo, they are all good options for easy, quick and cheap summer recipes that we can prepare in a moment at lunchtime. Or dinner on those hottest days.

Most of these dishes are made by grinding and straining all the ingredients together, so we can prepare them quickly and without making a lot of mess in the kitchen, although it is necessary to store them in the fridge for a while beforehand or add ice to be able to enjoy them very cold.

Summer salads

Summer salads are also another of the most recommended options when it comes to making cheap summer menus. We can make original and varied salads without investing a lot of time and without spending a lot of money because, fortunately, salads are one of the dishes that accept more variations of ingredients and usually combine well with anything.

One of the best known among the little ones is the pasta salads that we can usually make with any short pasta, such as macaroni, bows or spirals. Also known within this category are potato salads, fruit salads or rice salads, much more powerful than the typical green leafy salads, but which can be just as healthy.

Cold creams

Cold creams are also ideal for making easy summer recipes because in addition to refreshing us, they are also very healthy and quick to make, such as vegetable creams or seafood or fish creams. Both of them are delicious and low in calories, yes, depending on your pocket you will have to use one type or another of seafood, as well as fish too. They can also be made with potatoes, milk, cream, eggs, etc., being even more nutritious.

But in general, they are usually eaten cold due to the heat in summer, but we can also make the same version of the cold cream hot for another time of year when it is colder.  Also in summer, as already mentioned, we tend to have less appetite, so a good healthy cold cream with a lot of nutrients will be a perfect option to eat.

Tartars and capriccios

There are many possibilities for tartars and capriccios that we can make in our kitchens without the need to go to a gourmet restaurant. From the classic tuna or salmon tartar, through meat or beet capriccios, to more daring options such as steak tartar or octopus or prawn capriccios. All very valid elaborations to make easy, fast and cheap summer recipes.

In the case of the tartar, we only have to cut the main ingredient that we have chosen finely chopped and dress it with the sauce or vinaigrette that we like the most; the most typical are raw fish tartars but we can also make them with vegetables and meat. And in the case of Carpaccio, it is only necessary to cut the main ingredient into thin slices or slices and arrange it on a plate with the accompaniments that you have chosen to give it a different and special flavor.

Toasts, canapés and cold sandwiches

Finally, to finish the list of these 25 easy, fast and cheap summer recipes, we have chosen the world of bread with its many variables. From the typical toast with tomato, through salmon and cheese canapés to tuna sandwiches with egg. This category is infinite and not even talking only about this topic would there be room in this article to put all the recipes there are.

Although it is true that more than a starter they are an appetizer, they can also be used as such to start a light and healthy summer meal or dinner. It is only necessary to take the ingredients that you like the most and place them on the type of bread that you prefer to obtain delicious canapés, sandwiches or toasts to your liking. And enjoy eating!

Which option do you choose?

What summer food option does you like the most? We love to eat anything, so we can’t choose just one. But you can let us know which one you would prefer by leaving us a comment in the article and telling us which elaboration you prefer.

Encourage yourself to eat in a healthy way and without lifting a finger with this selection of the best 25 easy, fast and cheap summer recipes that we have taught you  And become the best cook in your house without eating too much coconut.

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