20 natural juices to lower cholesterol

Every day the number of people with high cholesterol and triglycerides increases, including children. Probably, hectic life, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle or certain diseases are the reasons for this phenomenon that is increasing. The truth is that this organic disorder does not show obvious symptoms, which is why we must undergo periodic medical examinations to recognize it and remain vigilant. However, it is undeniable that a good diet, a lot of physical activity and good lifestyle habits can prevent the rise in cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

For this reason, brings you a healthy top of more than 20 natural juices to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. You will love them!

Why is it important to lower bad cholesterol?

Nowadays, it is very common to hear people around you suffering from high cholesterol or triglycerides. In part, this organic disorder (because it is not a disease), arises from poor nutrition, sedentary life, poor information, among other reasons. The danger of this situation is that together with the high rate of people with high cholesterol and triglycerides, cases of cardiovascular disease also increase, although tobacco and diabetes mellitus also influence this situation.

But, how do you go from a simple organic disorder like high cholesterol to cardiovascular disease? When you have too much cholesterol in your blood, it can mix with other substances in your bloodstream and form plaque. This element can adhere to the inner walls of the blood vessels and, after its accumulation, cause the narrowing or hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis). Plaques can build up anywhere in the body, causing problems in the brain, limbs, or heart. If you have large deposits of plaque in your arteries, a piece of plaque can break off and form a blood clot. If the clot is large, it can partially or completely block blood flow to any artery in your body, causing cardiovascular problems and even death.

Home remedies for cholesterol

When the values ​​​​of triglycerides and cholesterol are altered, it is an important wake-up call. If we want to restore body balance and avoid cardiovascular diseases, it is essential to follow certain recommendations and incorporate them into our daily lives. In this way, the main home remedy to lower cholesterol is to follow a proper diet and, in general, have good lifestyle habits. Thus, to lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides, follow these tips:

  • Eat a lot of fiber.
  • Replace unhealthy fats with healthy fats.
  • Increase your intake of nuts. These foods favor the reduction of LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) without affecting HDL (“good” cholesterol).
  • Prefer olive oil over other types of oil.
  • Eat fortified foods. Plant-derived compounds called sterols inhibit cholesterol absorption.  In supermarkets there are products fortified with these supplements, you can get them in margarine, yogurt or orange juice.
  • Control bodyweight. Maintain your ideal weight or at least get as close as possible.
  • Exercise.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Limit your intake of sugar, refined and canned foods.
  • Check with your doctor. If you make changes to your diet and lifestyle but don’t notice favorable changes in your body, see your doctor. You may need special medications to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Remember, before starting any diet, it is best to undergo medical examinations, so you check your health and ask the specialist for some advice.

As you can see, these are not complicated remedies, but rather daily habits and changes in your routine that will allow you to enjoy better health. But what other foods can we include in the diet? What kind of juices to lower cholesterol is good? We will see all this below.

Juice recipes to lower bad cholesterol

When your cholesterol or triglyceride levels get out of control, the ideal is to follow a diet to level them recommended by the doctor, since you may even need medication. Here come these wonderful natural juices to lower cholesterol, since they are the perfect complement to the diet.

On the other hand, if your cholesterol is correct, you can also incorporate these good drinks for cholesterol in your day to day because they will help you stay healthy and with cholesterol in check. In addition, these juices have other properties that benefit your body. Without further ado, here are our top 21 natural juices to lower cholesterol. Natural is the best!

1. Green smoothie to lower cholesterol

This healthy and exquisite juice combines sweet, bitter and astringent flavors. Thus, its taste is balanced and it is prevented from feeling cloying or bitter. But, beyond giving us the pleasure of tasting a refreshing and delicious drink, this detox juice provides us with many benefits for health in general, but especially for cardiovascular health. So we open our top with pineapple, cucumber and celery detox juice, one of the best home remedies to lower cholesterol fast.

Pineapple or pineapple is a tropical fruit full of healing qualities, among which we can mention: it is detoxifying, diuretic, digestive, anti-inflammatory, fights anemia, cures infections, loses weight and controls cholesterol. Of all these benefits, let’s see why pineapple is good for fighting bad cholesterol:

  • This fruit is abundant in fiber; consequently it improves intestinal transit, favoring the elimination of toxins from the body. In addition, pectin (pineapple fiber) binds to bile acids to lower cholesterol, consequently also the absorption of fat. On the other hand, it also helps capture excess LDL or bad cholesterol for later elimination. This favors the control of hypertension.
  • It fights free radicals, toxic substances that predispose us to increased cholesterol and the birth of plaque. This is due to its large amount of antioxidants (for example vitamin C), which prevent the oxidation of fats, that is, the formation of plaque on the arterial walls. For this reason, it prevents the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and improves circulation.
  • It regulates the level of sugar in the blood due to its large amount of fiber, since it gradually releases sugar into the blood.
  • It promotes weight loss, as this fruit contains few calories but a lot of fiber and water (in addition to numerous nutrients). Thanks to the fiber, it contributes to the reduction of 7.6% of total cholesterol and 10.8% of LDL cholesterol. In addition, it does not alter HDL cholesterol values. For this reason, pineapple weight loss tea is so effective.
  • It lowers triglycerides and delays gastric emptying, causing satiety. This benefit is provided by pineapple juice, as long as you consume it with its fiber.

Cucumber is an excellent vegetable to reduce and avoid the so-called “bad cholesterol” for many reasons:

  • It contains powerful natural antioxidants(vitamins and minerals) that prevent fats from oxidizing, which prevents the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and consequently ischemia and myocardial infarction.
  • It has abundant fiber, responsible for trapping and eliminating excess fatty acids obtained from food.
  • Contains potassium, which favors the natural elimination of excess fluids, preventing fluid retention. Thanks to this, the risk of hypertension is reduced.

For its part, celery, apart from its outstanding attributes applicable in the kitchen, it also provides wonderful benefits for cardiovascular health, avoiding the risk of suffering from high blood pressure, obesity and dyslipidemia.

  • It contains abundant fiber(soluble and insoluble), which favors the reduction of cholesterol, in two ways: it traps and absorbs circulating fats; accelerates its elimination, stimulating intestinal peristalsis.
  • It has a substance known as pail, responsible for producing a vasodilator reaction, favoring the improvement of blood circulation.
  • It contains powerful antioxidants that favor lipid metabolism, reducing the synthesis of LDL cholesterol and increasing the concentration of HDL cholesterol.
  • It is rich in terrenes and amino acids such as asparagine, which increase diuresis, thus lowering blood pressure.
  • It provides negative calories, that is, the body spends more calories metabolizing the food than the calories provided by the food itself.

The ingredients to make this juice to reduce bad cholesterol are:

  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 3 sticks of celery
  • ½ cucumber
  • ½ glass of water

The steps to follow are the following:

  1. Wash both vegetables and fruit very well before peeling and cutting them.
  2. Cut the celery and pineapple into pieces and the cucumber into slices.
  3. Add all the ingredients in the blender and…, let’s mix!

Nothing better than reviewing the step by step of your favorite recipe, so I invite you to do it here: “Pineapple, cucumber and celery detox juice recipe “.

Tip: If you consume pineapple juice without its fiber, you cause a reverse effect, since you increase negative cholesterol.

2. Pineapple and lemon juice for cholesterol

Lemon is another alternative to lower cholesterol naturally. This alkaline fruit contributes to the purification of the body and, consequently, to the better functioning of the liver thanks to its lipid- lowering properties. Due to this, it not only reduces the synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, but also increases their combustion and elimination. Remember, if you want to take full advantage of the qualities of lemon, it is recommended to do some type of training or physical activity that requires effort (long walks, running, etc.), as this increases fat metabolism and reduces high concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

The ingredients to prepare this drink for cholesterol and triglycerides are:

  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 slices of pineapple (without skin)
  • ½ lemon (juice)

To make this healthy juice you just need to blend all the ingredients and serve. If you love pictures and prefer to learn by looking, follow the next step-by-step recipe for pineapple and lemon juice.

3. Apple smoothie for cholesterol and triglycerides

If you were wondering what is good for lowering cholesterol, we have a good proposal: apple juice. Yes, this juice has a delicious flavor but, beyond this, it is very healthy in many ways, including its ability to reduce bad cholesterol. For this reason, it is interesting to know its benefits.

The apple has a fiber called pectin, a soluble fiber that absorbs bile salts, which favors the reduction of cholesterol and also contributes to the control of diabetes, since it regulates sugar. Also:

  • Contains cysteine, an essential amino acid that removes toxins from the liver. It also contains glycine, arginine, histamine, and lysine.
  • It has flavonoids(contained in most vegetables), which slow down the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. These substances also inhibit platelet aggregation, thus reducing the risk of myocardial infarction.

Take note of the ingredients to enjoy the benefits of this incredible juice:

  • 3 red apples
  • 1 lemon (the juice)
  • Sweetener, piloncillo honey or agave honey
  • 200 milliliters of water

To make this healthy juice you just need to blend all the ingredients and serve very cold.  The only detail that you must take into account before starting to blend is to add the water slowly, until you achieve the desired consistency.

Tip: If you eat 3-4 apples a day, you will be able to control your cholesterol.

4. Purifying carrot and apple juice

When it comes to juices to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, carrot and apple juice have plenty of qualities to restore balance to your body. This healthy duet doubles its benefits by 2, enhancing its attributes for good cardiovascular health. Now, now that we know the virtues of the apple…, what about the carrot?

According to studies carried out, carrot consumption influences the reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides, which prevents arteriosclerosis. In this sense, it is useful to know its benefits:

  • Powerful natural diuretic that favors the functions of the kidneys and the elimination of toxins through the urine. These benefits are provided by potassium, a mineral that it contains in large quantities.
  • Significantly reduces bad cholesterol and triglycerides thanks to the large amounts of antioxidants(hydro and fat-soluble) provided by vitamin A and beta-carotenoids.  These nutrients favor the control of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, preventing the formation of fat (plaques) in the arteries. Additionally, they extend the life of erythrocytes, which are cells that circulate in the bloodstream.

Imagine all the contributions of the carrot added to the important contribution of soluble fiber from the apple (very similar to oatmeal), put at the service of reducing cholesterol and triglycerides.

These are the ingredients of this juice to lower bad cholesterol:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 glass of water

The steps for its preparation are:

  1. Chop all the ingredients (to the celery add even the leaves), previously washed and peeled.
  2. Place them in the glass of the blender and crush them very well until you achieve a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Add the water little by little.

Tip: Potassium reduces bad cholesterol and also prevents cardiovascular diseases.

5. Celery juice to lower cholesterol

This smoothie is refreshing, diuretic, nutritious and favorable in lowering cholesterol. Can you ask for something more? Without a doubt, this drink had to belong to this list of shakes to lower cholesterol. Now, as usual, let’s review the benefits of its ingredients, which are cucumber, apple, pear, celery and ginger.

For one thing, ginger contains more than 21 antioxidants that can help prevent lipid peroxidation. On the other, it prevents the liver from synthesizing bad cholesterol from food; both processes lower cholesterol levels and consequently prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases.

The green apple has polyphenols that, together with pectin (fiber), improve the digestion of lipids (fats) and contribute to cholesterol control. On the other hand, the consumption of dates improves the quality of fats (lipids) in the blood without increasing sugar levels, so you can experience a 15% decrease in triglycerides and a 33% decrease in fat oxidation in the blood.

We saved the pear for last because it offers so many benefits to lower bad cholesterol that it requires a little more attention on its advantages, such as the following:

  • It causes satiety due to pectin, a fiber that favors the reduction of appetite and consequently the excessive consumption of food.
  • It captures and eliminates excess cholesterol from the body thanks to the fiber.
  • It acts as a vessel dilator of the arteries, which promotes blood circulation and regulates blood pressure.
  • It has a large amount of antioxidants that reduce bad cholesterol and increase the concentration of HDL cholesterol.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • ½ stick of celery
  • 4 dates
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 glass of water

Follow this step by step to prepare this wonderful drink:

  1. Peel and chop the cucumber, apple, pear and celery (with its leaves) into pieces.
  2. Ginger finely chopped.
  3. Remove the bone from the dates and chop them.
  4. Incorporate all the ingredients in the blender glass and blend very well.

6. Beet juice to lower cholesterol

When you think about what to eat to lower cholesterol, fruits appear among the best options. In the specific case of tropical fruits (mango, avocado, papaya, cocoa, sour soup, pomegranate, etc.), you should know that they provide powerful antioxidants, perfect for this mission. Without a doubt, the beet, papaya, carrot and apple smoothie have several very powerful ingredients to reduce bad cholesterol.

Papaya has polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin E and abundant vitamin C. These substances allow the elimination of harmful fats stored in the body (accumulated plaque on the walls of the arteries), in addition to capturing and reducing bad cholesterol thanks to the fiber. In both cases, the appearance of cardiovascular diseases is prevented.

Beetroot contains powerful nutrients, which provide an interesting variety of benefits to the body. One of many advantages refers to the health of the liver thanks to its cholesterol-lowering properties. In this sense, we ask ourselves many times, how beets can achieve this, here are the answers:

  • It contains high fiber content, an essential piece to balance cholesterol. Fiber produces satiety, improves digestion, promotes intestinal transit, raises HDL cholesterol, lowers LDL cholesterol and lowers triglycerides.
  • It is a source of niacin. Vitamin B3 has been shown to lower triglyceride and LDL levels and raise HDL. The part of the beet that contains the most niacin is the leaf, far surpassing the root itself.
  • Contains foliate or folic acid. This substance is vitamin B9, an important element in the formation of new blood cells, in the reduction of LDL cholesterol and the increase of HDL. Thus, it lowers cholesterol and prevents heart disease. Other qualities of folic acid are the prevention of anemia, cancer, heart disease and inflammatory diseases. Foliate is a water-soluble vitamin, so it is not stored in the body and you need to get it daily. This substance is found in the root of the beet but is more abundant in the leaves.
  • It has abundant manganese. This mineral provides many benefits for the body: maintenance of bone structure prevents anemia and… Metabolizes the body’s cholesterol!
  • It provides very few calories and has powerful antioxidants. Beets have only 37 calories for every ½ cup cooked; they are also fat-free… perfect for combining with other low-calorie foods and not being overweight!

Since beets are one of the main ingredients to treat anemia, do not miss this other article with the best juices for anemia.


  • 1 beet
  • ½ papaya
  • 2 carrot
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • 2 apples
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 cup of water (240 milliliters)

Steps to make this juice against cholesterol and triglycerides:

  1. Wash, peel and cut the apple, beet, papaya, carrot and ginger into medium pieces.
  2. Also chop the celery into small pieces.
  3. Put all the chopped vegetables and fruit in the blender, plus the water (1 or 2 cups), the amount of which will depend on how thick you like your juice.
  4. If you don’t like the texture of this juice, you can squeeze the beet, apple and carrot juice first, however, it would be best to keep at least part of the fiber.

7. Carrot juice for cholesterol

Yes, the carrot again! The importance of this vegetable to stay healthy is undeniable, since it provides a lot of fiber and several antioxidants, especially from vitamin A and C, essential elements for the body in general and, particularly, for the topic that concerns us, cholesterol and the triglycerides. For this reason, there are so many healthy drinks that use this vegetable as a companion or base. But, although the carrot is the protagonist of this bad cholesterol-reducing elixir, apple, celery and lemon are also added. Three accompanying ingredients, as powerful as the first, which multiply the healing force of this antioxidant carrot juice, standing out among home remedies to lower cholesterol fast.

Ingredients to make the juice:

  • 1 apple
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


  1. Wash, peel and cut the apple and carrot into medium pieces. To take advantage of all the fiber, we recommend leaving the skin of the apple.
  2. Chop the celery and add it to the blender jar.
  3. Add the carrot and apple and mix everything together.
  4. Add the lemon juice and water and continue beating. It is important to add the water little by little to achieve the desired texture.

8. Parsley water for cholesterol

Parsley water! Yes, this interesting green drink helps to lose weight and also to keep cholesterol balanced. Complementary ingredients? Carrot and lemon. But since we know the virtues of these ingredients, let’s now delve into parsley.

This versatile and delicious aromatic herb is present in almost everything: soups, rice dishes, meats, creams, mojitos, dips, etc. Many dishes receive the special touch of its flavor and are even garnished with this herb; however, the qualities of parsley do not remain in the kitchen, but transcend natural medicine, giving us another option to stay healthy. One of the healing qualities of parsley is to regulate cholesterol, this happens thanks to the fact that:

  • It contains important antioxidants such as flavonoids, contained in vitamins, in this case, mainly C, A and K. These substances are responsible for reducing levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, avoiding the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • It has fiber, important in the reduction of the cholesterol level, the regulation of sugar and purification of the organism.


  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 drops of lemon juice


  1. First wash, peel and chop the carrot.
  2. Next, wash and chop the parsley.
  3. Process both vegetables as you prefer (blender, food processor or manual mixer), along with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Serve immediately to take advantage of all its nutrients and benefits for cardiovascular well-being.

9. Watercress juice to lower cholesterol and triglycerides

More green please! Yes, watercress is added to our juices to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. This green ally is perfect for lowering bad cholesterol levels and losing weight thanks to its high fiber and antioxidant content, both of which are key elements in controlling this organic disorder. Among the benefits of this vegetable is the purification of the organism, the loss of retained liquids, and the elimination of toxins, among others. But this smoothie not only contains watercress, but also cucumber, green apple and lemon. Can you ask for more?


  • 1 bunch of watercress
  • 1 piece of Cucumber
  • 1 piece of green apple
  • 1 piece of Lemon

Steps to follow:

  1. First of all, wash the watercress leaves very well, and if you don’t like their bitter taste, dip them briefly in boiling water for thirty seconds.
  2. Wash and slice the cucumber, even with the skin.
  3. Also wash the apple and chop it with the skin.
  4. Then, process all the ingredients, using the kitchen helper of your choice (blender, food processor, hand mixer, etc.).
  5. Add a few drops of lemon juice before serving.

Tip: People with kidney problems should first consult their doctor before consuming watercress.

10. Broccoli juice for cholesterol

A natural purifier! Yes, broccoli, especially the benefited, has important therapeutic properties, as well as serving magnificent uses in the kitchen. Another vegetable that is added to the food pyramid of health. Among the most relevant attributes of broccoli are the elimination of toxins, the reduction of high levels of cholesterol in the body, the protection of the immune system and its ability to prevent cancer, among others. This vegetable is rich in antioxidants and fiber, both essential nutrients for good cardiovascular health. In addition, it has glucoraphanin, a substance that contributes to the elimination of toxins, the substantial reduction of bad cholesterol and cancer prevention.

This green smoothie with broccoli and cucumber is perfectly complemented with carrot and lemon due to the many benefits that we already mentioned before. Without a doubt, an excellent alternative among home remedies to lower cholesterol fast.

Ingredients to make this smoothie to lower cholesterol:

  • 100 grams of broccoli
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • 500 milliliters of water


  1. It is very important that you pay special attention to cleaning broccoli, as this vegetable collects a lot of dirt and insects among its small bouquets.
  2. Then wash the rest of the vegetables.
  3. Chop all the vegetables and crush them in the blender with the water.
  4. Finally, add the lemon juice and continue blending. It is advisable to strain the lumps, however, remember that much of the fiber is there. Solution? You can keep some of the lumps and strain the rest.

If you like to see the step by step, we invite you to review the broccoli and cucumber green smoothie recipe.

Tip: Broccoli is not recommended for people who have thyroid disease. When in doubt, consult your doctor.

Smoothie recipes with oats to lower cholesterol

This cereal is famous for its high content of fiber, protein and other essential nutrients for life. Oatmeal stands out for producing satiety, improving intestinal transit, promoting weight loss, providing a lot of energy, contributing to the reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.

Daily consumption of oats not only provides us with a lot of energy, accompanied by important nutrients, but also provides many soluble fibers. Although soluble fibers are present in other foods (apples, beans, plums and others), they are found in higher concentrations in oats. But what are the effects of oatmeal on cholesterol? The soluble fiber (betaglucan) contained in this cereal inhibits the absorption rate of fats in the intestine consequently; they do not pass into the blood or are stored in the body. In addition, avenanthramides, an important antioxidant, capture and eliminate bad cholesterol. Remember that if you follow a diet to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, do not consume processed products, even if they contain oatmeal (for example cookies), as these foods have sugars and Trans fats, both of which are contraindicated in these cases.

Next, we are going to see juices and smoothies with oats for cholesterol.

1. Apple juice with oatmeal to lower cholesterol

Although the ideal is to drink oatmeal water to lower cholesterol, preparing a smoothie with this cereal accompanied by fruit is more than recommended. Thus, this apple and oatmeal juice is a perfect cholesterol regulator duet.


  • 1 liter of skimmed milk (serves oatmeal almond milk) or water
  • 2 apples
  • 6 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


  1. Wash and slice the apple with the skin, as it is full of fiber, but first discard the seeds and the stem, reserve.
  2. Add all the ingredients, including the reserved one, into the blender jar. Process until a homogeneous consistency is achieved.

Tip: If you want to get the most out of oatmeal, add a tablespoon of flax to it.

2. Strawberry smoothie with banana and oatmeal

To the apple smoothie with oatmeal, add a banana. A banana to reduce bad cholesterol?  Yes, and you’ll see why.

There is widespread doubt about whether or not bananas should be included in a diet to reduce cholesterol or triglycerides. This is because a banana contains just under 0.48 grams of fat per 100 grams of fruit, and provides almost 23 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of this food. So, due to its fat content (although very low) and its contribution in macronutrients, it could be related to the rise in cholesterol and triglycerides but…, it is not true. 2.4 grams of every 100 grams of banana correspond to fiber, an essential element to control fats and eliminate them from the body. That is, eating bananas does not raise bad cholesterol or triglycerides; on the contrary, this fruit represents an excellent alternative to balance these imbalances in the body. But then…, what are the contributions of bananas in the diet to level cholesterol and triglycerides?

  • It has a low fat content.
  • Contains abundant fiber. Yes, this fruit is low in fat and high in fiber. This component is essential to capture and eliminate the fats that cause cholesterol to rise. Additionally, it also favors the reduction of triglycerides.
  • Provides a large amount of antioxidants. Bananas are rich in minerals and vitamins (selenium, vitamin C, B-complex vitamins and zinc), important nutritional substances responsible for improving cellular activity in order to prevent fat oxidation (plaque formation in tissues) and reduce cholesterol synthesis in the liver.
  • It favors the cardiovascular system, since it improves blood circulation.
  • It prevents cardiovascular accidents because it stops the creation of clots that can block an artery.


  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon orange blossom honey (any sweetener works too)
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 200 milliliters of water


  1. Before starting fully with this recipe, it is convenient to soak the oatmeal flakes for 10 minutes in warm water, this way you will blend them more easily.
  2. Peel and slice the banana then remove the stems from the strawberries and chop them.
  3. Place both ingredients in the blender. Add the water, honey and oatmeal.
  4. Blend everything until you get a homogeneous consistency. Serve at the moment.

For all the details, check out the strawberry and oatmeal smoothie recipe or this video:

3. Banana and oatmeal smoothie for cholesterol

Simply Banana Oatmeal Smoothie! Without a doubt, another of the most popular combinations in drinks to balance our body and keep cholesterol under control.


  • 2 cups of oat flakes
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 glasses of skimmed milk or water (also works with oatmeal or almonds).
  • 4 cups of warm water


  1. First thing to do? Soak the oatmeal! Place the oatmeal flakes in a large bowl with enough water (to cover the flakes) and leave them for a minimum of two hours or overnight.
  2. Once the time has elapsed, drain the hydrated flakes very well and place them in the blender together with the peeled and chopped banana.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix very well until they are all completely integrated.

Juices to lower cholesterol in pregnancy

Women who go through the sweet wait experience many physical and emotional changes, which must be controlled with the doctor. During the second trimester of pregnancy, the increase in blood in the body and the hormonal changes produce so many bodily changes that they can even cause certain organic disorders, such as the increase in cholesterol. At this stage, women may experience an increase of around 250 mg/dl, however, although it may seem strange, this is normal. Yes, the increase in cholesterol during pregnancy is related to the correct development of the baby. However, any changes in your body should be discussed with your doctor.

The best foods to lower cholesterol in pregnant women are: fish oil, chicory, garlic (with certain precautions), alfalfa, aloe, celery, apple, rice, avocado, hazelnuts, oatmeal, eggplant, custard apple, honey, cinnamon, and papaya, among others. If it’s smoothies, try the oatmeal smoothies (oatmeal and banana, strawberry smoothie with banana and oatmeal, apple smoothie with oatmeal, etc.), custard apple and orange smoothie, apple juice, among others.

Custard apple and orange smoothie

This healing shake will not only regulate your cholesterol, but it will also provide you and your baby with tons of nutrients. Next, you can find out about the benefits of the exotic custard apple and the popular orange.

The custard apple is a fruit that comes from Peru; its flavor is sweet and its consistency quite juicy. Its appearance is heart-shaped, its size is similar to grapefruit, the shell is very thin, its interior is white, its exterior is dark green and its taste is sweet (it is compared to pineapple, mango and strawberry). This exotic fruit has incredible nutritional and medicinal properties, such as lowering LDL cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular diseases (many caused by high cholesterol and triglyceride levels). Next, we leave some of the advantages provided by cherimoya to control cholesterol and triglycerides:

  • High fiber content. We already know that fiber is an important ally when we need to put cholesterol at bay. The custard apple has 1.9 milligrams per 100 grams of fruit, thanks to this contribution, the absorption and concentration of cholesterol in the blood is reduced.
  • Rich in antioxidants. It contains abundant vitamin C, 18 milligrams per 100 grams of fruit, thanks to this; it reduces the possibility of fat accumulation in the arteries.
  • Contains abundant potassium. This mineral makes up 264 milligrams per 100 grams of fruit, which prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure.

For its part, the orange contains few calories, abundant vitamin C, fiber and potassium, that is, 3 key elements to reduce bad cholesterol levels. If you drink orange juice daily (without straining because it loses fiber), you reduce LDL cholesterol and, in turn, reduce Apo lipoprotein B values ​​​​and the LDL/HDL ratio in people with normal cholesterol and moderate hypercholesterolemia. Having said all this, let’s prepare our custard apple and orange smoothie, an exotic and healthy drink.


  • 2 custard apples
  • 2 oranges


  1. Start the recipe by cutting the cherimoya in half, extracting the pulp and seeds with a spoon, and finally discarding the seeds.
  2. Squeeze the orange, remove the seeds but preferably do not strain the juice.
  3. Pour both ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
  4. Enjoy it for breakfast or snack!

If you want this recipe detailed visually, enter the step by step of the custard apple and orange smoothie.

Another very good recipe to lower cholesterol in pregnant women, tasty and effective, is:

  • Papaya and oatmeal smoothie

Juices to lower cholesterol in children

Although it seems strange, children and adolescents can also suffer from high cholesterol or triglycerides, even from a very young age. These cases are happening more and more frequently, since the inappropriate habits of adults, both eating and living, are usually reflected in the smallest of the house: poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, etc.  However, there is also a risk of suffering from high cholesterol and triglycerides, if the family history reflects diseases such as diabetes or familial hypercholesterolemia, among others.

If you have doubts about the health of the little ones, visit the doctor, he/she will indicate the pertinent tests. In the meantime, you can review this reference about the most appropriate cholesterol values ​​​​in individuals 19 years of age or younger:

  • Total cholesterol: less than 170 mg/LD.
  • Non-HDL: less than 120 mg/LD.
  • LDL: less than 100 mg/LD.
  • HDL: less than 45 mg/LD.

1. Fruit juice to lower cholesterol

Strawberry and mango to lower cholesterol? Yes, another delicious tropical drink that also gives you incredible health benefits and that the little ones in the house will love. A naturally sweet shake packed with plenty of vitamin C, fiber and important antioxidants. You won’t have to convince them to take it! But, what does each ingredient contribute separately? Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and fiber, while mangoes also contain powerful antioxidants (vitamins A and C) and lots of fiber. Now, multiply the benefits of both and you will get a delicious antidote against bad cholesterol. It is interesting to mention that specialized studies presented at a medical congress in Melbourne, Australia, indicate that some mango components act like certain medicines to combat diabetes and reduce cholesterol. Words are unnecessary!


  • 500 grams of strawberries
  • 1 mango cut into squares
  • 2 teaspoons sweetener (optional)
  • 500 milliliters of skimmed milk or water (soy, oat or almond milk also works)


  1. Let’s start with the fruits! Wash the strawberries (use a strainer) and the mangoes, separately.
  2. Peel the mango, discard the shell, remove the pulp, remove the seed, chop it and reserve.
  3. Remove the stem from the strawberries; chop them into slices and reserve.
  4. Place reserved fruit in blender and slowly add milk while blending until desired texture is achieved.
  5. Also, you can add sweetener or any plant-based honey during the blending process, but only if you feel like it, as this drink is sweet on its own.

2. Beetroot and strawberry juice to lower cholesterol and triglycerides

This smoothie is ideal for the little ones, as it has a delicious flavor and contains everything you need to balance cholesterol. So they will heal smiling! Surely you are not satisfied with knowing that this drink is very healthy, since you want to know all the details, because when it comes to the little ones, details matter.

Most children like strawberries because they have a very characteristic sweet-acid flavor and can be tasted in many ways, but especially in desserts. Therefore, including them in a healing smoothie is perfect, because it enhances the flavor of the smoothie and masks the taste of the beets. But how do strawberries help in lowering bad cholesterol?

  • They provide important antioxidants(such as vitamin C, A, E, among others)), which prevent the transformation of high-density lipoproteins into LDL cholesterol, thus preventing its accumulation in the arteries. This happens because antioxidants accelerate cellular and lipid metabolism. To considerably reduce free radicals, it is enough to consume 160 mg of vitamin C daily.
  • Antioxidants also reduce the oxidation of fats in the body. This stops the formation of bad cholesterol plaques in the arteries, as the fat hardens. According to specialized studies, if you consume 500 grams of strawberries per month, you considerably reduce excess cholesterol in your body, thus preventing the formation of fatty plaques in the arteries.
  • They contain abundant fiber that reduces the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides that we consume in the daily diet. In addition, it prevents the concentration of low-density lipoprotein, stimulates the movement of the digestive tube to eliminate waste (intestinal peristalsis).


  • 15 strawberries
  • 1 cooked beet
  • ½ teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 500 milliliters of water


  1. Wash the strawberries, beets and ginger.
  2. Peel the beet and ginger (use a small piece).
  3. Cut the beet into pieces and finely chop the ginger, reserve both.
  4. Remove the stem of the strawberry and chop it into pieces, also reserve.
  5. Put all the ingredients, including the water, in the blender and blend everything until you get the right consistency.

Tip: If you have high triglycerides it is important to reduce both fat and sugar intake.

How to drink juices to lower cholesterol?

The ideal is to drink a juice as soon as you get up, on an empty stomach, for breakfast. After half an hour, it is advisable to have a proper breakfast with solid foods, since the body needs to eat these types of products to work properly during the rest of the day.

On the other hand, it is also possible to drink a juice during a snack or half an hour before the main meals. Of course, we do not recommend drinking more than three juices a day, since it is always more advisable to eat whole pieces of fruit or vegetables. Abusing the consumption of juices, even if they are natural, you can favor weight gain if, in addition, you do not exercise. In this sense, it is important to note that juices will not help reduce levels if a good diet is not followed. To do this, it is best to visit the doctor to prepare a menu to lower cholesterol adapted to your needs. Likewise, it is essential to exercise and have healthy lifestyle habits.

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