20 Easy Gin Drinks

Gin is a spirit drink that comes from juniper. For mixologists, this liquor is highly appreciated, since it changes during the artisanal distillation process to which it is subjected, acquiring a shape that allows it to melt with the botanical essential oils that are added to it (it transforms into steam momentarily) so that it Upon returning to its original (liquid) form, these oils become part of the liquor and provide it with many of its organoleptic characteristics (smell and flavor). Thus, depending on the oils that are added to it, each gin will have its own personality. For this and many other qualities (including medicinal), this liqueur is very versatile and ideal for any event: as an accompaniment to main dishes, as an aperitif or digestif (before or after meals), among many others.

Knowing all this, we couldn’t overlook preparing a top of the best easy gin drink recipes for you to prepare at home whenever you want, and who knows, maybe you’ll create your own cocktail! Of course, we emphasize that the amount of gin can be adjusted to the personal tastes of each one. Read on and enjoy everything from the most iconic gin drinks to the most innovative and original cocktails.

Classic gin and tonic

Although this well-known gin cocktail is very simple to prepare and only needs two essential ingredients, gin and tonic, it has its tricks to be an exceptional drink. To make an ideal gin and tonic you need to use quality products (the best gins, tonic waters and complementary products), measure with precision, add a single spice (juniper, cardamom, star anise, cinnamon, licorice, and orange blossom, ginger….), use very cold ingredients and utensils and give the mixture a citrus touch.

The ideal measure to make a proportionate gin and tonic is the following: a fifth of the glass of gin and the remaining four parts of tonic. That said, the steps to follow are:

  1. Place 2 ice cubes in a glassor gin and tonic glass. If the ice cubes are small, add some more.
  2. Pour into the glass or cup 30 ml of gin(preferably Seagram’s, Bombay Zaphire, the Botanicals, Martin Miller or Tanqueray Ten) and a pinch of Angostura.
  3. Complete with 90 ml tonic or aguaquina. Preferably Nordic Mist Blue for its pleasant flavor and striking blue color.
  4. Garnish with 1 mint leaf and 1 cherry, a slice of lemon, cucumber or orange.

Remember that you can modify the fruit and prepare this drink with gin to your liking.

Tom Collins

Another of the most famous gin cocktails is the legendary Tom Collins. Some say it was created in London and others in New York during the 19th century. In any case, it is a delicious and refreshing drink, ideal for gatherings with friends. Preparing it is too simple, it requires only 4 ingredients and these steps:

  1. Pour 100 ml of lemon juiceinto a glass, 1 tablespoon of sugar or syrup and 50 ml of gin. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Add 100 ml of sodaslowly so that the gas does not escape.
  3. Add 3 or 4 ice cubes.
  4. Garnish with 1 lemon wedge.

Tip: Preferably use special measuring cups for drinks.

White lady

This gin shot is said to represent the mild version of the popular Corpse Reviver No. 2 cocktail due to the combination of ingredients it contains. The original is prepared with cognac, while this version features gin. To make this drink also known as white lady, follow these steps:

  1. Place all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker: 40 ml of gin(it can be Tanqueray, Beefeater, and Gordon’s, Hand ricks, Largos, etc.), 30 ml of Cointreau, 20 ml of lemon juice (triple sec also works) and 3 ice.
  2. Shake vigorously.
  3. Serve in a glass or cup.

Tip: For a good cocktail always choose quality gin.


Travel to Sicily with your palate! Treat yourself to trying an aristocratic cocktail, the favorite of the famous Count Negron, to whom it owes its name. Legend has it that this drink stimulated the Count’s good spirits, as well as his great sense of humor. The negroni is a cocktail that stands out for giving the gin a light tone of Mediterranean aromatic spices, thanks to its content of red vermouth (whose flavor is also sweet).

Follow these steps to make this gin drink:

  1. Mix the following ingredients in a cocktail shaker: 30 ml of gin(Hendrick’s or Bombay Shapphire), 15 ml of Campari, 15 ml of Aperol and 20 ml of red vermouth (preferably Martini Rosso).
  2. Serve in a lowball glass with enough ice.
  3. You can decorate the cocktail with a slice of orange.

Strawberry gin and tonic

If you love drinks with gin and fruits, you will love this version of the traditional gin and tonic, since the strawberries provide that fruity touch that suits gin very well. Gin and tonic is a cocktail that allows you to be creative, which is why there are so many good reinterpretations: gin and tonic with orange and tarragon, cucumber gin and tonic, red fruit gin and tonic, gin and tonic with rose water and petals, mango gin and tonic, etc. Do you dare to create yours? Follow these steps:

  1. Place a handful of sliced ​​strawberries in a glass.
  2. Add several ice cubes.
  3. Add 10 ml of gin and a few drops of lemon. If you want a stronger drink, add more gin.
  4. Fill with tonic (1 can) slowly, so the gas will not escape.
  5. Garnish with a strawberry strung on a toothpick.

To give this drink a sweeter touch, you can use a type of gin made with fruit, such as Puerto de India’s, which is strawberry. Don’t miss the step-by-step recipe for Strawberry Gin and Tonic.

French 75

The French 75 was born in Paris in 1915, at Bar Henry’s New York, and owes its name to the 75-millimeter M 1897 field gun, used by the French militia during the First World War. However, during that time it was still known as Cocktail 75 and contained calvados instead of champagne.

Rest assured that if you try this cocktail you will enjoy a classic with a lot of history, as well as an easy drink to prepare and very light to taste. A cocktail that you will always want to repeat!

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker or mixing glass with ice, until it fills 2/3 of its capacity.
  2. Add 40 ml of gin and 20 ml of lemon juice. Shake or stir vigorously for 30 seconds.
  3. Strain the mixture into a glass.
  4. Fill with 100 ml of champagne, adding it very slowly.
  5. Garnish with a slice of lime and a cherry.

Long Island ice tea

This is one of the strongest gin cocktails out there. The famous Long Island Iced Tea contains a mix of various spirits, however, gin is essential to the drink’s identity. A very refreshing cocktail! Take note of the steps:

  1. First add the 4 ice cubes into a cocktail shaker.
  2. Pour in the spirits: 15 ml of vodka, 15 ml of Cointreau, 15 ml of gin, 15 ml of white tequila and 15 ml of white rum.
  3. Also, add 25 ml of lemon juiceand 30 ml of sugar syrup.
  4. Shake the shaker vigorously.
  5. Add the mixture into a tall glass.
  6. Add a splash of Coca-Cola and stir very well using an imperial spoon (or a common one).
  7. Serve and decorate with a slice of lemon.


This renowned drink is distinguished by its history, since it is considered one of the first to use cream among its ingredients and, additionally, nutmeg. Although its exact provenance is uncertain (as is the case with most cocktails), a widely applauded theory says that the Alexander cocktail was inspired by a fictitious female character, created for an advertisement in 1929, who was characterized by wearing suits whites.

Follow the step by step to try this incredible drink with gin:

  1. Add 3 ice cubesinto a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add 25 ml of gin, 25 ml of cocoa creamand 25 ml of heavy cream.
  3. Shake the shaker vigorously until you check that the contents are cold and well mixed.
  4. Serve in a Martini glass, but do not add the ice from the shaker.
  5. Sprinkle 1 pinch of nutmegto garnish the cocktail.

Tip: If you don’t have a cocktail shaker, use a thermos or any container to contain drinks with a lid.

Gin martini

This cocktail is known as an interpretation of the iconic Dry Martini, which is considered by mixologists to be the martini among martinis. The gin Martini is a strong drink that allows you to taste the full intensity of the gin. So, if you are looking for easy, fast and delicious cocktails with gin, this is the one for you! The step by step is:

  1. Deposit ice in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add 50 ml of gin(for example London nº3) and 10 ml of dry white vermouth.
  3. Serve in a Martini glass.
  4. To decorate, you can use some pitted olives and/or a slice of lemon.

Valencia water

Without a doubt, this is one of the most popular gin drinks in Spain. Valencia water was born in 1959 at the Madrid brewery in Valencia (Spain), but it became popular during the 70s. Although the true protagonist of this cocktail is champagne, gin is essential to define the flavor of the drink. For an exceptional Valencia water you should select seasonal oranges (better if they are from the Valencia orchard), avoid using orange liqueur (similar to Cointreau) as a replacement for oranges, choose quality liqueurs and add sugar only optionally (if you feel like it). A sweeter taste). Follow the step by step:

  1. Mix the juice of 1 orangewith 20 g white sugar (optional), ½ glass of gin and ½ glass of vodka in a shaker. Shake the mixture very well, since the sugar must be well dissolved.
  2. Add the mixture to a jug, previously adding 3 ice cubes.
  3. Pour in the 350 ml of champagne
  4. Serve and decorate with a slice of orange.

Corpse Reviver #2

A reviving cocktail? Yes, this drink earns its name from its ingredients, which revive those who drink it. This is one of the classic gin cocktails, one of those of a lifetime that cannot be missing from your list of prepared drinks. There are two types of Corpse Reviver, the Corpse Reviver #1 and the Corpse Reviver #2. On this occasion, we are going to prepare No. 2, which is the one that contains gin. So, if you have had a lot of work during the day and you feel like clearing your head, this drink will surely come in handy, since it is a mixture capable of reviving any party. Follow the step by step:

  1. Mix in a cocktail shaker 20 ml of gin, 20 of Cointreau, 20 of Lille, 20 of lemon juice and a pinch of absinthe. Shake very well.
  2. Serve in a glass or glass with 3 ice cubes.

Gin tea with Limon cello

Here’s to a different tea time! Surprise your guests with a refreshing and original gin drink that can be enjoyed whenever you prefer. A different way of drinking gin! The steps to follow are these:

  1. Combine 20 ml of gin, 10 ml of Limon cellowith another 20 ml of tea (preferably white tea) and the juice of a lemon in a glass. Stir well.
  2. Once all the ingredients are mixed, slowly add sparkling water.

Sapphire farina

As you already know, gin combines great with fruity tones, for this reason you will love this cocktail recipe with gin and fruit. An aromatic and sweet drink! Follow these steps:

  1. Mix in a cocktail shaker 50 ml of gin(better if you use Bombay Sapphire) with 25 ml of peach juice (peach Schnapps also works), 25 ml of cranberry juice and 35 ml of orange juice.
  2. Shake well and serve.

You can add pieces of fruit to enhance the flavor of the drink.


Because the classics never go out of style, this cocktail will captivate you. Much of its success is due to its infallible combination: citrus and gin. Therefore, if you are looking for simple and traditional drinks with gin, do not miss the step by step:

  1. Combine 60 ml of gin(very scented, like Gin Mare) with 15 ml of lime juice and 10 ml of syrup. Shake in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Serve in a glass and garnish with spiral-cut lime rind.

Gin mule

If you want a sensation of maximum freshness in a cocktail, then the Gin Mule is for you. This is one of the most classic and popular gin cocktails in New York, as that is where it was born. It is also known as Moscow Mule and is characterized by having an intense flavor. An ideal drink for sunny days! The step by step to prepare this cocktail is as follows:

  1. Place a handful of mint leaves, 20 ml of lemon juiceand 2 slices of ginger in a cocktail shaker. Crush a little without breaking the leaves.
  2. Next step, add 50 ml of gin(well distilled, such as London nº1) and shake for 10 seconds.
  3. Strain and serve in a glass with ice.
  4. Top with ginger beer or ginger ale (English soft drink) and garnish with a lime zest. If you prefer a less pronounced ginger flavor, use sparkling water instead.

Perfect Singapore Sling

This cocktail originally from Singapore, created by Ngai Tong Boon, manages to harmonize the sweetness of the fruity tones and the strength provided by the gin. In addition, its bright red color provides it with great visual appeal, which invites you to drink it. The step by step to make this drink is as follows:

  1. Mix in a shaker with ice 30 ml of gin, 5 ml of Triple Sec, 150 ml of cherry liqueur, 7.5 ml of herbal liqueur, 120 ml of pineapple juice, 15 ml of lemon juice, 15 ml of grenadineand a touch of narrowness.
  2. Shake the preparation vigorously.
  3. Strain the contents into a Highball glass.
  4. Garnish with 1 orange slice and 1 cherry.

Gin Fizz

For a shot of famous gin, try the Gin Fizz, a variation on the Tom Collins much appreciated by bartenders. This drink comes from the large family of drinks called “fizz”, which are characterized by containing soda and juice. Without a doubt, the star member of this group is the Gin Fizz. Follow the step by step:

  1. Pour 60 ml of gin, 30 ml of lemon juice, and 22 ml of caramel syrupinto a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously.
  2. Prepare a very cold glass with 3 or 4 ice cubes and add the mix, first passing it through a strainer.
  3. Add 30 ml of soda little by little and serve.

Silver fizz

Do you like original gin drinks? Well, here’s one that uses an unusual ingredient for a cocktail: egg. Since most of the most renowned cocktails always have one or more versions, the Gin Fizz also has its own: the Golden Fizz, which uses egg yolk, the Ramos Gin Fizz, which mixes egg white, heavy cream and a few drops of orange blossom, and finally the Silver Fizz that simply uses egg white to achieve a creamier texture. Follow this step by step:

  1. Add 50 ml of gin, 30 ml of lemon juice, 10 ml of sugar syrup, 1 tsp. of sugarand 20 ml of lightly beaten egg white to a cocktail shaker (it works great with quail eggs).
  2. Shake the shaker very well.
  3. Double strain the mixture and serve in a chilled high-necked glass, previously filled with plenty of ice cubes.
  4. Complete with sparkling water, added slowly so as not to lose the foam.

Cucumber gin and tonic

Another very refreshing and original version of the gin and tonic, so that you never get bored of this magnificent cocktail, is this recipe that includes cucumber. It’s one of the easiest and most delicious cucumber gin cocktails, so follow these steps:

  1. Place the ½ cucumberslices and plenty of ice in a glass.
  2. Add 30 ml of gin(preferably Hendrick’s or Williams Chase).
  3. Fill with tonic, but very slowly.
  4. Decorate the glass with slices of cucumber and, if you want, a slice of lemon. In fact, lemon juice also goes very well with this drink.

All the details in the Gin and tonic recipe with cucumber.

Blueberry and thyme gin and tonic

We end our list with the best gin drinks with another version of the classic gin and tonic. Fresh herbs give the gin and tonic a masterful twist that’s irresistible. Gin and tonics are generally ideal to accompany a lunch or dinner, to share an afternoon with friends, serve as digestive drinks or for any moment of celebration. Now, if we add other ingredients to this traditional drink, we get a really delicious cocktail with gin and fruit, perfect for summer! Follow the step by step:

  1. Blend in a food processor 1 handful of blueberries, 1 sprig of thyme, and 1 tablespoon of sugar syrup or syrup.
  2. Strain and pour the mixture into a tall glass filled with ice.
  3. Add 30 ml of gin.
  4. Fill the rest of the glass with tonic. Add it slowly.
  5. Garnish with 1 sprig of thyme.

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