15 recipes with coconut milk

Coconut milk is widely used in vegan, vegetarian, Asian and Latin American food recipes.  This food comes from coconut pulp and provides proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6), minerals (iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus) and antioxidants. . In addition, it does not contain lactose and is easy to digest.

In the kitchen, this vegetable milk is a very versatile product, since it is used for both sweet and savory recipes. Perhaps this is because of its texture and flavor, which make it a good replacement for milk of animal origin. Without a doubt, could not ignore this wonderful ingredient and its applications, which we show you in these 15 recipes with coconut milk, all easy and delicious.

Spicy beef with coconut milk

This dish inspired by Asian food, especially from Indonesia and Thailand, is attributed aphrodisiac properties. If you want to taste a captivating and easy meal in the best gourmet style, we invite you to follow this recipe step by step:

  1. Crush 100 g shelled peanuts in a mortar. Booking.
  2. Blend 4 onions, 4 cloves of garlic, a pinch of ginger, and the peel of ½ a lemon, a pinch of salt to taste and 100 ml of coconut milk in a blender. Once obtained a puree, reserve it.
  3. Cut 500 g of spinach into fine julienne strips and set aside.
  4. Chop 1 chili and reserve.
  5. Heat another 100 ml coconut milk in a saucepan.
  6. Add 500 g of beef tenderloin, or any other part, previously cut into thin fillets. As soon as it boils, turn the heat down to low and cook for 10 minutes.
  7. Add reserved peanuts, 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. soy sauce. Cook for 20 minutes.
  8. Add the reserved puree and cook for 20 more minutes.
  9. Make sure the meat is well cooked and remove the preparation from the heat.
  10. In a skillet with melted butter, sauté the reserved spinach.
  11. Serve the veal in coconut sauce bathed in its sauce and decorate it with a tablespoon of yogurt and 1 chili pepper. Add spinach as a garnish.

These amounts yield for 4 people.

Rice with sweet coconut with paper

This tropical version of arrow con lecher contains coconut milk and pipeline, an aromatic and tasty dessert! To prepare this recipe with coconut milk simply follows these steps:

  1. Cook 1½ cups of rice as usual, but without salt or oil. It must be al dente.
  2. Grate ½ brown papers(piloncillo or panel).
  3. Pour 2 cups of coconut milk into a saucepan (you will need 6 cups of coconut milk in total, so reserve the remaining 4).
  4. Add the following spices: 3 cinnamon sticks, 4 cloves, 3 star anise and 4 guayabitas.  Also, add 1 pinch of salt.
  5. Stir constantly and cook over low heat, otherwise it will stick to the bottom of the pan.
  6. Once the liquid is reduced, add the grated paper, another 2 cups of coconut milk and ½ cup of sugar(optional).
  7. Add the last 2 cups of coconut milk and continue stirring constantly. Wait until a little is consumed, although everything will depend on how moist you prefer the rice with coconut milk.
  8. Let cool to room temperature and refrigerate.
  9. Serve cold and sprinkled with grated coconut. Decorate with a cinnamon stick and star anise.

This exquisite dessert with coconut milk serves 6 people.

Seafood soup with coconut milk

Incorporating coconut milk in recipes with seafood is very common in Asian and Latin American cuisine. To sample, here is this exquisite Honduran dish that you can easily prepare by following these easy steps:

  1. Finely chop the dressings: 3 cloves of garlic, 1 sweet pepper(serve sweet pepper), 1 onion, ½ bunch of coriander, 1 recede and 2 celery Reserve everything together, except the garlic.
  2. Cut into medium pieces ½ yucca, 1 greenplantain and ripe plantain. Booking.
  3. Chop 1 carrotto taste and reserve.
  4. Sauté the reserved garlic with butter or margarine in a pan. Reserve again.
  5. Add 5 liters of waterto a large saucepan and bring to a boil.
  6. Add the dressings, the fried garlic, 1 tsp. of cuminand 1 cube of shrimp broth to the boiling water.
  7. Incorporate 2 cans of coconut milk, but first mix it with a little of the broth you are preparing. Continue cooking over high heat.
  8. Once it boils again, add the seafood: 200 g of sea snails, 400 g of fish, 3 crabs, and 200 g of clamsand 200 g of shrimp (already washed).
  9. Cook 5 more minutes. Then let it sit for a couple of minutes and serve.

Serves 6 diners.

Coconut milk chocolate

Another of the best coconut milk desserts is, without a doubt, this hot chocolate recipe.  Coconut milk goes perfectly with chocolate, giving us a more aromatic, delicious and digestible drink, perfect for those allergic to lactose (chocolate must be lactose-free).

You can also write down this Colombian recipe among your easy vegan recipes and to make it you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Add 2 liters of whole milkto a saucepan.
  2. Add 2 chopped melting chocolate bars. Heat over medium heat.
  3. Once the chocolate is dissolved in the milk, add pinch of cinnamonand 1 pinch of cloves. Wait until they impregnate the preparation with their smell.
  4. Remove from heat and add 1 can of coconut milk. Beat with manual whisks until the chocolate foams, thus achieving a creamy texture. It serves.

Serves 6 diners.

A traditional dish of oriental food that fits perfectly into any vegan menu. You can serve it as a main dish or as a side dish to some protein food of animal origin in case you do not follow a vegan diet.

To delight yourself with this recipe with coconut milk, just follow this step by step:

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (cornstarch)in 200 ml of coconut milk (as the recipe requires 400 ml in total, save another 200 ml).
  2. Wash and chop the vegetables: 200 g of broccoli, 150 g of fresh mushrooms, 1 medium aborigine, 2 carrots, 1 onionand 2 cloves of garlic. If you prefer, you can replace some vegetables with leeks and zucchini. Reserve it all together, except the garlic and onion.
  3. Sauté the reserved onion and garlic cloves in a pan.
  4. Add the vegetables and sauté them as soon as you see the transparent onions. Cook over high heat for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Season with salt to taste and add the rest of the ingredients: the dissolved cornstarch, the remaining 200 ml of coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of curry powder, 1 tablespoon of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of tahiniand 1 tablespoon vegetable oil soup.
  6. Stir the preparation very well and cover the pan. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  7. Rectify the flavor with salt, pepper and curry (or chili).
  8. Serve as a main dish or accompaniment to some protein.

Serves 4 diners

Coconut mojitos

If you are looking for coconut milk drink recipes, you will love this one! This version of the traditional Cuban mojito, prepared with coconut milk, could not be missing. The texture and flavor of the coconut give this cocktail a subtle touch, softening and sweetening its flavor. To prepare this exotic drink, just follow these steps:

  1. Crush 2 tsp. brown sugar with the juice of 1 lemonin a mortar. Madera until you gets a paste.
  2. Add 1 bunch of fresh mint; crush them lightly because otherwise they will add a bitter taste to the drink.
  3. Pour 60 ml of white rum(2 ounces) into a glass.
  4. Add 1 soda and 1 lime cut into hulls.
  5. Add 30 ml of coconut milk(1 ounce) and the reserved mixture in the mortar.
  6. Decorate with grated coconut and mint leaves.

Serves 1 person.

Pumpkin cream with coconut milk

Healthy and vegan coconut milk recipes? Here you have one! This memorable cream has an oriental inspiration, as it combines coconut milk and a touch of ginger to reinvent the way of eating pumpkin cream. If you fancy this comforting cream, follow the step-by-step below:

  1. Cut the vegetables into medium pieces: 2 cloves of garlic in slices, 1 small piece of fresh ginger, 1 onion, 3 potatoesand 700 g of pumpkin. Book everything separately.
  2. In a saucepan, sauté the garlic, onion and ginger in hot oil.
  3. Add the potatoes and squash if the onions already look translucent.
  4. Seasonto taste and cook for 2 minutes.
  5. Incorporate 1 can of coconut milk and water; both mixed liquids must completely cover the soffit and exceed it by two fingers. If not, add more water. You can replace the water with vegetable broth, thus intensifying the flavor of the recipe.
  6. Add 1 pinch of curry powderand stir well (optional).
  7. Cook for 30 minutes.
  8. Check if the vegetables are soft and the broth is slightly reduced. If so, remove from heat.
  9. Let stand a few minutes before grinding.
  10. Pour the rested preparation into the blender and blend until you obtain a fine and homogeneous cream.
  11. Rectify the seasoning if you consider it necessary.
  12. Serve with an additional splash of coconut milk and a little ground chili. Thus, you soften the spicy flavor of this dish.

Serves 4 diners.

Tip: The amount of ginger you add will affect how spicy the recipe is.

Pasta with vegetables and coconut milk

Recipes with coconut milk and pasta are really amazing. Pasta is a very versatile food, that’s why it’s good with whatever you put on it. However, if you combine it with vegetables, coconut milk and aromatic spices, you give it a masterful twist. To enjoy this healthy dish, ideal for vegans and lovers of good food, follow these easy steps:

  1. Cut 2 garlic cloves into slices, chop ½ an onion, cut 1 leek into fine rings, separate 4 small broccoli florets (clusters), chop 1 tomato and dice 1 carrot.
  2. Cook 240 g of spaghetti al dente, or any long pasta. Strain them and reserve.
  3. Sauté the onion, garlic and leek in a pan. Previously, heat 1 tablespoon of oilin the pan.
  4. Add the rest of the chopped vegetables, plus ½ cup of sweet corn.
  5. Season with 1 pinch each of the following spices: ground coriander, paprika, turmeric, nutmeg, ginger powder, dried basil, and thyme.
  6. Mix everything well and wait until the vegetables are soft.
  7. Pour 200 ml of coconut milkinto the preparation. Stir until well integrated with the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Serve the pasta bathed in the sauce. If you feel like it, you can sprinkle vegan peanut parmesanon the plate

Serves 2 diners.

Chocolate mousse with coconut milk

Another of the desserts with coconut milk par excellence and that you cannot stop trying. If you want to prepare a delicious lactose-free chocolate mousse, you will love this recipe.  Coconut milk enhances the aroma, flavor and texture of this dessert. What do you need to prepare this mousse? Very simple, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Pour 2 egg yolksand 1 glass of coconut milk into a saucepan.
  2. Stir the mixture, fast and constant, for 4 minutes, cooking over medium heat. Once it thickens, turn off the heat and add 10 drops of vanilla essence.
  3. Incorporate this preparation in the blender with 50 g of chocolate(70% cocoa) and 1 tbsp. of xylitol (birch sugar or other sweetener also works). Beat on high speed for 1 minute.
  4. Pour the coconut milk chocolate mousse into glasses or cups. Cover with plastic wrap and reserve in the freezer for 30 minutes or in the refrigerator for 1 hour and a half.

This coconut milk chocolate mousse is enough for 2 people.

Chicken curry with coconut milk

If you need recipes with coconut milk and chicken, you will love this version of the traditional Indian chicken curry. It has some very successful adaptations, for example, it contains many more vegetables although some are not included in the original recipe, which your guests will surely love, because it is so good! To prepare it, follow the following easy step-by-step guide:

  1. Sauté 1 minced garlic clovein a skillet. The oil must be hot in advance.
  2. Add ½ onion(1 spring onion also works), 1 piece of leek and ½ green pepper or eye, all chopped. Cook over medium heat.
  3. Once the vegetables are done, add 2 chopped chicken breasts. Mix with a wooden spoon and cook for 5 minutes or so. They also serve whole thighs, but cook them very well on both sides.
  4. Add 4 sliced ​​mushrooms (optional).
  5. Add the aromatic spices and season: 3 tsp. of curry, 1 tsp. of turmeric, 1 tsp. of cumin, 1 tsp. of ground ginger, 1 pinch of pepper and 1 pinch of salt (additionally you can also add cinnamon and nutmeg). These amounts are indicative, since you can modify them to your liking.
  6. Pour in 250 ml of coconut milk. If you prefer a more liquid sauce, you can add ½ glass of water. From here, cook over low heat.
  7. Cook for about 5 minutes. If the chicken pieces are very thick or large, you may need a little more time.
  8. Rectify the taste. Add more salt or any spices you think need a little more.
  9. Serve this dish accompanied by rice, preferably basmati.

Serves 2 diners.

Coconut milk shake

If you want a refreshing and invigorating drink, full of protein and nutrients, you can’t miss this coconut milk shake. In addition, preparing it is very simple if you follow the following steps:

  1. Place 3 natural yogurts(125 ml each), 375 ml of coconut milk and 2 tablespoons of honey in the blender.
  2. Blend until it is a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Pour into two large glasses or a pitcher. If you choose the glasses, put plastic wrap on top. Reserve until the drink is very cold.
  4. Serve the coconut milk shake very cold, sprinkling grated coconut.

This is a recipe with coconut milk ideal for breakfast or snack, which is enough for 2 people.

Tip: For a sweeter smoothie, choose sweetened yogurt.

Hake in a casserole with coconut milk

If you are looking for recipes with coconut milk and fish, this dish made with hake is a delight. Coconut milk combines very well with seafood, as it softens their flavor and enriches them. So if you want to enjoy a gourmet, easy and divine dish, just follow these steps:

  1. Place 1 diced white onionin a large saucepan. Cook for 3 minutes or until its appearance is white.
  2. Once the onion is ready, add 200 g of coconut milkand salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Add 4 potatoes previously washed and cut into quarters. Cook over low heat for 25 minutes with the pan covered.
  4. If the potatoes are already soft, add water to cover them.
  5. Optionally, you can add 1 pinch of cumin.
  6. Add 250 g of hake cut into large squares. Cook for a further 25 minutes with the pan covered.
  7. Serve very hot. If you feel like it, chop 100 g of coriander and sprinkle it over the preparation. Finally, garnish with a plantain testing.

Serves 2 diners.

Chia and coconut pudding

This healthy, exotic and aromatic coconut milk dessert has a texture similar to flan or jelly, provided by the combination of chia and coconut milk. To make this exquisite recipe, you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Pour 2 glasses of coconut milkinto a glass, mug, or jar. There are also versions of this pudding with other vegetable milks and even with milks of animal origin.
  2. Add spices and aromatic essences: ½ tsp. ground cinnamon, 1 pinch of ground cardamom (optional) and 1 dash of vanilla essence (or ½ pods).
  3. Sweeten with 1 tbsp. maple syrup or any sweetener of your choice (agave, honey, etc.).  Mix everything with rods.
  4. Add 1/2 cup of chia seeds and stir again. Let the preparation rest for a couple of minutes and beat again.
  5. Refrigerate the preparation for at least 8 hours. Cover the glasses with plastic wrap. If you can let them sit for 24 hours or more, all the better.
  6. When serving, add diced mango or any other fruit you fancy. Put the finishing touch on it by sprinkling 1 handful of grated coconut.

This coconut milk pudding serves 2 people.

Rice with shrimp and coconut

The combination of shrimp, vegetables, rice and coconut milk is succulent, exotic and delicious. If you want to surprise everyone with this incredible recipe with coconut milk and rice, take note of the following steps:

  1. Sauté 1 onionand 1 garlic clove finely chopped in 4 tablespoons of hot oil.
  2. Add 500 g of shrimpand mix everything. Season a little (to taste).
  3. Once the onion is transparent, add 1 pepperand 1 tomato (both chopped to taste). Stir well until everything is integrated. Cook a couple of minutes.
  4. Pour in ½ cup of coconut milkplus 1 cup of grated coconut. Stir well.
  5. Add 2 cups of riceand 4 cups of water. Wait until it boils and, at that moment, lower the flame and cover the pot. Cook until the rice is cooked. If the rice is still hard, add more water, but it shouldn’t need it. Likewise, if you want it to be soupier, you can increase the amount of coconut milk and water proportionally.
  6. You can serve the rice with shrimp accompanied by slices of plantain and avocado salad.

Serves 6 diners.

Brazilian coconut delicacy

We end the list of the best recipes with coconut milk with one of the most popular desserts in Brazilian cuisine, the coconut man jar! It is ideal for any celebration, meeting or simply to share, you will love its flavor! To prepare it, you just need to follow the simple steps in this video and the following ingredients:

The ingredients for the coconut mash are:

  • 8 tablespoons of fine cornmeal (also known as cornstarch or cornstarch)
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 200 ml of coconut milk

The ingredients for the topping are:

  • 100g grated coconut
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 20 prunes

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