15 Natural Juices for Anemia

What is good for anemia? This condition causes tiredness, cramps, lack of concentration, dizziness, respiratory distress and even hair loss due to low iron. Don’t panic, this bodily imbalance is usually overcome quickly with a diet rich in iron and other vital nutrients (both natural and in supplements), in just a few weeks.

The most recommended thing is that if you observe these symptoms you visit the doctor and change your diet, enriching it with foods and juices rich in: iron, group B vitamins (such as folic acid) and vitamin C, mainly. Without a doubt, the most effective way to prevent, combat and soften the symptoms of anemia is by eating correctly.

What is anemia and how to fight it with food?

Anemia is an organic imbalance, caused by a deficiency of iron in the blood, due to the loss of this mineral or because its requirements exceed the contribution of the daily diet. Its main characteristic is exhaustion and pale skin, although there are other very recurring symptoms.

In principle, anemia is not a disease, but an organic disorder caused by a low iron intake. This is the case of iron deficiency and megaloblastic anemia, however there are also other types of anemia that can be considered as ailments. For this reason it is essential that a doctor diagnose anemia, indicate the type that is suffered and establish an adequate treatment.

Once the medical treatment has been established, it will be the same specialist who recommends the consumption of iron-rich foods to combat anemia. In this way, we see how diet directly influences the recovery of this imbalance, so that an inadequate diet can hinder treatment and, therefore, worsen the clinical picture. Next, we will see what are the recommended foods for anemia.

Foods to fight anemia

In order to quickly recover from anemia, the most important thing is to correct the daily diet and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. If the problem is not of a nutritional nature (such as genetic anemia), an adequate diet will also complement the treatment to be followed. The essential substances (in supplements and natural) to fulfill this mission are: iron, vitamins C, B2, B12, B5 and B9 (folate). Copper and manganese are also desirable, in addition to other complementary nutrients. In this way, if you wonder what the vitamins for anemia are, here is the answer.

It is important to remember that iron of animal origin (called heme iron) has greater bioavailability than iron of plant origin (it is more difficult to absorb). Likewise, it is essential to consider that there are substances that enhance the use of iron such as vitamin C and others that, on the contrary, decrease it, such as phytic acid.

But… what foods for anemia give these contributions? Here is a very useful list to modify your daily diet and complement it, so you can prevent and combat anemia:

Vegetables for anemia

Beet, carrot, pumpkin, red pepper, garlic and radish, among others. These vegetables provide important nutrients for anemic such as iron, vitamins of group B and C, among other essential nutrients to balance the body.

Green vegetables for anemia

These types of foods to combat and prevent anemia are excellent for their large contributions of iron and B vitamins (such as B9 and B12), among other essential nutrients. Among the most advisable green vegetables are: spinach, broccoli, celery, kale, lettuce and parsley. Keep in mind that spinach and Swiss chard contain between 3 and 4 mg of non-heme iron.

Fruits for anemia

Tree tomato (the conventional one is also included), apple, peach, avocado, plums, grapefruit, grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangerine, bananas, grapes, figs, red berries (strawberries, cherries, blackberries, etc.) or raisins (especially if consumed in large quantities), are the most recommended fruits for anemia. Most of these fruits have a high iron content, vitamins of group B and C, very important in a diet like the one we are dealing with here. It is interesting to mention that citrus fruits favor iron absorption due to their high vitamin C content, so including fruits with iron for anemia is important, but adding other fruits rich in vitamin C to absorb it as well.

Legumes for anemia

These foods are another excellent source of iron and protein, perhaps one of the most complete in the plant kingdom. The most recommended legumes to combat anemia are lentils, beans, chickpeas and soybeans, among others. However, lentils and soybeans contain more iron than any other legume, between 8 and 7 grams respectively. The only problem with these foods, rich in non-heme iron, is that, as with cereals, the absorption of this mineral by the body is difficult. Solution? Complement the intake of legumes with citrus fruits, which activate the absorption of iron.

Nuts for anemia

These provide significant doses of iron, the most advisable being sesame seeds (9 mg per 100 grams), pistachios (7.2 mg), peach dried apricots (7 mg), sunflower seeds (6.4 mg), pine nuts (5.6 mg), almonds (4.2 mg), peanuts (4.6), cashews (6.6) and dried dates (1.7 mg), among others. In the case of pistachio, in addition to iron it contains copper, a perfect combination to alleviate and combat the symptoms of anemia.

Honey for anemia

It contains iron (1.3 per 100 grams approximately), copper (0.09) and manganese (0.03 mg), essential components for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Therefore, it is a powerful weapon against anemia.

Meats for anemia

It is estimated that meats in general contain 2 mg of iron for every 100 grams of product approximately. However, red meat, in addition to containing a high level of iron, has heme iron, which is quickly absorbed by the body’s cells. As if that were not enough, they also contain abundant vitamin B12.

The parts of the cattle body with the most iron are the liver (it covers 60% of the daily needs of this mineral), the heart and the kidneys. Fish and some seafood are also recommended foods to prevent anemia due to their high iron content. Some of the most recommended seafood in case of anemia are tuna, salmon, oysters and mussels, among others.

It is interesting to mention that clams contain around 24 mg of iron per 100 grams of product, which exceeds the intake required by women (18 mg) and men (10 mg) in adulthood. For its part, among red meats, blood sausage (made from blood), is excellent for its contribution of heme iron, which contains 14 mg per 100 grams of product.

Eggs for anemia

A very complete food to combat anemia, full of nutrients such as protein, antioxidants, vitamins and iron. If you consume eggs (1 mg of iron for each large unit) daily, you will get what is necessary to prevent anemia.

Tips for taking food to combat anemia

  • Control excessive intake of whole foods(with fiber), such as whole wheat bread, wheat bran or others. Although they have a good dose of iron, usually between 4 and 12 mg per 100 grams of product, they significantly reduce the absorption of iron in the body due to its plant origin.
  • Avoid mixing foods with calcium while you consume iron (whether natural or in supplements), since these interrupt the absorption of this mineral.
  • Temporarily cut out drinks like soda, coffee, or energy drinks while you recover from anemia, as they can slow the body’s absorption of iron.

Juice recipes for anemia

Undoubtedly, diet is vital to recover from an anemic condition, especially the iron deficiency type, which is the most frequent and is generally caused by a diet low in iron. Juices are perfect complements to any diet, especially for this organic disorder, and for this reason we will show you how to make juices for anemia and what are the best smoothie recipes for anemia that you can prepare.

1. Beetroot and carrot juice for anemia

Beetroot, carrot and orange juice is a classic to combat anemia, commonly recommended to overcome it naturally and complement medical recommendations. It has everything necessary to quickly restore the body thanks to its powerful nutrients: potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, iron, folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin C, fiber, vitamin A and many more.

Without a doubt, the sum of certain vegetables and fruits are infallible to counteract an anemic condition. A good dose of nutrients that include iron, folic acid and vitamin C as main protagonists, ensure a prompt improvement. This is the case of this juice, where beets are the protagonists for all their nutritional contributions to combat anemia. These vegetables are responsible for providing a good amount of group B vitamins, specifically vitamin B9, also called folate or synthesized folic acid (not converted into a dietary supplement and found naturally in foods such as green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and beans). This substance contributes to the formation of red blood cells, preventing and fighting anemia. On the other hand, beets also provide a good dose of iron and vitamin C, elements that are also essential to balance this deficiency. A natural medicine against anemia!

In this juice to raise iron, oranges could not be missing, which mainly provide vitamin C, responsible for activating folic acid or folate to facilitate the absorption of iron in the body. Finally, carrots provide the body with vitamins (A, B, C) and a wide variety of minerals (iron, folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, iodine and calcium). As you can see, this trio brings it to them, becoming a powerful natural way to eliminate anemia.

But the qualities of this juice do not stop there, because it is also a powerful detoxifier, since it improves the liver, intestinal and kidney functions of the body. In addition, due to its tasty flavor it is perfect for children. A delicious anti-anemic multi! The recipe? Very simple and economical, you only need:


  • 1 beetroot
  • 5 oranges
  • 1 carrot

For more details, feel free to review the step-by-step recipe for the three-in-one juice here.

2. Juice for anemia of beets and strawberries

An anti-anemic duet! This vegetable and fruit duo is full of wonderful nutrients: iron, folic acid, sodium, potassium, vitamins (C and several of group B), among others. But separately, how do they work?

On the one hand, beets provide water-soluble vitamins of group B, (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9), with B2 and B9 being the most indicated against anemia. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is responsible for the production of antibodies, red blood cells and energy for the body. On the other hand, vitamin B9 (folate or folic acid) also favors the formation of red blood cells. Finally, beets also contain a high iron content (1.80 mg/100 g), vitamin C (30 mg/100 g) and other substances that give it great anti-anemic action.

The pair of beets on this occasion are strawberries, responsible for improving (in this case reinforcing) the absorption of iron and folic acid, thanks to the important contribution of vitamin C. They also contain group B vitamins that fight anemia, iron, flavonoids and complementary vitamins.

The finishing touch? A pinch of ginger, responsible for leveling blood sugar. Can you ask for more? At the same time, it is a very fresh detox juice for the start of the day or during it. Another advantage? It is a perfect drink for everyone, but especially for the little ones, because they will love its delicious flavor and will stay healthy without protest. An elixir against anemia!


  • 15 strawberries
  • 1 cooked beetroot
  • ½ teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 500 milliliters of water

Magnificent option, healthy and delicious, here are the details of this beetroot and strawberry smoothie.

3. Guava and orange juice

Guava and beets are traditional foods to combat anemia, which, combined with other fruits, help to recover naturally from this organic imbalance. In this particular case, the protagonist is the guava, which together with the orange, gives you a very effective mixture to raise hemoglobin.

The fragrant guava is acidic, with an alkaline reaction and has abundant nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and iron, as well as vitamins C and A. Thanks to its high content of iron, protein and vitamin C, it is a very complete fruit for the anemia treatment. Can you imagine it combined with the powerful orange? More vitamin C for an energy rush!


  • 3 guavas
  • 4 oranges
  • 4 liters of water

This juice to prevent anemia is also a wonderful option for children, due to its rich flavor. So, do not hesitate, this option may be the one you need, if you want to make sure of the procedure, check the guava and orange juice here.

Tip: Another classic anti-anemic duet is guava with red paprika.

4. Natural juice for anemia of red fruits and banana

An energetic rush! The elements in this smoothie provide you with a large amount of iron and other nutritional substances, ideal for eliminating anemia. I invite you to find out the nutrients that these ingredients have!

The banana contains a large amount of iron and other important nutritional contributions, while red fruits have iron, vitamins C, E, B (several from group B such as palate), among others. Add to this the dates, which provide a little more iron, vitamin B5 (ideal to alleviate the symptoms of anemia in general) and copper (a mineral responsible for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood).

Due to its high iron content, this smoothie is recommended in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Plus, this delicious drink is loaded with antioxidants, natural sugars, and carbohydrates—pure energy! Ideal to start the day!


  • 1 cup of red fruits (can be frozen or fresh)
  • ¼ cup of dates
  • 1 and a half cups of water (360 milliliters)
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon

Without a doubt, this smoothie is exquisite, it will be the best way to restore health to young and old while they enjoy themselves. The steps of this recipe? Here you can verify smoothie of red fruits and banana. The pleasure of the healthy!

5. Blackberry juice for anemia

An anti-anemic breakfast! Red berries in general are excellent fruits to combat anemia, as they almost always contain nutrients such as iron, folic acid, vitamin C and, in some cases, group B vitamins. In the particular case of cherries, their high content of vitamins C, E, potassium, magnesium, iron, folic acid and fiber, make it another excellent red option to balance the body. Likewise, blackberries are a natural source of calcium, potassium, yoga, iron, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamin A and C.

For its part, coconut water provides a large amount of copper, zinc, potassium (more than half the concentration of water), iron, folic acid and phosphorus. The banana is not far behind, providing a great contribution of iron and other restorative nutrients, while the cereals provide another dose of iron, in different portions. The final result? A powerful drink to combat anemia and relieve its symptoms.

This versatile juice contains antioxidants and carbohydrates that provide the body with a lot of energy while protecting it from free radicals.


  • ½ cup of blackberries
  • ½ cup raspberries
  • 4 tablespoons of currants
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 3 tablespoons whole grain cereal or granola
  • 3 bananas
  • 1 cup coconut water or water

Undoubtedly, the tastiest way to get over nutritional anemia is by adding this drink to your treatment. Making it is as easy as cleaning all the fruit well and crushing all the ingredients.

Tip: Remember not to overdo it with whole grains or granola, as they limit the absorption of iron in the body.

6. Spinach juice for anemia with banana

Green juices and smoothies provide an excellent source of iron, folate, vitamin B12, chlorophyll, and other nutrients. These food substances come mainly from green leafy vegetables. But what other nutrients does this smoothie have?

In this green drink, iron and folic acid multiply thanks to the contribution of banana, strawberries and almond milk. On the other hand, it includes a large amount of vitamin C provided by strawberries, oranges and apples, which is responsible for activating iron and folic acid in the body. Finally, group B vitamins are provided by strawberries, perfect to complement the battle against anemia.

This green smoothie, in addition to containing powerful anti-anemic nutrients, also has great diuretic properties.


  • 2 cups of fresh strawberries
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 cup of fresh spinach
  • 1 apple

A green combination that benefits and pleases the palate. If you’re about to make this drink, follow the directions in the Banana Spinach Smoothie recipe. A delicious way to recover!

7. Spinach juice for anemia with oats

Get ready for this anti-anemic smoothie! Its ingredients are delicious and ultra-beneficial for the treatment of this deficiency. Pay attention to the benefits!

The banana provides B vitamins, folic acid (12%) and a significant dose of iron, helping the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. Oats add 4.5 mg of iron content to the body, in this case it is recommended to buy it fortified, since it provides more B vitamins, ideal for fighting anemia (remember to moderate its use during treatment).

For your part, remember that nuts contain a good proportion of iron, varying the amount of this mineral depending on the type of fruit. Honey has a perfect combination of anti-anemic nutritional substances, which favors the formation of red blood cells. Spinach, as we have already said, is one of the best foods.

Finally, the avocado closes this juice with a flourish due to its high content of minerals such as copper, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc, as well as key vitamins in the treatment of anemia such as vitamin C and several of the complex b.


  • 1 banana
  • 150 grams of spinach
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 teaspoon of flower honey
  • 250 milliliters of almond milk (or coconut)
  • 1 tablespoon oat flakes

If you are already in the kitchen, you have all the ingredients on the table but you want to make sure of the steps, you can review the green smoothie with banana here.

Tip: It is recommended to consume at least a handful of nuts a day to prevent anemia.

8. Cranberry juice to combat anemia

Most green leafy vegetables contain a large amount of iron and other nutrients that are perfect for treating anemia. The main anti-anemic substances are those already mentioned above, in addition to other plant components such as chlorophyll. With the exception of vitamin B12, the rest of the compounds are abundant in vegetables. Among the favorite green vegetables to combat anemia can be named: Swiss chard, Romanesque (a type of cauliflower), green beans, fresh peas, broccoli, watercress, spinach, parsley, celery, among others.

Add to the green benefits the contributions of the banana, abundant in iron and several important nutrients. Plus those of the avocado, which stands out for containing almost 20 vitamins, plus phytonutrients and minerals such as iron, folate. For its part, coconut contributes vitamin E and several of the B complex. We have already said that red fruits contain minerals and vitamin C and, finally, nuts add more iron, vitamin C and other important nutrients to the mix.. The result of this formula? An exquisite and infallible drink, against anemia.


  • 1 avocado
  • 1 glass of fresh spinach
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tablespoons fresh blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons of red fruits
  • 250 milliliters of water
  • 1 tablespoon grated coconut
  • 6 cherries

If you are ready to prepare this drink, we recommend you review the steps of the green spinach and avocado smoothie here. A wholesome healing delight!

9. Carrot juice for anemia

Another magnificent comfort drink! With these common ingredients, in almost any kitchen, you can make an excellent drink to eliminate anemia. But… what are the contributions of its ingredients?

Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, important nutrients for treating anemia. Carrots provide iron, vitamin C and other nutrients. Finally, celery provides significant amounts of iron to reinforce the anti- anemic power of this drink.


  • 200g carrots
  • 100 ml of tomato juice
  • 70g celery

Easy and everyday ingredients, which are usually found in almost any kitchen. A simple and inexpensive recipe that will restore your energy, logically accompanied by the treatment recommended by the doctor. Without further ado, you just need to beat all the ingredients and strain them if you consider it necessary.

10. Spinach, celery and apple juice

This is one of the best juices for anemia because it has large amounts of iron provided by spinach and celery. This dose is ready to be absorbed by the body and give it maximum use thanks to oranges and apples. Add to this a large amount of nutrients – a real healthy cocktail!

In addition, this drink will help strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and regulate blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels, among others. It is recommended to consume it during breakfast.


  • 4 oranges
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 banana
  • 1 bunch of spinach
  • 2 apples
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder

Another excellent option to counteract anemia, follow the simple step-by-step of spinach, celery and apple juice. You’ll love it!

11. Carrot and orange juice for anemia

Another ideal juice for anemic, an infallible combination of vegetables and fruits. On the one hand, carrots increase the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in the blood, thanks to their contribution of iron and vitamin C. Celery, on the other hand, adds important nutrients, including a generous portion of iron. The orange puts the final touch, providing more vitamin C, the same to facilitate the absorption of iron. A perfect trio to combat anemia!

In addition, this juice has other benefits such as a natural diuretic, purifier of the body, an ally to counteract gastrointestinal problems and an excellent fat burner. All in one drink!


  • 1 cup of carrot juice
  • 1 cup of orange pulp
  • 1 piece of celery
  • ½ cup of water (120 milliliters)
  • 1 handful of crushed ice

Without a doubt, this multifaceted natural juice can bring back the rosiness and benefit you in many other ways. Are you ready to take note of this carrot, orange and celery juice recipe?

12. Juice to raise the iron of celery

This natural detox drink is detoxifying, cleansing and diuretic, low in calories and fights anemia. Yes, all this in the same juice.

For the treatment of anemia, celery provides vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, potassium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus and… Iron! while pineapple contains vitamin C. What do they do together? The vitamin C contained in pineapple favors the absorption of iron that celery has, so the body makes the most of it. This combination also works by substituting parsley for celery.


  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 50g pineapple
  • 1 glass of water

A very easy recipe, few ingredients and magnificent benefits. Ready @ for the step by step of celery juice?

13. Parsley Juice for Anemia

Green juices are excellent allies for those affected by anemia, as their condition quickly improves. In this case, the protagonist is parsley, an herb abundant in iron, vitamins and antioxidants. Parsley has an intense flavor, for this reason it is advisable to put some citrus in it (usually lemon juice is used), which also activates iron. For its part, carrots also contain iron, even more than spinach, and a dose of vitamin C, thus enhancing the benefits of the drink. In addition, this orange root has a slightly sweet touch that gives this juice a better flavor.

Other benefits of this juice? This green drink is an excellent natural diuretic, which is why it contributes to the better functioning of the kidneys. An economical and healing juice!


  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 drops of lemon juice

Follow this recipe step by step and enjoy the benefits of diuretic juice with parsley, a detoxifier and anti-anemic together!

14. Green juice rich in iron

Ant anemic detox juice? You are right! Since this juice has exceptional nutritional qualities that make it the ideal complement to daily food, and an infallible ally against anemia. For this reason, it is reasonable that this type of drink is multifunctional in its benefits, providing numerous advantages to the body, apart from combating anemia.

How do the ingredients of this juice work separately? First, there is spinach, abundant in iron, B vitamins and folate (vitamin B9). Additionally, it also contains vitamin A, C and K, as well as sodium and potassium. Another virtue of spinach? Raise the platelets!

Oh! As if that were not enough, this juice contains green apple. This fruit has abundant vitamin C and many of group B (B1, B2, B6 and B12). In addition, it provides flavonoids and polyphenols (both antioxidants) and minerals such as potassium and calcium.

The remaining ingredients strengthen the drink, for example the cucumber provides vitamins B, C, E and A, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Finally, lemon contributes mainly with the abundant vitamin C. Another advantage of these last two ingredients? Both, together with the green apple, soften the taste of the spinach and enrich the taste of this detox drink. Health!


  • 2 cups of spinach
  • ½ cucumber
  • ½ green apple
  • 1 lemon
  • 150 ml of water

A powerful drink prepared in a two by three. Do you want to check the details? Check out this nutritious spinach detox juice here!

15. Cucumber Watercress Juice

Ah, the green juices! They have so many nutritional attributes and their consequent benefits for the body, that they are ideal for most diets, including anti-anemic. Among the main characteristics of green juices, its high content of iron and vitamins C and B (several of this group) stands out. All essential elements to counteract anemia and prevent it.

This juice is very similar to spinach detox juice, since almost all the ingredients are the same except one, the watercress. But… what nutrients does this particular vegetable offer you? Watercress has vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins A, B (several of this group), C, D, E, and minerals such as potassium, iodine, calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium. And the benefits? Many, for example, protects the body from liver problems, cleanses the body, has an expectorant action, is an excellent antiviral, acts as a natural diuretic, has anti-inflammatory power, fights gout, improves digestion and is a perfect anti-anemic.


  • 1 bunch of watercress
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 lemon

Surely you have already heard “green is health”, well wait no more, here is the step by step of this watercress and cucumber smoothie. Green elixir against anemia!

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