15 aphrodisiac foods for men

Aphrodisiacs are associated with sensory experiences that evoke erotic images. In this aspect, gastronomy occupies a special place, since it not only stimulates, but also provides nutrients that directly intervene in the body’s sexual response.

On the other hand, although many aphrodisiac foods are effective for both men and women, there are some that benefit one gender more than another. Thinking about this, we share an article dedicated to male sexuality, where we tell you which are the most aphrodisiac foods for men and some recipes that you can prepare with them.

Ginseng, mace, pollen, ginger and epicedium, excellent aphrodisiacs

Although they seem like ingredients taken from a magic potion, these plants, roots and spices provide real effects in increasing the desire and sexual potency of men. If you maintain a balanced diet and good lifestyle habits, these foods will give you the final push to maintain a full sexual life.


This plant has a root widely used in traditional Asian medicine, especially as a male aphrodisiac. Ginseng increases the production of nitric oxide, thus facilitating relaxation of the cavernous muscle and finally facilitating erection. This natural medicine is very popular in various parts of Asia; those who ingest it do so 15 minutes before the sexual act.


The famous Peruvian ginseng grows in the center of the country, on the high plateaus of the Andes mountain range. In the past, the Incas used this tuber for their magical rituals, but today its root is widely used as a medicine and especially as a natural aphrodisiac for men. Mace contains powerful alkaloids (MAs amides) that control hormone levels and increase sexual energy. In addition, this food is rich in zinc, a micronutrient that promotes fertility and increases the number of sperm.


Who would think that the work of bees favors human virility? Yes, due to its many nutrients, pollen becomes not only a magnificent nutritional supplement, but also a powerful aphrodisiac. Although this food is used for both men and women as an invigorator, it is especially beneficial for gentlemen, as it improves libido, promotes fertility and increases sperm production.

If we talk about sperm production, pollen provides important nutrients necessary to produce the liquid that transports sperm: proteins, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, B vitamins, among others. The best way to ingest it? In grains, fasting, 30 minutes before breakfast.


Zingier officinal, as this aromatic plant is scientifically called, belongs to the family of turmeric and cardamom. This underground stem is highly valued in traditional Asian medicine and world cuisine due to its many properties, including its potential as an aphrodisiac food for men. Ginger stimulates male sensuality, both in the foreplay and in the sexual act itself, since its aroma and flavor evoke eroticism, increasing sexual desire, while physiologically it improves circulation and the sensitivity of the erogenous zones, favoring erection.


This natural product is considered, perhaps, the most powerful vegetarian sexual enhancer that exists, within traditional oriental medicine, called by some: the “Chinese natural Viagra”. Epicedium stimulates the nervous system, especially the genital nerves, promoting increased desire and improving sexual performance.

Guarani, chocolate and coffee, powerful aphrodisiacs for men

This trio of famous natural stimulants also has important aphrodisiac properties for men.  Whichever of the three you choose will prolong and enhance the sexual act itself, plus they’ll make for great foreplay.


This exotic plant native to the Amazon has well-known stimulating effects, similar to coffee but with slower and longer-lasting absorption.

However, Guarani is not only an excellent stimulant, but also a very effective aphrodisiac for men, as it contains guanine, responsible for stimulating and increasing male sexual appetite. Consequently, by consuming it you can achieve a successful and very long night of passion.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate for both! Although you think that chocolate is an aphrodisiac food for women, for men it is highly beneficial as a sexual invigorator. Yes and all its power are summed up in three main factors, applicable at each stage of seduction:

  • Its aroma and flavor evoke images of comfort. The organoleptic characteristics of chocolate and cocoa work like a natural placebo that predisposes you to desire.
  • It produces a feeling of well-being and relaxation, very similar to desire and orgasm.  This experience is caused by three chemicals: dopamine, serotonin, and phenyl ethylamine.
  • Relaxes and improves blood flow, facilitating erection. This is due to the flavonoids contained in cocoa, which help produce nitric oxide.

In addition, chocolate is such a versatile food that you can prepare it in both sweet and savory recipes, and it will always give the same result: a very seductive dish.


Coffee is a natural stimulant well known to all, however, as a male aphrodisiac its powers are not widely known. If you are looking to fuel passion with this food, you will achieve it on several levels, since it complements all the stages of seduction:

  • It keeps men activeand wide awake for action thanks to caffeine.
  • Its aroma acts as a placebothat stimulates the brain and comforts the senses.
  • Increases sperm activity and temporarily improves testosterone levels. Of course, you should not drink more than three cups a day because it can cause the opposite effect: decrease testosterone and sperm count (since it contains phytoestrogens).

If it is about how to prepare coffee as a food that increases testosterone in men, you should know that it cannot only be consumed drunk, but also in delicious desserts.

Oysters and fish that increase desire in men

The fame of sea products as aphrodisiacs is well known to all and even has anecdotal episodes in universal history. But there are plenty of reasons, since these foods provide important nutrients that directly influence the male sexual response, such as fatty acids and a lot of zinc. Although fish and shellfish are generally excellent invigorating, there are some that exceed expectations:


In addition to being visually exciting for men, given its similarity to the female sexual organ, this shellfish tops the list of foods with the highest amount of zinc. Depending on the variety, it provides between 16 and 182 mg of this micronutrient. Likewise, it provides other nutritional substances that are directly involved in male physiological functions related to sexuality:

  • It improves the production of testosterone, as it contains zinc, aspartic acid and aspartate.
  • Promotes muscle contractionthat helps regulate sexual drive, due to zinc, calcium and magnesium.
  • Uplift mood and libidobecause they are rich in phenylalanine (an amino acid).
  • They improve the production and quality of spermdue to their nutrients, especially zinc.

Fatty fish

Fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, herring, mackerel and sardines contain a large amount of essential fatty acids such as omega 3, a compound that increases sexual desire and improves erections.

A well-prepared fish can give you the tools for a very fiery night. The best idea is to complement it with other aphrodisiac foods for men, thus enhancing its power:

  • Smoked trout
  • Japanese marinated salmon
  • Tuna ceviche with mango

Tip: To take advantage of all the aphrodisiac properties of these products, consume them regularly.

Aphrodisiac fruits for men

Fruits and tubers, products full of nutrients, many of them especially favorable for male virility, could not be missing from our list of foods that increase sexual desire in men. You may be surprised to learn about some of its good effects:


The exotic avocado is a very exciting snack, both for its flavor and texture and for its aphrodisiac properties, which pre-Hispanic men already appreciated. Among its benefits, we can highlight:

  • It improves erections and prolongsthem because its healthy fats activate blood circulation, keeping negative cholesterol at bay.
  • It stimulates libido and prolongs energythanks to the antioxidants provided by vitamin E.
  • It helps in the proliferation of sexual hormonesdue to its contribution of vitamin C.
  • Strengthens and improves the contraction and relaxation of the muscles, which favors the erection. In addition, it increases body energy, prolonging sexual activity. All this is possible thanks to its contribution of vitamin D and healthy fats.


The cultivation of tiger nuts spread from North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the Valencia Community, where it now enjoys great popularity. According to the National Center for Biotechnological Information of the USA, the tiger nut has aphrodisiac effects in men; however, these benefits were already mentioned in the book of agriculture called Kitbag al-Allah by In A way since the 7th century. Among the invigorating properties of this fruit we can highlight:

  • Increase in the amount of semendue to its content of zinc and other nutrients.
  • Increased testosterone level, as it contains quercetin, a flavonoid that benefits the cardiovascular system, in addition to other compounds such as vitamins and zinc.
  • Increased blood flow in the genital areadue to arginine, an amino acid that is converted into nitric oxide due to the action of the enzyme oxide-synthetize.


Who would think that the refreshing watermelon is highly aphrodisiac? Yes, this tropical delight not only hydrates, but also provides abundant lycopene, zinc, coralline, and arginine. But what do these compounds do for male sexuality?

  • Coralline and arginine: both increase the production of nitric oxide, a substance that is responsible for relaxing blood vessels, extending and facilitating erections.
  • Lycopene: this substance favors the prostate and the heart.
  • Zinc: improves the quality of sperm and its quantity. The part of the watermelon where there is the greatest amount of zinc is located in the seed, which provides 70% of the amount needed for an adult (10 mg per 100 g of product).


This velvety fruit with an exquisite flavor also enhances male virility. This food is rich in vitamin C and other essential compounds, which favor the prolongation of erections, since it dilates the blood vessels and improves circulation. In addition, it extends the life of sperm.

Some recipes with peach that you can prepare for a romantic dinner are:

  • Peach Mousse
  • Peaches in wine
  • Peach chutney

Lentils, a very effective aphrodisiac food for men

The humble but super-nutritious lentils also make this list, as they contain a lot of zinc and foliate. On the one hand, zinc increases libido, improves sperm quality, increases semen production and promotes fertility. On the other hand, foliate keeps the walls of the arteries clean, promoting an erection.

Believe it or not, lentils can be served on a special evening and presented as an attractive and seductive dish. During ejaculation, the man loses 1 mg of zinc, so it is important to look for foods that contain it.

Nuts that increase libido in men

Although not as famous as chocolate and shellfish, nuts are also considered foods that improve erection in men. Much of the aphrodisiac power of nuts comes from their healthy fatty acids, since these substances promote blood circulation and keep cholesterol under control (it raises healthy cholesterol and reduces its opposite), essential factors for erections. Nuts (known by some as natural Viagra), almonds and hazelnuts stand out in this group of foods.

Causes of loss of male libido

Although there is a widespread myth that says that men are always ready to have sex, the truth is that this is not always the case. There are several factors that can decrease male sexual desire; here we mention the main ones:

Psychological aspect

  • Breakups or problems in personal relationships (family or partner).
  • Childhood trauma.
  • Taboos and repression.
  • Low self-esteem.

Physical appearance

  • Consume drugs. Some medications for anxiety, depression, or advanced prostate cancer can lower testosterone levels and lower sexual desire.
  • Deal with some diseases. Certain physical ailments can cause low libido, difficulty having sex, and low testosterone levels. Some diseases that impair male sexual life are lesions in the testicles or testicular cancer, problems in the glands of the brain, poor thyroid function, infections, etc.
  • Obesity. This condition can predispose the body to have high concentrations of fat in the walls of the arteries, thus hindering circulation and consequently negatively affecting erections. In addition, this disease can affect the self-esteem of the individual in an unfavorable way.
  • Andropause. This is the equivalent of the female menopause. In this phase of life, sexual appetite declines, testosterone decreases, the number of sperm and their quality decreases, among other symptoms.
  • Decreased levels of testosterone in the blood. This factor causes lack of sexual desire, problems achieving an erection and low sperm count. What causes it? All of the above factors.
  • Fatigue and stress. Overwork and a very fast lifestyle can decrease sexual appetite and even affect erections.
  • The routine. Lack of imagination or initiative can create a spiral of boredom and low sexual desire. That is why aphrodisiac foods for men can play a fundamental role and help you fan that flame.

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