12 easy egg dinner recipes

It is very easy to prepare simple dishes for dinner; you just have to know what to do!  Eating time at night.

Our advice is to vary the preparations and eat 3 or 4 easy egg meals that we suggest a week, so you don’t get bored eating the same thing over and over and because it’s also important to maintain a balanced diet. If you want to know everything about the egg, keep reading this article on easy egg dinners!

Egg benefits

Eggs have become an essential food in the dinners of all homes due to their nutritional properties and their easy digestion. Broadly speaking, this food gives us, among other things, a large amount of vitamins from group A, B, D and E; and minerals, especially irons. Likewise, the egg is rich in proteins (especially the whites), which help to carry out many functions of our body such as the manufacture and regeneration of tissues; and it is also rich in lipids (the yolks), which act as energy reserves and regulate some hormones in the human body.

The eggs of the birds that humans consume the most are chicken eggs, although it is increasingly common for people to consume duck, goose, quail or even ostrich eggs. In addition, egg products can be used to prepare endless dishes, whether sweet or savory, and their easy cooking allows the realization of multiple recipes. And let’s not forget its binding properties, which help to thicken and clarify many of our preparations.

One of the reasons why it is recommended to dine on meals with eggs is because the proteins they contain are very easily absorbed, and since they do not contain fiber or carbohydrates, eggs are not very caloric. Another of the main reasons is that eggs contain a nutrient, especially in the yolk, called choline, which helps fight inflammation of muscle tissues, so it is highly recommended to take recipes with eggs at night, to help the body to recover and regenerate while we sleep. Similarly, eggs are also a natural source of vitamin D, a nutrient that acts in the formation of bone tissues. For these and for several other reasons, it is very healthy to prepare easy dinner recipes with eggs at dinner time, but always keeping in mind that doctors and nutritionists recommend eating between 3 and 5 eggs per week.

The tortilla

The omelet is an excellent option for making easy dinners with eggs because you just have to watch it cook al dente and off the heat, add the chosen seasoning or fill the omelet with whatever you like best.

Potatoes’ tortilla with onion

The best known is the potato omelet with onion, a typical preparation of Spanish cuisine that is very useful for making easy egg recipes, since very few ingredients are needed and a little skill with the pan when turning it. But the potato omelet is delicious and also, it always goes well at any time, especially when preparing an easy dinner.

French ham and cheese omelet

The French omelet is also another ideal option to prepare easy dinner recipes with eggs, since it is even easier to prepare than the potato omelet with onion. In this case, we have chosen a tasty ham and cheese French omelet, but remember that you can make any other easy egg recipe, filling the French omelet with the ingredients that you like the most.

Tortilla stuffed with vegetables and cheese

Another of the recipes that you can make for your easy dinners with eggs is the vegetable and cheese omelet, for example, one of the classic stuffed tortillas that are simple and quick to make. Here you can also fill your tortilla with the ingredients you prefer and make it to your liking.

Stuffed eggs

To make one of your 12 easy egg dinner recipes, you can also prepare some simple deviled eggs, a dish with multiple combinations that will help you prepare easy and quick egg meals.

Stuffed eggs with tuna and tomato sauce

Stuffed eggs with tuna and tomato sauce are a very typical dish of easy egg dishes that you can prepare at home without any effort. You just need some eggs, a little tuna and tomato sauce, and before you know it, you will have already prepared them. Of course, you can fill the eggs with the ingredients that you like the most, this is just an idea that we recommend.

Eggs stuffed with ham au gratin

Eggs stuffed with ham au gratin are also part of the recipes with eggs, since they are prepared in the same way as stuffed eggs but there is only one difference, and that is that after filling them, you just have to sprinkle a little of the grated cheese that you prefer and gratin them in the oven as if they were a pizza… delicious!

Vegetarian deviled eggs

Another of the recipes that you can make to prepare an easy egg dinner if you do not want to fill yourself up so much and/or you are a vegetarian, are vegetarian deviled eggs, a very simple and quick preparation to make, and much lighter than the previous options.  But remember that you can always fill the eggs with whatever you want and thus give them your special touch.

Scrambled eggs

If you don’t like any of the above options, now it’s the turn of scrambled eggs, another way to make easy dinner recipes with eggs, without much effort and very nutritious that both the youngest and the oldest will like.

Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese

Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese are an easy egg food recipe that won’t take much of your time, and on top of that, it’s delicious. Here we have added ham and cheese, but you can make some scrambled eggs with the ingredients you want.

English style scrambled eggs

Do you want to have breakfast like a true English Sir? Well, try making some English-style scrambled eggs, a typical recipe from Anglo-Saxon countries that will not leave you indifferent. They usually have them for breakfast, but you can eat these deviled eggs at any time and make an easy and light dinner.

Scrambled eggs with tomato and onion

Scrambled eggs with tomato and onion are also a good idea as an easy dinner, since they are finger-licking good and you can make them with these ingredients, or you can use all those that you fancy or have more on hand at home.

The fried eggs

And finally, we present our beloved and versatile fried eggs, a simple and delicious way to cook eggs to make any egg meal easy. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s one of the foods with eggs that best combine with any other.

Fried eggs with caramelized onions

Fried eggs with caramelized onions are the typical fried eggs that we can find anywhere.  You just have to fry the eggs and add the caramelized onion, but you can do it your way and add any other vegetables or ingredients you like.

Fried eggs a la Villa Roy

Have you ever tried some breaded eggs as if they were croquettes? Well, don’t wait any longer and try the Villa Roy fried eggs, an easy egg recipe that will make you see the stars when the liquid yolk explodes in your mouth…

Fried eggs with Serrano ham

But if what you want is to surprise everyone with your 12 recipes for easy dinners with eggs, this recipe for fried eggs with Serrano ham is yours, because not only is it delicious, but it is also super easy to make, and if you sprinkle a few drops of truffle oil on top, you’ll remember us!

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