10 Homemade Protein Shakes to Lose Weight and when to take them

Powdered protein shakes are a boom, as they offer you to feed muscle fiber more quickly. Thanks to this, you can prevent muscle breakdown and promote its development throughout the day. In addition, these drinks provide certain nutrients that also promote weight loss and contribute to a balanced diet. All these benefits captivate both athletes, fitness people, like people with very fast routines and anyone interested in losing a few extra pounds. However, these drinks can become products that are practically inaccessible to some, due to their high cost. Likewise, despite the fact that they offer remarkable results, the truth is that they are processed products that we can perfectly replace with natural foods.

What are protein shakes for?

Homemade protein shakes have two clear objectives: reduce fat and increase muscle mass. Depending on what we intend to achieve, we need to know certain essential things, which will allow us to judge when we can consume one drink or another. For this reason, it is essential to investigate which are slow-release proteins and which are fast-release proteins (when to consume them and how), the types of proteins most consumed by athletes and people with maintenance training, as well as other essential details. To give the best use to these shakes. So before reviewing our top protein shakes we must inform ourselves… let’s start!

Homemade Protein Shakes VS Commercial Protein Shakes

The use of protein powders (synthesized) is very popular among fitness people, as these compounds fulfill the purpose of increasing and protecting muscle mass or lean mass quickly, in addition to contributing to various vital functions of the body. But… why is protein powder better than that contained in food? It is not better, it is more about the speed of absorption of the protein. For example, one hour before training, you eat grilled hake, during which time your body will not be able to extract and assimilate the protein contained in the fish, therefore you will not have that energy when you are exercising. This is where protein shakes come in, as they can quickly replenish the necessary nutrients in 30 minutes. Added to this, specialized studies show that the higher the protein intake, the greater the incidence of weight loss, reduction of triglycerides, decrease in waist circumference and loss of body fat. All this means that if you are training or on a slimming diet (also maintenance), it will be the perfect food supplement, although it will never replace a meal a day.

However, consuming commercial protein shakes is very expensive and you will never fully know what they contain, as they undergo partial organic synthesis and sometimes certain chemical additives are added that are not reflected on the label (only in some cases).. On the contrary, homemade protein drinks are cheaper and healthier, just as effective, very reliable, you can prepare them whenever and however you want (always following certain steps). For this reason, today we bring you this incredible top 10 protein shakes to lose weight. They lose weight and protect your muscles!

Likewise, commercial protein shakes are made up of the substances extracted and converted into powder, whey, egg white or soy, among others. Flavorings are added to these substances, so that they are more appetizing when mixed with milk, juice or water (preferably water is recommended). While homemade protein shakes are prepared with natural products and their only disadvantage is durability, since they can be consumed for a maximum of 48 hours after preparation.

What are proteins and carbohydrates

Protein shakes contain certain essential ingredients that change a bit depending on the time of day and the activity we will be doing at that time. That is, if we are going to train or sleep, the shake will vary according to the requirements of the moment, adding less or more protein (slow or fast) and adding less or more carbohydrates (slow or fast). For this reason, it is useful for us to be clear about what these compounds represent, their function, when to take them and what foods provide them.

Slow release proteins (casein or soy)

They are used in the periods of time that we stop consuming food, so that the proteins are slowly released into the bloodstream to be gradually absorbed.

  • Time of day to consume them: the ideal time would be before bed (even better, if accompanied by another fast or medium absorption protein), exactly 30 minutes before, so during rest time, our body feeds and can perform multiple vital functions for the organism (such as regenerating and protecting muscles).
  • Foods that contain casein (you can also use soy): whipped cheese, yogurt cheese, yogurt, milk, etc.
  • Recommended foods for shakes: 0% fat whipped cheese, yogurt cheese, sugar-free skim yogurt, sugar-free skim fruit yogurt, sugar-free skim ice cream (serves yogurt ice cream), etc.

Rapid release proteins (whey)

It is used when we need them to be absorbed quickly so that they are more effective.

  • Ideal time to consumeit: after and before training, as it increases muscle mass, glycogen reserves and also burns fat.
  • Foods that contain whey: milk (whether sheep, goat or bovine).
  • Recommended foods for shakes: buttermilk (you can buy it or prepare it at home), also milk.

Medium release proteins (albumin)

It is used when we need them to be absorbed at a moderate speed, neither too fast nor too slow, so that they are more efficient.

  • Ideal time of day to consume it: at night, before going to bed, to accompany slow-absorbing proteins and thus feed us while we sleep. Also when getting up (immediately) to accompany fast-absorbing proteins (30 minutes or 1 hour before breakfast) and restore energy to start the day.
  • Foods that contain it: egg whites and dairy, among others, such as legumes.
  • Recommended foods for shakes: boiled egg whites and dairy products.

Simple and complex hydrates

Carbohydrates, also known as hydrates or carbohydrates, in their simple form quickly metabolize food in the body, their function is exclusively energetic, since they lack vitamins and minerals.

  • Foods that contain them: refined sugar, brown sugar, honey, fruit juices, milk, etc.

Complex carbohydrates are slowly absorbed due to their complexity, since they contain many nutrients (vitamins, fiber and minerals).

  • Foods that contain them: bread, cereals (rice, oats, etc.), vegetables, whole wheat pasta, legumes, etc.

How to make homemade protein shakes

Preparing your protein shakes at home is great for many reasons, but perhaps the most important is that you can guarantee that the ingredients are natural and healthy, as well as save a lot of money. For this reason, we are going to tell you what ingredients you need to prepare your own very economical and effective homemade smoothie, take note:

  • The classic ingredient, egg whites(medium absorption protein). Whites are famous for their great nutritional contributions, especially a large amount of protein of high biological value, ideal for athletes or people who do some type of physical training. This ingredient has medium absorption proteins, ideal for combining with other fast or/and slow protein ingredients (for example, before bedtime or at breakfast). Many people tend to eat the whites raw but… be careful! If you eat them raw you will lose all those proteins, because your body will not assimilate them. In addition, there is a risk of acquiring salmonellosis. For this reason, the ideal is to cook them, you can cook them in the kitchen or in the microwave, just a little, so that as soon as they turn white you can take them out.
  • Choose between water and milk. The liquid base for homemade shakes is skimmed milk, buttermilk, and even soy milk. Particularly, in the case of cow’s milk, it contains two essential elements for a protein shake: casein (slow absorption protein) and whey (long absorption protein). On the other hand, if you want to combine the homemade shake with a commercial protein product (such as monohydrated protein), it is more advisable to replace the milk with water, since it is better digested.
  • Includes some fruit. Fruits are also very important in the protein shake recipe, as they provide the carbohydrates necessary after training, during breakfast and much less at night.
  • Also add some dry fruit or cereal. This way you supplement the necessary nutrients (simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, etc.) and also increase your energy. Nuts, flaxseeds or oat bran are worth it.

With all this information, we are going to see below the best homemade protein shakes, both for losing weight and for gaining muscle mass.

Tip: Remember: you can also add quinoa, hemp, flaxseed, chia, poppy seeds, etc. to your shakes.

1. Homemade protein shake for dinner

This shake is a classic in the world of fitness, a perfect mix of slow absorption proteins (Greek yogurt), fast absorption (skimmed or skimmed milk), medium absorption (3 egg whites) and a serving of carbohydrates (banana)., perfect combination for night repair! This smoothie is ideal as a complement to a proper dinner, as it will contribute to the growth and repair of your muscles and will keep glycogen level. Remember that the most important time for muscle fiber growth and repair occurs during night sleep, therefore, the greater the lean mass in the body, the more fat and calories are burned. A fitness shake!


  • 3 boiled egg whites
  • 250 grams of plain Greek or skimmed yogurt
  • 1 banana, camber or ripe plantain
  • 250 milliliters of skimmed or skimmed milk


This smoothie is very easy to prepare, since everything is reduced to two steps:

  1. Cook the eggs (denature them).
  2. Pour the denatured eggs into the blender along with the rest of the ingredients and mix everything until you get a homogeneous drink. Perfect for the protein shake diet to lose weight!

If you like to see the step by step, we invite you to consult the homemade protein shake recipe for dinner.

2. Protein shake to lose weight with banana and nuts

The banana and walnut shake is another very important protein shake for muscle growth and regeneration. But, unlike the previous one, it is used after training. This shake provides you with the carbohydrates (simple and complex) necessary for you to recover your glycogen level quickly, while its protein content (fast and slow) allows you to regenerate muscle as quickly as possible, preventing catabolism and benefiting its developing. That is, bananas (complex hydrate), cookies and sugar (simple hydrate), milk (fast protein), natural yogurt (slow protein) and nuts (slowly absorbed hydrates) allow your muscles to feed quickly and contribute to its development. Without a doubt, Banana Walnut Protein Shake has to be among the best homemade protein shakes. Ready for your next workout?


  • 1 banana
  • 20 grams of nuts
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (it is optional and can be substituted with brown sugar)
  • 200 milliliters of milk
  • 100 milliliters of natural yogurt
  • 2 cookies


A protein shake in a 2×3! For this recipe you only need to gather all the ingredients, blend and serve. A true elixir for your muscles!

If you prefer recipes with step-by-step photos, we suggest getting into the protein shake with bananas and walnuts.

Tip: Walnuts provide 20 grams of protein for every 100 grams of product.

3. Homemade protein shake with egg

Another excellent alternative for dinner! A perfect shake for muscle repair during night sleep. On the one hand, egg whites contain albumin, a medium absorption protein, which, once cooked and consumed, is easily hydrolyzed and digested by the body, thus serving as building and repair units for tissues and muscles. On the other hand, the banana, a complex carbohydrate, is responsible for maintaining stable blood sugar levels during long night hours. Finally, yogurt, which contains casein, a slow-absorbing protein, contributes to the development and regeneration of tissues and muscles during the night’s rest period. Not satisfied with all these benefits, this drink is delicious! Without a doubt, an excellent option among protein shakes to lose weight.


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 banana
  • 1 natural yogurt
  • 1 drop of vanilla essence


Let’s do it!

  1. Beat the egg whites until they reach the point of snow.
  2. Pour the egg whites into the blender and add the rest of the ingredients. Health!

Do you want all the details of the step by step? Head over here: “egg protein shake recipe “.

4. Peanut shake to gain muscle mass

Do not be fooled! It looks like a dessert but it is actually a nutritious drink to strengthen the muscles. What ingredients contribute to this? The classic milk and peanut butter. Yes, this spread contains important nutritional contributions for your muscles, favoring their growth and restoration (apart from many other important benefits). In addition, it has a lot of fiber, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium. The rest? Brown or paper sugar provides simple carbohydrates, perfect for keeping glucose levels level. Add to this the powdered milk, which for each glass you get 8 times more calcium than a glass of liquid milk and also much more protein (since the water has been separated from the milk).

When to take this protein shake? It’s perfect between meals, when you need to recharge. Remember, if you prefer less sugar in your smoothie you can modify the amount, it is also recommended that you use peanut butter prepared at home, as it is healthier and optimizes the smoothie. To do this, do not miss the homemade peanut butter recipe.

A perfect recipe to include in your protein shake diet to lose weight and gain muscle mass, the perfect complement to a balanced diet.


  • 1 jar of cream or peanut butter
  • 200 milliliters of liquid milk
  • 100 grams of powdered milk
  • 150 grams of sugar, brown sugar or paper (can also be replaced by a banana)
  • 10 ice cubes


First of all, we recommend you prepare peanut butter at home, because this way you control the amount of fat (better than that of the peanut itself) contained in the product. Once you have the peanut butter (whether purchased or prepared at home), place it in the blender glass (or whatever processor you have), and along with the milk (preferably skimmed). Then, add the sugar or replace it with something healthier. A fitness dessert!

5. Mango Almond Smoothie

Another powerful, tropical and delicious protein proposal for your protein shakes to lose weight is the mango almond shake. This drink has it all, simple carbohydrates, fast and slow proteins… a perfect post-workout drink!


  • 1 large mango
  • 2 tablespoons of ground almonds
  • 250 milliliters of skimmed milk
  • 125 milliliters of skimmed natural yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 handful of ice


  1. First, grind the almonds and reserve.
  2. Peel and cut the mango into squares, reserve.
  3. Add all the ingredients (including the reserved ones) into the blender and blend until you get an even texture without lumps.

Do you want to see the step by step with photos? Check it out in the mango smoothie with almonds recipe.

6. Vegan Tofu Protein Shake

Surely if you are vegan, allergic to milk, sportsman or simply want to vary your lactose intake, you will love this shake, as it helps to regenerate and increase muscle, with vegetable protein! What is the ideal time to consume this protein shake? Without a doubt, after training.

But… what is tofu? Tofu is obtained from soybean drink, through a coagulation process of that milk. This technique allows to separate the liquid part from the solid, (similar to the process of cheese of animal origin) and obtain tofu (solid part of the soy drink). Soy milk contains the same amount of protein as cow’s milk (7-9 g/240 ml), has the same amount of fat as semi-skimmed/skimmed cow’s milk (4 g/240 ml) and is low in carbohydrates. An ideal milk substitute!


  • 1 orange
  • 100 grams of mango
  • 50 grams of almonds
  • 80 grams of natural semi-hard tofu


  1. Peel and chop the fruits into small cubes, reserve.
  2. Crush the almonds and reserve.
  3. Process the reserved fruits in the blender until a homogeneous liquid remains.
  4. Next, add the ground almonds and tofu, process again until smooth.
  5. Serve with ice and enjoy this protein shake that cannot be missing in the diet of protein shakes to lose weight.

Don’t miss the step-by-step with photos right here: “tofu smoothie recipe “.

Tip:Soy milk has is flavones, so its moderate use is recommended in pregnant women or children.

7. Homemade protein shake for after training

This great protein shake has it all and much more! Whole milk, avocados and oats are excellent foods to increase muscle mass that we need to develop when we train or have lost a lot of weight. A true green fitness elixir!

As we know the benefits of milk for muscles and weight loss, it is useful to know the properties of avocado, spinach, oats and bananas. In the past, avocados were not included in muscle building diets due to their high saturated fat content and high calories. However, today it is considered a perfect ally both for losing weight and for training, since its combination of nutrients (20 essential) and monounsaturated fats is very effective for building lean mass (improves definition in the volume phase) and reducing adipose tissue. On the other hand, spinach (also arugula and lettuce) favor the development of muscles, as they contain nitric oxide, which acts as a vasodilator, and nitrate, which promotes muscle function.

Oats, meanwhile, are rich in proteins of high biological value, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. If what you want is to build muscle and lose weight, oats can become your best ally, since it contains everything you need to provide you with effective muscle growth. In addition, it also controls cholesterol levels and loses weight. This super cereal is perfect before training and after training, as it replenishes the glycogen that you used up during training and, properly combined (for example with soy or soy milk), it greatly improves its amount of amino acids, bringing it very close to the ideal necessary for the body. Finally, the banana is easy to digest, provides energy, provides tissue-building protein (also builds and builds muscle); In addition, it contains numerous natural sugars, minerals, vitamins.

When to take this protein shake? Right after training.


  • 1 banana
  • 150 grams of spinach
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 teaspoon of flower honey
  • 250 milliliters of milk
  • 1 tablespoon oat flakes


  1. First, crush the rolled oats or buy powdered oats and set aside.
  2. Wash and cut the spinach into small pieces, reserve.
  3. Peel the avocado, chop and reserve.
  4. Then, peel and chop the banana and place it in the blender, along with the milk, ground oats, chopped spinach, avocado, and honey.
  5. Blend everything until you get an even consistency. If you prefer the shake less dense, smooth with more milk or ice.

Certainly, the way to learn is by observing, for this reason we leave each step, very well detailed, in this green smoothie with banana recipe.

Tip: Consume at least 3-4 bananas daily to build muscle mass.

8. Protein shake to lose weight and gain muscle mass with turmeric and ginger

According to specialized studies, turmeric reduces the response to stress, so cortisol will also be lower, facilitating the increase in muscle mass, preventing loss of lean mass (especially in very strict diets) and favoring the elimination of fat. Turmeric can increase fat loss in several ways, for example:

  1. Inhibiting the synthesis of fatty acids and increasing beta-oxidation.
  2. Decreasing fatty acid levels through the RNA of key enzymes involved in fat storage.

For its part, cinnamon helps to burn fat cells, since it accelerates metabolism thanks to its thermo genic power, and to reduce them, since it regulates the level of sugar in the body. On the other hand, ginger speeds up metabolism, helps to digest better, produces a feeling of satiety and decreases cortisol levels, which facilitates the increase in lean mass and decrease in fat mass. There is no doubt, among the best homemade protein shakes to lose weight, this one stands out for its exotic flavor and excellent results.


  • 2 bananas
  • ½ teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 1 pinch of turmeric (for reference you can start with 1/3 tsp.)
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon (you can start with 1/3 tsp.)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (brown sugar, paper or even some sweetener of your choice)
  • 300 milliliters of semi-skimmed milk
  • 4 ice cubes


  1. Peel and cut the ginger, reserve.
  2. Remove and discard the banana shell, chop it up and place it in the blender.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and process everything until you achieve the desired consistency.

If you are someone very visual, surely you will prefer to look at the step by step of the recipe for yourself. To do this, check it out here: “turmeric banana smoothie “.

9. Pistachio protein shake to gain muscle mass

Pistachio is a true delight for the palate, as well as nutritious for the body. However, this nut has another lesser-known quality, its contribution to increasing muscle mass in sports diets. This is due to the contribution of a very valuable amino acid called arginine. This amino acid is responsible for muscle recovery, since it improves blood circulation and, with it, the supply of nutrients to the body’s cells (such as muscles), since they contribute to the creative synthesizing process.

Now, add to this shake the proteins of the milk (better skim) and ice cream (in this case preferable yogurt ice cream, skim ice cream or skim yogurt), a dessert for the muscles!


  • 180 grams of pistachio ice cream
  • 150 milliliters of milk
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • 10 shelled pistachios


A very easy, delicious and beneficial shake for your muscles.

  1. The first thing you should do to prepare this protein drink is to pour the milk into the blender along with the vanilla and pistachios (3 tablespoons also work).
  2. Mix very well, until the ingredients are fully incorporated and without lumps.
  3. Finally, add the ice cream, shake and serve. Here’s to good musculature!

If you are very detailed and want to make sure of everything, better review the step by step of this recipe here: “pistachio smoothie “.

10. Vegan Banana Yogurt Protein Shake

By ingesting this exquisite drink you will enjoy several benefits in favor of the growth of your muscle mass and weight loss (specifically fat) but without ingredients of animal origin. A vegan alternative for the muscles!

The benefits of rice milk for muscle and weight loss? Although it does not contain the same amount of protein as cow’s milk or soy milk, this type of milk makes up for its nutrients in carbohydrates and calories (packed with nutrients), since it is even more effective in achieving muscle hypertrophy (in case of let that be the goal). Remember, although whey, casein and albumin are essential for muscle growth and maintenance, calories are essential to help muscle grow and consequently lose weight. When is it better to enjoy this smoothie? During breakfast. Thus, this is a perfect homemade protein shake for breakfast.


  • 300 milliliters of rice milk
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  • 1 chai tea bag
  • 1 chocolate flavored soy yogurt
  • 1 handful of peanuts
  • 1 handful of chocolate chip cookies
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon


In advance, reserve the bananas in the freezer and wait until they are frozen. Then follow these steps:

  1. Crush the peanuts and reserve.
  2. After a while, pour the frozen bananas, peanut butter (peanut butter), and cinnamon, chai tea bag (black tea, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, pepper, star anise) into the food processor or blender…) And rice milk.
  3. Process all these ingredients until you get a drink with a smooth and even texture.
  4. Serve in a jar or smoothie glass as follows: pour the chocolate flavored soy yoghurt, add some small chocolate cookies on top, pour the smoothie inside, garnish with the reserved peanuts, and top with more chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate. An exquisite vegan fitness proposal!

Who can drink protein shakes

Protein shakes are ideal as a dietary supplement for a wide spectrum of people, including:

  • People with a very hectic lifestyle and lack time for elaborate menus.
  • Lovers of good health.
  • People who want a balanced diet.
  • Fitness
  • People who want to lose weight.
  • People who lost weight very quickly and lost muscle.

Are protein shakes good?

The truth is that there is no single answer, since everything depends on each person and, above all, on the type of protein shake that is taken. If we opt for commercials, we may not be giving our body what it really needs. Likewise, and although homemade protein shakes will always be a much better option, the truth is that it is always recommended to opt for whole fruit pieces when possible.

What is catabolism

This word scares any fitness athlete, as it represents a reversal in their progress. But what does it mean? Catabolism is considered as one of two stages of metabolism (the other being anabolism), specifically the compound degradation stage. Fitness athletes are concerned that this happens in the body, as lean mass is destroyed.

Why happens? Because the organism, by not receiving nutrients, uses its own tissues and degrades the muscles. Among the main factors that cause this state, we can mention excessive training and inadequate or deficient nutrition. The most advisable thing to avoid catabolism is to consume enough macronutrients, especially proteins (for example casein), during the night hours (which is when muscles really grow), before training, after exercising and when we get up.

When does muscle mass grow?

Do you go to the gym and do not see results? There are many factors why you are not getting the results you are looking for, generally they all revolve around food (the wrong combination of foods, eating at the wrong time, skipping meals, an inappropriate diet, etc.) and bad lifestyle habits ( excessive or irregular training, vices, little rest, etc.). However, although all of the above influences your body, there are two fundamental elements for muscle growth: a good night’s rest and proper nutrition before bed. Yes, muscle really does grow overnight. more than during training. Therefore, it is vital to feed our body by eating something suitable for dinner and then eating a good protein shake (30 minutes before bed).

Specialized studies indicate that sleeping well is closely linked to the increase in muscle mass, due to the secretion of somatotropin, also called growth hormone. For this reason, resting well is vital for good muscles and also for reducing body fat.

Tip: If you ingest the necessary doses of protein during the day, you will not suffer catabolism during the night.

The most important proteins for the increase in muscle mass

The proteins that most affect the increase in muscle mass are casein and whey.

What is casein?

Casein is a slow-digesting protein, highly digestible and of high biological value (specifically a qualified hetero protein within the group of phosphoproteins), which contains all the essential amino acids for the organism. This substance represents 80% of the proteins in cow’s milk and is very important for the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the intestine (both soluble complexes). This nutritional component is almost essential for athletes and people who follow a high protein diet, as it favors the body in the following essential aspects:

  • Contributes to the restoration and development of muscle tissue. It is more useful to prevent the loss of muscle fibers than to stimulate the creation of new proteins.
  • Strengthens the bone system and dental health, thanks to the abundant calcium it contains.
  • Provides a feeling of satiety.
  • Provides powerful antioxidants.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It favors the absorption and better use of vegetable proteins.
  • Provides all essential amino acids to the body.

If you require casein to incorporate into your diet, there are three forms: powdered casein to add to homemade shakes, casein included in commercial shakes, or casein contained in natural foods. This last option is more natural and desirable. You can opt for low-fat yogurt, since casein is used in the creation of the curd, an ingredient used in the fermentation of yogurt and also in the production of cheeses.

What is whey?

Milk whey is a yellowish or greenish substance obtained in the cheese-making process. Whey has the highest biological value among known proteins, which is why it is an excellent ally after training. Within its composition are substances such as beta-lacto globulin, α-lactalbumin, serum albumin and leucine (amino acid), associated with muscle gain. There are three main ways to take advantage of whey proteins: protein concentrate (70-80% protein), protein isolate (90-95% protein) and hydrolyzed proteins.

Whey is a fast-absorbing protein, it provides many benefits, in addition to an enviable muscle mass, for example:

  • Contributes to muscle gain and fat loss.
  • Improve sports performance.
  • It has anticancer properties.
  • Reduces triglycerides.
  • Improves the immune system.
  • Improves serotonin levels in the brain
  • lowers blood pressure

Since the whey arises when the milk curdles, as it separates from it, you can prepare it at home! The curd is formed when the milk is in contact with an acid such as lemon or vinegar. The part of the milk that becomes hard is the casein or cheese (similar to ricotta) and the remaining liquid is the buttermilk. This whey can reduce the amount of lactose by evaporating it.

Tip: Casein is prohibited for those who are allergic or intolerant to milk.

When to drink protein shakes

You should keep in mind that with 2 protein shakes a day you have more than enough for your body to start noticing the benefits. Actually, it all depends on your daily protein intake, even 1 shake will already be enough for certain days. But… what are the perfect times to consume a protein shake?

  • In the morning, when you get up. As soon as you get your feet out of bed, make yourself a protein shake that contains fructose and then wait 30 minutes before eating breakfast. This morning food supply goes directly to the muscle to protect it and normalize the glycogen level of the liver (which drops considerably). All these elements make it possible to avoid catabolization.
  • Before starting the training. Pre-workout protein shakes are exclusively beneficial for people doing strength or power training (in volume phase or who practice a lot of cardio daily), but they are not essential for those who only need to define or maintain themselves, therefore, they can perfectly ignore it. For people who are defining or maintaining their figure, it is more beneficial to consume a fruit (apple is served), without any companion, thus glycogen is leveled and they do not feel heaviness while training. If you belong to the first group (strength or power training), it is ideal that you consume a shake with double the amount of carbohydrates (slow digestion) and less protein, since this type of shake helps fructose not release insulin, so the body will use fat as fuel. The formula here would be like this: 1 fruit (for example apple) + 1/2 protein shake.
  • After training. Here the ideal is to quickly recover exhausted muscle and stabilize glycogen levels that will be low (this applies to any type of training you do). For this reason, as soon as you finish exercising you should consume an energy drink or a banana, since you need carbohydrates to recover energy, stabilizing the glycogen level. Then take a protein shake to regenerate and protect muscles. Now, experts debate whether the ideal shake should be fast-absorbing protein or a combination of fast and slow. Thus, we are left with two options: the protein shake should contain whey, thus it contributes to the rapid absorption of nutrients and, consequently, the body assimilates it just in time; the protein shake should contain half whey (fast assimilation) and half casein (slow assimilation). Remember that the body takes 30 minutes to assimilate the protein shake, so as soon as you finish training you should consume the recommended foods.
  • Just before you go to sleep. During the night rest is the ideal time to ingest a slow assimilation protein shake (casein), preferably combined with another fast or moderate assimilation, in addition to some low carbohydrates. This practice is very important because when you sleep the body stops receiving nutrients, however, it continues to carry out important organic processes and uses a certain amount of energy, which, although less than during the day, is equally necessary to fulfill certain vital functions. For this reason, during this period, the body will consume fat and muscle if it does not get any nutrients, therefore it is necessary to provide the right food for this time (although if you consumed enough protein throughout the day, including dinner, and you train, your muscles will not be catabolized). Also,
  • Between meals. If you consume a protein shake between meals, rest assured that you will be able to arrive at lunchtime with a more controlled appetite and lots of energy. Thanks to this you do not feel fatigued, you do not overeat, or snack on inappropriate foods during the day, as you provide the body with plenty of protein and few calories. The most suitable hours to enjoy this energetic breakthrough? Close at 11:30 in the morning and around 17:30 in the afternoon.

Tip: Some athletes respond better to protein before exercising and others after.

How to drink protein shakes to lose weight

Traditionally, protein diets are associated with sports activities or fitness training (increased muscle mass) and not so much with maintenance or weight loss diets. Even many people still think that consuming protein shakes makes those who follow weight loss diets fat if they do not receive training. Well, currently, there are specialized studies that relate the consumption of protein shakes directly to weight loss, as they help reduce ghrelin levels (a hormone responsible for regulating appetite), thus reducing the intensity of hunger. In addition, these shakes nourish the body, provide more muscle and burn fat thanks to the proteins contained in it. However, if you want optimal results, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Never consume shakes during meals. Consuming these drinks with other foods makes you fat (you increase in fat and not in lean mass) and can cause mild indigestion.
  • Use the shakes as a complement to a proper daily diet. Every day you should consume 1 or 2 grams for each kilo of your weight. That is, if you weigh 65 kilos you should eat 65 grams of protein a day. However, the dosage varies depending on the type of protein, the objectives and the constitution of each person. But what happens if every day we cannot fulfill this premise? Here are the protein shakes, perfect to complement the daily diet.
  • Do some relevant physical activity. To maximize the benefits of protein drinks, it is important to follow a workout or physical activity that involves effort. Remember, exercise favors the growth of lean mass and consequently weight loss.
  • Eat foods that are appropriate to the diet you follow, no junk food or unsuitable foods (lots of fat or sugar).

Tip: Accompany your smoothies with: sunflower, cocoa powder, soy powder, spiraling algae, amaranth, sesame, pumpkin, etc.

Foods indicated for a protein diet

Certainly in a protein diet or with a significant protein intake, there are some star foods that we need to include:

  • Vegetable origin: chickpeas, beans (beans or beans), lentils, tofu, mushrooms, fruits, soybeans, vegetables, among others. Rice, bread, among others.
  • Animal origin: milk, egg, beef and chicken meat, fish (tuna and others).

On the other hand, there are key substances that help to achieve maximum use of the proteins contained in food when we eat both together. Among these beneficial substances are: papain (papaya or milky), brome lain (contained in pineapple), act din (kiwi), facing (contained in figs) and carbohydrates.

Tip: Gelatin helps facilitate the absorption of the proteins found in milk.

Can I be a vegetarian and manage to build muscle mass?

The answer is of course yes. all you need is good information, planning and consulting with your doctor. The most important consideration on this topic involves becoming aware of the nutritional quality of animal and vegetable protein, since they are somewhat different, the first being more complete than the second. Why? Since animal protein is of high biological value, this implies that it contains all the essential amino acids for the body, while vegetable proteins need to be supplemented with other foods to become highly usable proteins. In addition, vegetable proteins generally provide more calories (although there are many exceptions), but they are not empty calories, but full of nutrients and low in fat (always healthy and usable). For this reason,

  1. Whole grains and nuts have a lower percentage of protein among foods of plant origin. With the exception of peanuts (peanuts), which have 25% protein. That is, you must combine these foods with others that complete the proteins you need for day to day.
  2. By volume (nutrient density), vegetables have 20 grams of protein per 100 grams of meat product, while meats have 20% more protein. However, meats have all the essential amino acids for the body, and some vegetables have “almost all of them”, however, they always need to be supplemented with other foods.
  3. Animal protein generally contains fat, usually saturated, with the exception of oily fish. However, they have low calories, no more than 200 calories per 100 grams. On the other hand, legumes, cereals or nuts have few fats (and very healthy), many nutrients (fiber, carbohydrates and micronutrients) but also many more calories than animal proteins. It is estimated that around 300 to 700 calories per 100 grams (it also depends on the food, since there are several with many nutrients and very few calories). Of course, these calories are highly used by the body (they have great nutritional value, they are not empty calories).

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