Fish broth recipe

Fish broth recipe

In this new easy recipe I want to show you how to make fish broth or fumet. With this recipe we will take advantage of fish heads, bones and remains that we always keep in the freezer, the result is a concentrated preparation that will serve us not only to drink as a soup and comfort ourselves,…

Fennel Cream Recipe

Fennel Cream Recipe

Fennel is a wild plant that is grown on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and that has many health benefits if you consume it regularly. It helps heavy digestion, reduces gas, relieves colds by facilitating expectoration, provides iron, so it fights anemia, and also helps to lose weight, as it has great diuretic and purifying…

Uruguayan Stew Recipe

Uruguayan Stew Recipe

Uruguayan Stew Recipe If you like stews and Latin food, you cannot miss this recipe that we bring you for a delicious Uruguayan stew, which in addition to being super tasty is very nutritious, because with just one dish you already contribute to the body a large amount of the nutrients it needs. Or if you dare, you can also try…