Recipe for pasta salad with tuna and onion

Recipe for pasta salad with tuna and onion

This is a practical, simple and economical pasta salad with tuna and onion, since we can use any ingredient that we have at home. We suggest adding carrot, parsley, mayonnaise, cottage cheese and garlic, in addition to the main ingredients, but as we say, the list can be extended by incorporating, for example, grated zucchini, corn, tomato,…

Radish Salad Recipe

Radish Salad Recipe

Ingredients to make Radish Salad: 18 radishes 100 grams goat cheese 1 spring onion Salt Pepper 2 tablespoons cashews 2 tablespoons raspberry vinegar 1 dl of olive oil. How to make Radish Salad: We cut the ends of the radishes, make them into slices and reserve. Cut the cheese into medium cubes. Peel and finely chop…

Recipe for cold green bean and apple salad

Recipe for cold green bean and apple salad

In this recipe we are going to make a different fresh salad, with little used ingredients but just as delicious. It is a cold green bean and apple salad, loaded with energy, vitamins and nutrients that will help you keep in shape while enjoying a hearty dish. Keep reading and learn to prepare this fresh salad. Ingredients to make…

Red Quinoa Salad Recipe

Red Quinoa Salad Recipe

Currently, supplements called ‘super foods’ have become a trend; they are called that because they have high sources of nutrients and antioxidants that are essential for the proper functioning of our body. One of them is quinoa or quinoa, a seed native to Peru whose varieties, royal quinoa, black quinoa and red quinoa, are increasingly used in recipes…

Octopus Salad Recipe

Octopus Salad Recipe

How about an octopus salad? Preparing salads is very simple and rich. We can prepare as many different salads as there are days in the year and, with a wide variety of ingredients, they are ideal for both summer and winter, as they are always appetizing. This time, we share with you a recipe for octopus salad: a…