Baked Watermelon Carpaccio Recipe

Baked Watermelon Carpaccio Recipe

One of those dishes that surprise everyone, the baked watermelon Carpaccio is without a doubt one of the vegan dishes that leaves more than one with their mouths open. Follow this easy recipe step by step and learn how to make a vegan Carpaccio with fruit, a fresh and delicious starter. Ingredients to make Baked Watermelon Carpaccio: 1 slice of…

Andalusia Summer Salad Recipe

Andalusia Summer Salad Recipe

Today we present an Andalusia recipe ideal for the warmer months. The Andalusia summer salad is prepared with boiled potatoes, tuna, eggs and other ingredients, and is eaten as an accompaniment to meat and fish. It is a cold, healthy and colorful recipe, just like the salmorejo from Córdoba. This summer salad can be prepared in advance and keeps very well in the…